Chapter 674 tug of war

So it was you at that time. Sui Sui
Tang Hao's lips trembled a few times, layers of vortices formed in the bottom of his eyes, and his heart was pounded by countless complicated emotions.

The scene on the day of the wife's sacrifice is still vivid in my memory as if it was yesterday.

Tang Hao, who hadn't been so sad for a long time, lowered his head in embarrassment, covered his reddish eye sockets, and exhaled hot breath restrained and trembling, as if he wanted to release the sudden heat from his eye sockets.

Tang Sui didn't know the shock in Tang Hao's heart.

Now all her attention was focused on one thing.

The energy keeps rising, condensing, and dispersing into several strands, hitting the bottleneck of level 90 again and again.

Gradually, the barrier covering Tang Sui's power breath became unstable.

Like a water balloon that has been pierced with pinholes, the energy aura pouring out of the water is pure and rich. The spirit beasts living within a radius of ten miles, or even farther away, can feel the beast-attracting energy transmitted by the wind.


The rustling of grass leaves came to my ears.

Tang Hao, who stood on the spot like a door god, squinted his eyes, his eyes were dark, and after his five fingers were vacant, he firmly grasped the black and huge Clear Sky Hammer, and his whole person's aura changed completely, as if The male lion just woke up from his sleep, every muscle in his body was tense to the extreme, and he yelled out loudly:

The dense white light centered on him, precisely avoiding Tang Sui's position and exploded.

Wherever you go, everything freezes.

The flying soul beasts soaring and circling in the sky were frozen into ice sculptures and fell to the ground from mid-air, their bodies scattered along with the ice blocks on the frost-white ground.

The ones who were frozen together also included the soul beast that sniffed the air to lure the beast and made the beast feel sick, and approached the target.

This is the killing god domain after the murderous aura is materialized.

But just a killing god domain is not enough to make some powerful soul beasts who came after smelling the smell retreat.


After the sound of ice shattering, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Tang Hao snorted coldly, seven halos floated from under his feet, the first and third soul rings lit up, Tang Hao turned sideways, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow from the string, holding the Haotian Hammer's wrist hard, Haotian The jet-black body of the hammer swelled again and mercilessly hit the face of the soul beast that jumped into the air and tried to launch an attack.


The huge soul beast let out a painful cry.

The five-meter-high black-spotted yellow-haired body has sharp lines, two sharp upper canine teeth, and apricot-colored vertical pupils full of greed and fear.

This is a colorful leopard with a cultivation base of about 2 years.

"Leave, or die!"

The body that jumped up inertially fell to the ground again, Tang Hao spit out the cold words, and stared at the colorful leopard with killing intent after being hit by him, and landed smoothly with its claw pads.

With a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years, one has already used the wisdom of a child.

Tang Hao didn't believe that the other party couldn't understand what he said.

The Panther Leopard, who understood, looked at the majestic Tang Hao, his eyes flicked over Tang Hao's right arm and left leg whose soul power had been blurred, and then at the black-red enchantment ball blocked by Tang Hao's tall body, the apricot-colored Humanized resentment flashed in his vertical pupils, and the claw pads scratching the ground slightly opened, revealing sharp claws that could easily tear apart human flesh.

Tang Hao who saw this also understood the meaning of this colorful leopard.

In the next second, Tang Hao kicked his feet, and a circle of dirt was sunken in the ground, while the others had already swung the Clear Sky Hammer and fought with the howling and culling Panthera.

After a few breaths, the mutilated and mutilated leopard's head collapsed to the ground. The strong smell of blood mixed with the stench in the air, forming a disgusting stench that permeated the area.

Tang Hao didn't change his expression, he just swung his hammer and rushed towards the other auras that he thought he had hidden well.

one day two days five days
The day and night above the setting sun forest changed, and as time went by, more and more corpses of soul beasts piled up near the stinky pool.

At first Tang Hao would throw away the corpses of soul beasts lying nearby, but as the days passed, more and more soul beasts were attracted by such a huge energy, and their cultivation became stronger and stronger Afterwards, Tang Hao didn't dare to leave the stinky water pool even one step.

As for the corpses of spirit beasts piled up around the stinky pool, white maggots grew out of the rotting wounds on several spirit beasts, wriggling in the foul-smelling rotting flesh, gnawing at the corpses.

Seeing that it was the end of another night, Tang Hao, who was already a little wounded, put the heavy body of the Haotian Hammer on the ground, panting heavily, and looked back at Tang Sui behind him.

After the precipitation of time, the barrier protecting Tang Sui has already formed a cocoon-like shell.

Although he couldn't see the inside, Tang Hao really felt that the energy escaping from the barrier was much less than the previous few days, as if it had been absorbed.

When he was piled up with corpses yesterday, he saw that the second protective barrier protecting Sui Sui had gradually stabilized from flickering.

According to this trend, Sui Sui should be able to complete the gathering of the ninth soul ring in a few days.

Tang Hao took a long breath, and before he could finish the breath, two other strange and powerful breaths entered the detection range of his mental power.


Tang Hao propped up his body in an instant, and stared at the south that was swept by his mental power and rubbed between the grass blades, his bloodshot eyes were red.

Two human figures in cloaks rushed out from between the tall trees, Tang Hao's expression sank, and he was about to swing the Clear Sky Hammer, but was stopped by another voice from under the hood——


Tang Hao paused, the killing intent in his eyes froze, and his thinking seemed to have stagnated for a moment after suffering day and night killings, he froze in place, and said a little dullly:
"Little San?"

The man in the black and blue cloak stretched out his hand and pulled down the hood, revealing the handsome facial features that Tang Hao was familiar with but added a bit of calm and prestige.

Azure pupils, half-length dark blue hair, and the people beside him who pulled down the cloak and hood together, revealing a scorpion braid, are exactly Tang San and Xiao Wu who hurried back to Tiandou from Sea God Island!

Xiao Wu also called someone.

Tang Hao blinked his sour eyes, and the Haotian Hammer that he raised in his hand fell to the ground again, hitting the ground heavily, creating a circle of dust.

Tang San stepped forward to meet him, and supported his father who seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, and his footsteps were a little unsteady, and said sadly: "Dad, why are you here alone?"

Right now Tang San only saw Tang Hao.

Xiao Wu looked at the bloody and rotting soul beast corpses around her, with a serious expression on her face, "Are these soul beasts all coming for you?"

Tang Hao shook his head when he heard the words, his voice was tired and hoarse: "They are here for Sui Sui."

"Sui Sui?!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu were taken aback.

Tang Hao stood up straight, looked back, raised his chin and said: "Your sister is condensing the ninth soul ring, and today is the eighth day of her condensing the ring."

- off topic -

In the past few days, Moli is preparing for a new pit, and I should meet you this month~
By the way, a new article by Amway, a group of friends with dark circles under their eyes: "It was agreed to farm together, but you secretly went to guard the beast?" ", it's a sand-carved animal-monitoring article, welcome to follow up~
The eye circles say that if you keep chasing updates, there will be more updates!

(End of this chapter)

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