Chapter 653 The next destination
Shang Yang's recruiting guidance lasted for more than four months.

During this period, Tang Sui hardly ate anything except being beaten, sitting in meditation, and occasionally drinking some water when he was thirsty.

For the Yaozu, eating is optional. Most of the time hunting and eating are for increasing their own energy or simply eating.

Like the monks in the novels of cultivating immortals, after reaching a certain level of strength, they can eat grains instead of eating whole grains.As long as the spiritual power in the body is not exhausted, it can always maintain a full state.

The air of today's Slaughter City is full of demon power, and it is a natural cradle of warmth.

In the same way, Tang Sui, who is bathed in abundant energy, will not feel hungry or thirsty.

When Tang Sui finally broke away from passive beating and turned into an active attack, beating Shang Yang's fine black scales to pieces and making many cracks, Shang Yang stopped this long training.

"Yes, your mastery of power has been perfected. I have nothing more to teach you."

The crimson demonic power covered the bloody scales on his body, slowly seeping into the deep wounds like slime.

In just over ten seconds, the wound on Shang Yang's body was condensed into a shallow mark, which was then covered by the tightened black scales. If the black scales on his body hadn't been dyed a deeper color, it would have Not come out injured.

Thanks to the uninterrupted beating during this period, in order to speed up recovery, Tang Sui also figured out not to use soul skills, but to use demon power to heal his injuries.

Although human soul masters can also do it, their self-healing time is slower, and they need to constantly mobilize their soul power to repair damaged meridians or use external golden sore medicine to assist recovery.

Tang Sui's self-healing speed was much slower than Shang Yang's, but it only took ten minutes to heal the seriously injured state, and with the blessing of the soulless skill, it was also very fast.

It's not that Tang Sui doesn't have the soul power to use soul skills, but that he is consciously exercising his mastery of demon power.It is also to be prepared for future battlefields, leaving the two limited recovery quotas for the second soul ability to companions who need it more.

After all the wounds on his body were healed, Tang Sui felt that about 89% of the power was left in his lower body, and a relaxed smile appeared on his dusty face: "Well, my soul power has reached level 95 now. , At present, in my opinion, it is not difficult to fight against Title Douluo below level 95. It may be a bit difficult to fight against level [-] and above, but it is not impossible to fight."

In the upward direction, let's see who has more and stronger cards.

Although so far, she still hasn't been able to understand the meaning of the suffix in the parentheses in the field of evolution on the personal panel given by the black face, but it is still not easy to keep the advantages and in-depth effects of her own field under the absolute disadvantage. .

Shang Yang nodded and put away the demon power domain.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed back to the original exquisite decoration.

"What's your plan next? Your human brother won't be able to leave Sea God Island for a while, right?" Shang Yang looked at Tang Sui.

Tang Sui fell into deep thought.

There is nothing Uncle Snake can point out, the next plan
Then practice?

Half hesitantly thinking about it, she opened her mouth, but the words that came to her lips were cut off by the fox face.

Fox face: "Little master, maybe you can take advantage of the time when Tang San is still drawing the artifact next door, go to the extreme north and complete the Qingnv room." '

Young women's room?
Tang Sui's mind flashed through the previous communication with Qingnvfang, as if he had suddenly realized.

Yes, I almost forgot, her imperial soul is not complete yet.

There is actually no improvement in simple cultivation, and the bigger one still has to start with "equipment strengthening".

What's more, if you have a complete young girl's room, it is equivalent to having a guarantee of a gold medal from death.

Thinking of this, Tang Sui's eyes lightened slightly, and he said, "Next, I want to go to the extreme north."

"Extreme North? Snowfield?" When it comes to the north, it is easy to think of the endless pale snowfield.

Shang Yang frowned suddenly, because he didn't like the cold.

"What are you going to the North Pole for?"

"The Royal Soul Young Girl's Room that I accidentally obtained from the treasure house of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is actually incomplete. Now the bonus she gives me is only a 15% increase in the critical strike passive, but if it is a complete form of Young Girl's Room, I will not only It can increase the critical strike by 15%, and can even get a resurrection."

The last two words sharpened Shang Yang's gaze, and he repeated Tang Sui's words: "Resurrection?"

"Well. If I am killed by the enemy in the future, or other accidental death, on the basis of removing all my own gains and debuffs, I will be frozen automatically, and then resurrected in the freeze. During the freeze waiting for resurrection, I Will get a 100% defense boost and be immune to all negative states."

Tang Sui's eyes brightened, "But the premise is that someone must guard against the ice being shattered. Otherwise, I will die together."

Shang Yang looked at Tang Sui whose tone was yearning, and said in a vague way, "You don't worry about me."

The word resurrection, even a big monster like it, feels full of temptation.

I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet?Who doesn't want to have multiple real life-saving cards?
Tang Sui smiled at Shang Yang, without any gloom in his smile: "Although most monster races are unpredictable and even cruel, I believe in Uncle Snake."

It was Batwing who picked her up at the beginning, but Shang Yang's attitude was still very disgusting, immersed in the chain of contempt.

Until later, in theory, she had lost her true protector and became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.But no matter whether it was the promotion after returning to the Killing City or the management, Shang Yang, who is used to being free, never said that he would give up. He even helped her protect the law at the important moment of her promotion, and then went alone to overcome his own attributes. Sea God Island.

All this shows that Shang Yang included her in his own circle.

More with trust.

So Tang Sui also trusts and trusts Shang Yang.

Some things don't need to be said clearly, everyone tacitly.

Shang Yang, who met Tang Sui's gaze, let out a soft snort, as if he had uncovered the matter.

Tang Sui, who passed the level, blinked, and asked again: "Then, Uncle Snake, are you staying in the Killing City next, or?"

Shang Yang waved his hand: "I'll help you stay in the Killing City. I don't like cold places. Remember to take that fox mask with you when you leave."

"Fox face?" Tang Sui was taken aback.

Shang Yang looked at Tang Sui who didn't intend to take away the fox face, and warned in a low voice: "Even if you have the ability to fight those powerful human soul masters, it is not the soul masters who are powerful in the extreme north, but the soul masters." It's a soul beast."

Tang Sui was keenly aware of something, "Have you ever been to the extreme north?"

"When I was first drawn here by the space-time rift, I wandered there for a while."

As if thinking of something unpleasant, Shang Yang's tone was not very good.

"The environment in the extreme north is dangerous, the terrain is on the high side, there are humans but not many, and there are more different soul beast races entrenched there, occupying the mountain as king. I used to have a bad relationship with the soul beast race over there Happy, if you want to go to the extreme north, put on your mask."

"For you, a mask is equivalent to the existence of a half-body. If you divide your strength into seven parts, then missing a mask means that your overall strength is reduced by one-seventh, which is too dangerous."

Speaking of this, Shang Yang's voice is very cold:

"Sometimes, it's not just people's hearts that are cunning and sinister. There are... guys who have been brainwashed by greed."

Tang Sui's heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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