Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 683 Tang Sui, super proficient in escaping and stealing

Except for Tang Sui, Tang San and Xiao Wu couldn't wait to retract the soul power injected into their feet to absorb the mask, floated down from mid-air, and landed firmly in front of several elders.

"Xiao Wu!" Liu Erlong excitedly stepped forward and hugged his goddaughter Xiao Wu into his arms.

The three masters stood in place restrainedly, staring at the two brothers and sisters with burning eyes.

Tang Sui and Tang San called people in turn, and the master nodded again and again: "Okay! You came back at the right time! Xiao San, just now Senior Baihe said that the Wuhun Empire seems to have found His Majesty Xue Beng's whereabouts. Rong Rong, who was in retreat, and Xiao Ao who accompanied him, Hong Jun, along with the three elders of the education committee of Tiandou Academy, secretly escorted His Majesty Xue Beng to meet with the Star Luo Empire."

"The three of us are going to stay in Tiandou City. Your teacher Zhao is looking after the college. A few days ago, Qin Ming led a few disciples from Tiandou College who were about to break through to the soul master to hunt soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. There was really no time to come and catch them." Go to Xilu City, you are the only ones who can move now!"

The master cut straight to the point, Tang San also realized the seriousness of the matter, frowning,

"After we returned to Tiandou, we separated in Haibin City. If the two majesties of Xingluo and Tiandou plan to meet and discuss the alliance, Boss Dai and Zhuqing who returned to Xingluo should also go to Xilu City to support , just in case. If we call Rong Rong and Xiao Ao to set off now, maybe we can meet Boss Dai and the others."

"Grandpa, please go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School now, and bring Rongrong and Xiao Ao over here, we will set off immediately." Tang San said to Bai He calmly.

With Xiao Ao's flying mushroom sausage, coupled with Rongrong's 90.00% speed assist, superimposed with Sui Sui's speed assist, from Tiandou City to Xilu City, you can arrive at night after departure!
Bai He nodded, and the figure disappeared in front of their eyes in the next second.

Tang Sui glanced at the teachers, recalling what the master said just now, his eyes suddenly focused.

【ear. 】

Bai Mian read out Tang Sui's real name as a monster.

What the black face could think of, of course Tang Sui also thought of it, she suddenly stepped forward to confirm with the master:
"Teacher, you said that senior Qin took some college disciples to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts?"

The master looked at Tang Sui with a dignified face, and nodded in confusion: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"More than half a month ago, I received information from my subordinates. They said that the Wuhun Empire sent two Titled Douluo to the Star Dou Forest secretly. It seemed that they wanted to investigate something. It must be possible for the Titled Douluo to be dispatched. something extremely important."

Tang Sui opened his mouth and came.

Anyway, Tang San and Xiao Wu hadn't arrived at the Sunset Forest at that time, so they didn't know if there was any information passed on.

Star Dou Great Forest? !

As soon as this was mentioned, Tang San and Xiao Wu first thought of the two 10-year-old emperor-level spirit beasts that originally lived in the Star Dou Great Forest, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape!

The two people whose faces changed suddenly looked at each other, and the surprise they saw in each other's eyes was uncertain.

I just knew that there were two 10-year-level soul beast kings living in the center of the Star Dou Great Forest, but I didn't expect that so many masters cared about it. According to Tang Sui, if the two titled Douluo hadn't left, Qin Ming and his party might collide with each other!
It was about a former proud student and now a fellow teacher, Flender immediately couldn't stand up: "Then Qin Ming's side is also very dangerous?!"

Tang San probably guessed in his heart that the two titled Douluo dispatched by Spirit Hall might be looking for something, said in a deep voice: "Very likely. Before those guys from Spirit Empire sent people to the Star Dou University to stop Xiao Wu. The forest has been searched for more than a month. At that time, there were also two Title Douluo leading the team, presumably they didn't have ten days and half a month, and they really wouldn't leave the Star Dou Forest."

"Same as before, let's divide the troops into two groups, brother. I'll go to support Senior Qin, and you, sister-in-law and Rongrong will go to Xilu City to support His Majesty Xue Beng." Tang Sui said without hesitation.

Tang San replied with a serious face: "Okay, you must be careful over there!"

Tang Sui nodded, stepped a little, his body twisted into a wisp of black smoke in front of everyone, and disappeared in front of them, the master didn't even have time to stop them.

"and many more!"

The master who failed to block people quickly looked at Tang San, and said angrily: "Little San, there are two strong men with the title of Douluo on Qin Ming's side, and Sui Sui is alone."

"Don't worry, teacher, Sui Sui is also a Titled Douluo now." Tang San thought about what the teacher said, with a confident smile in his smile.

"Even if it's a level 95 Super Douluo, Sui Sui can be absolutely sure as long as he doesn't die and delays and steals away."

The amount of information revealed in Tang San's words is astonishing.

The master, whose thinking stopped in shock, stood there with his mouth open in astonishment.

Seal, Title Douluo?

Flender, who didn't think about it at first, was still thinking happily, but after he realized it, his eyes suddenly widened like copper bells, and his high-pitched voice was out of tune: "What, Sui Sui is already a title. Douluo—!?"

The full moon hanging high in the sky was covered by the influx of black clouds, and only a layer of dim light could seep out from the thick clouds, sprinkled on the dark Star Forest.

The cold wind blew through the trees stationed on this land. Rows of thick trees stood like cold stone statues under the muddy light, with long branches stretched out, forming twisted and deformed shapes on the ground. Shadows, when the wind blows, the treetops sway, like monsters and monsters with teeth and claws, trying to swallow the life that strays into this forest.

"Da da da,"

The blue phantom flitted across the winding woodland at an extremely fast speed. It was a 3000-year-old Bixia deer.

And behind it, a ghost tiger as fast as a ghost is chasing it.

The cultivation level of the ghost tiger is higher than that of the Bixia deer. Seeing that its snout can touch the tail hair of the Bixia deer, the eyes of the ghost tiger, which is dedicated to hunting, opened its bloody mouth wide and stretched its limbs vigorously. Grabbing on the ground, the streamlined body suddenly came to the top of the Bixia deer, aiming at the long neck of the Bixia deer and biting down.


The bright orange-red fire bombarded the ghost tiger like a meteor chasing the moon, and the huge impact of the flame bomb broke the ghost tiger's spine in an instant.

Not only did it fail to bite its prey, but the ghost tiger whose spine was smashed wailed, and the figure that should have fallen to the ground dissipated like a flower in a mirror in the next moment.

This is the ghost tiger's unique avatar ability.

The one who died just now was just Ghost Tiger's stand-in. The main body had already sensed the danger when the flame bomb hit, so he used a trick of golden cicada to escape from its shell and fled in another direction.

The ghost tiger is cunning, and can act as the dark man of the oriole standing in the atmosphere this time.

When the ghost tiger who fled was secretly glad that he had successfully escaped, another wave of flame bombs struck it precisely in front of it.

The ghost tiger wailed, and its body was blown away, breaking a tree trunk as thick as two people hugged.

This time, its spine was not broken, but the whole tiger passed out.

- off topic -

There will be an explosive update on the 23rd, so don't post articles on that day!

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