Seahorse Douluo opened the blind box to Ning Rongrong, Sea Star Douluo opened it to Xiao Wu.

There was only one Sea Ghost Douluo left, and Oscar was not found after a long search.Instead, they were attracted by the big movement of Tang San and the others fighting, and a big scuffle started.

There is still an incense stick of time left, so to put it bluntly, it is hard work.

With the full support of Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasure Avatar, everyone adopted the iron king's tactics, but whenever they had the opportunity, they would still use the fantasy mushroom intestines on their bodies to scatter and fly away, taking advantage of the complex terrain and lush vegetation of Sea God Island. The vegetation has started a new round of chasing drama, and it is a little time to delay it.

On Sea God Mountain, Tang Sui, who was watching the battle scene projected on the seawater screen, paused for a moment, then looked into the distance with feeling.

The direction Tang Sui was staring at led Sea Dragon Douluo to the other end, and Tang San, who fired two 10-year spirit bone skills in a row, coughed up a big mouthful of blood, fell heavily from mid-air, and stared at him solemnly. Watching Sea Dragon Douluo's approaching attack, he calculated the time in his heart.


The pitch-black vortex unfolded the moment Tang San was about to smash into the ground, swallowing Tang San, and before Sea Dragon Douluo's attack arrived, it disappeared within Sea Dragon Douluo's attack range.


Sea Dragon Douluo's stunned voice was covered by the huge roar of his arms covered with a layer of hard dragon scales.

Tang Sui turned his head and met Bo Saixi's eyes, "Exactly."

On the other side of Haishen Mountain, Bo Saixi, who had clearly felt Tang Sui's power, moved his eyes and looked towards Tang Sui. His gaze was fixed on the corners of the other's slightly raised lips, and there was a little bit of probing in his eyes: "Is that the one called Tang Sui?" Oscar's food-type soul master has reproduced your martial soul with soul skills."

In the previous fights with other Guardian Douluo, they also suffered a lot of trauma. Now it can be said that they are all strong bows and crossbows. They can only wait for the refreshment of the cooldown time of Oscar's second soul skill, Shanmian. Round batches of soul skills, more time to ease the struggle.

Not far away, Ning Rongrong, who had exhausted all his evasive moves, suddenly opened up a dark vortex, sucking her into it, making Seahorse Douluo's attack in vain.

Tang Sui met Bo Saixi's scrutinizing gaze, calm and composed.

This is also the reason why stealing someone first steals her brother and Rongrong.

The spiritual pollution that Tang San actively shared was even more than that of Oscar.

Such conjectures surfaced in the minds of other Guardian Douluo who were also successfully stolen.

In a few minutes, Oscar, who dragged his companions into the field at the fastest speed, was dripping with cold sweat, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked very painful.

In the pitch-black spiritual domain, after Oscar moved the entry and exit point of the domain to the place they had negotiated at the beginning, he concentrated on dealing with the huge pollution erupting like an active volcano.

Haiwang Douluo's DNA, which was chasing Ma Hongjun whose body was already stained red with blood, moved instantly, and looked over with a pair of sharp eyes, eyes full of fear and horror.

After biting the bullet and opening the domain on a large scale to include his partners, he can only maintain a fist-sized entrance and exit, stubbornly hiding in the shadow of a corner of the city, praying that time will pass quickly.

In fact, the moment the stealing was successful, more than eight people were sharing the mental pollution.

But there is no need to tell Bo Saixi.

"But as far as I know, even if there is a soul skill that can replicate another soul master's martial soul and soul skill, it cannot reproduce the effect of the domain." If even the domain can be replicated, then the food It is not an exaggeration for a soul master to be so miserable in the mainland, and it is not an exaggeration to be confessed directly.

There is no doubt about her brother's spiritual power. After being whipped by the upgraded version of the field pollution, this pollution is nothing, and he can survive it with hard resistance.

What Bo Saixi said was almost to say whether Tang Sui secretly played tricks and helped them cheat.

Even if the domain can be expanded, Xiao Ao, who has never faced it directly, can't bear the huge pollution power, and it's hard for him to say a few more.

Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang couldn't help but tense their minds, but Tang Sui smiled calmly and explained: "Oscar's tiger-painted cat mirror sausage can indeed only reproduce the martial soul. However, this is when the martial soul has not mutated. basically."

Thinking of the scene of the masks chattering in the spiritual space, Tang Sui's smile grew stronger.

"But the advantage of self-separation is that, together with him himself, it is now equivalent to eight of them sharing the huge spiritual pollution in the field of expansion."

Rounding off, mental pollution can also be shared.

He could only pull her brother in right away at the moment when the field of use was unfolded, conveying spiritual power to him, and at the same time let Rongrong, who possessed the illusionary wisdom skull, display the illusionary space again.

But they couldn't think of it after thinking about it, because Oscar couldn't bear such a huge spiritual pollution, even opening the domain would be a huge burden on the soul power, even with Tang Sui's second soul ability and the help of Ning Rongrong and Tang San It's all choking.

The magical space can increase the spiritual power of allies by 20.00%, and at the same time establish a spiritual network, so that each other's minds can communicate with each other, and they will not get lost in the illusion.

The corners of the lips of everyone in a state of embarrassment were filled with bright red blood, their faces were pale, and their mental strength was disordered.

"That is to say, Xiao Ao can also use my twin domain now, although it is a low-quality version. Hmm."

Like a fishing net thrown from a fish pond, it is tenaciously blocking a line in front of the ups and downs of a pond gate, facing the impact of the turbulent water waves, netting the big fish that hit the fishing net, and not allowing them to let go gate outflow.

"To be honest, my spirit face itself is a mutant martial soul. The direction of this mutation is related to me. It can be said that each mask is a split personality from me. The moment they appear, they have independent My thinking. And my not bound to me, but comes with the martial soul."

"However, Xiao Ao should be suffering from a headache now. There are seven different voices in his head, and there are still huge negative emotions polluting his spirit, and he may collapse at any time."

Thirteen people share the pollution that is constantly overflowing in the connected network of spiritual power.

"Didn't Tang Sui not participate in the assessment? Could it be that food-type soul master again? He still has the soul power to reproduce Tang Sui's martial soul?"

As for the reason for pulling Rongrong in, it still has to involve Rongrong's fantasy wisdom skull.

In the outside world, the Guardian Douluo who had lost their target started to search for special spiritual fluctuations and spatial fluctuations in the domain with black faces.

"This is?! The power of the domain? Tang Sui's domain?!"

Otherwise, he will only be caught in the urn by then.

Another fastest possibility is that they exhausted their strength ahead of time and were locked in the domain without even the strength to go out, so they could only wait for Tang Suilao.

But if they do this, Tang San and the others may directly be judged to have failed the assessment.

- off topic -

The update at the beginning of the month will jump between single and double, and it will return to normal in the middle of the month.

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