As soon as the words fell, Sea Delusion Douluo raised his hand and poured energy into the Sea Illusion Sacred Pillar behind him.

The magic pattern on the sacred pillar emitted light golden light, covering Tang San's body.

The power of the Seagod's Light flows within his body.

Like a timely rain, Tang San's strong killing intent was almost overflowing.

The heart dominated by the emotions of killing and destruction slowly regained its calm.

"Tang San, the Sea Illusion Sacred Pillar has passed the examination."

The majestic voice of Seagod sounded in Tang San's mind.

The dense fog lingering around the Illusion of the Sea Pillar and the thick black clouds in the sky seem to be purified in the lit golden beam of light, revealing the original beautiful scenery of blue sky and white clouds.

This is also the signal that this level is completely over.

Tang San breathed a sigh of relief, slowly opened his eyes, and cupped his hands towards Sea Delusion Douluo who was sitting on the ground covered in blood: "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Even the current him is not sure that he can completely suppress those terrible negative energies. How terrifying would it be if they were completely poured out? !
"No, I don't agree with you taking this risk."

He knows best how much negative energy Tang Sui is carrying now.

"Wait, Sui Sui, isn't your own twin domain the spiritual domain of fantasy? Just like you trained us before, just throw yourself into the domain and experience it. Why did you ask Senior Sea Delusion Douluo to help?" ?”


Ning Rongrong directly took Tang Sui's hand, with a solemn expression: "Sui Sui, I know you are anxious. Our desire to become stronger is also urgent. But if we need to pay such a heavy price to gamble, we will not Willing to let you go on an adventure!"

"Master Tang San!"

Seeing that Tang San sat cross-legged on the ground and practiced directly after finishing speaking, Tang Sui looked at Haiwang Douluo who was about to start adjusting his breath, and said proactively: "Senior Haiwang Douluo, after you finish adjusting your breath, I will Could you please use the domain on me as well?"

"Just now in the first battle, I feel that you, senior, are very good at mobilizing the weak points of people's hearts. You also said that people often explode with unexpected strength under extreme emotions. I want to use your power to magnify the weakness in my heart. Darkness, to overcome a problem of my own."

Although he has the dual support of Xiao Ao and Sui Sui, he knows that he must take a break.

"If you do this, it is tantamount to actively breaking the balance that was so hard to maintain. If you are a little careless, if your spirit and personality completely collapse, you will be lucky to become an idiot or become mad at that time, and it is more likely that you will die suddenly. Death!"

Dai Mubai's face was full of doubts, and Ma Hongjun couldn't help saying: "Yes, Sui Sui, you want to try some kind of trials in the spiritual field, won't you be able to have enough food and clothing if you do it yourself?"

Oscar made two sausages with different functions and handed them to Tang San.

Thinking of this, Tang San told Dai Mubai and the others to temporarily stop at the Sea Illusion Sacred Pillar to rest.

"Little San!"

"Third Brother!"

Hai Duo Douluo was stunned, and looked at Tang Sui, "Of course it's possible. I said before the big enshrinement that you are also a distinguished guest of our Sea God Island, and you are treated with the same courtesy as Tang San. On the premise of not affecting their assessment, we I will do my best to help you as well.”

Using the spirit bone ability twice, using the eighth spirit ability twice, plus the release of Ziji Divine Light twice and the spirit being affected by the illusion, Tang San still showed an uncontrollable tiredness on his face.

Hai Duo Douluo's face also became serious: "This move is indeed very risky. Tang Sui, have you really thought about it? If what you need is to try, I can stop as soon as possible."

The moment Tang Sui landed on the ground, he also applied a second soul skill to Tang San and Hai Duo Douluo.

Dai Mubai and the others were also full of disapproval.

Hai Duan Douluo couldn't help but look at Tang Sui who made the shot, and the latter smiled at him.

Although he had already defeated the third Title Douluo, this level consumed him more than expected.

Fortunately, he was the only one with a time limit in the entire fifth trial, and the time it took to challenge the two Title Douluo was very little, so it was enough for him to pause and rest.

Everyone was shocked, Tang San couldn't help but opened his eyes when he heard this, and looked at Tang Sui with a frown: "Sui Sui, you can't take such a risk! The negative energy you carry is already huge, thanks to you always If you have not been shaken, you will not be polluted together."

"Huh? Your domain is also a spiritual illusion?" Sea Delusion Douluo, who heard some knowledge, showed surprise, "You even gave your partners this kind of trial in advance? No wonder Tang San was able to do this. Crack my domain quickly, and get out of the illusion, isn't your domain development direction similar to mine, which can mobilize the deepest emotions in people's hearts?"

Tang Sui shook his head, "Rongrong, Boss Dai, brother, and everyone, you don't need to persuade me too much. This is a choice made by me and Humian."

The Eight Shrek Monsters and Xiaobai who were watching the battle rushed to the hexagonal platform in front of the Illusion of the Sea Pillar one after another.

Fox face them?

Tang San's brows were serious, Tang Sui looked at her brother seriously, and said: "Brother, I know your worries. I didn't just do it on a whim. I've been thinking about this since half a month ago."

Whether it's soul power or mental power, his consumption is far higher than facing Seahorse Douluo.

Everyone's expressions changed for a while, and Tang San's expression also began to hesitate.

Feeling the instant recovery of the injury, and the rapid recovery of the spirit power at an astonishing speed, Sea Delusion Douluo waved his hands, looked at Tang San, and said: "People will erupt unexpected strength under extreme emotions, but You will also lose control of yourself. Tang San, your strength is unquestionable. Although you have passed my test, please remember today's lesson and restrain yourself to the end."

Tang San's eyes dimmed, and he nodded, somewhat rejoicing that they had experienced this cruelest illusion trial before, and now they had acquired resistance.

"No, please don't show mercy to me." Tang Sui said firmly.

"elder brother!"

"Sui Sui!"

Otherwise, he really couldn't restrain his killing intent just now, and did something he regretted.

Tang Sui nodded: "Yes, that's true. As my partner said, although I can also exert the domain effect on myself, I'm ashamed to say that because I haven't fully mastered the domain yet, even if I can exert the spirit Illusion, but far from reaching the limit I want."

If it is said that apart from Tang Sui, the one who knows fox masks the most is Tang San who knows that the masks hide tricks.

If it was only Tang Sui's temporary decision, then he would definitely not agree.

Tang San's eyes changed for a while, and finally he looked at Haiwang Douluo, stood up on the ground, clasped his fists towards Haiwang Douluo and said: "Senior Haiwang Douluo, I wonder if you can contact Senior Bo Saixi, if If possible, I would like to ask Senior Bo Saixi to take care of Sui Sui."

"Little three?!"

"Third brother?!"

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