Dai Hao tilted his head and said in relief: "Your Majesty Xue Beng, don't mind, I believe in the sincerity of Tiandou Empire's cooperation. If King Lan Hao hadn't traveled thousands of miles to bring people to arrive in time to turn the tide and force the Seventh Priest of the Spirit Empire back, I'm afraid there will be More people have suffered misfortune."

Said, he looked gratefully at Tang San, cupped his hands and said: "Dai Hao is here, thank you King Lan Hao for helping me."

Tang San was startled, quickly dodged Dai Hao's gift, and said: "Your Majesty Dai Hao can't. This is my duty as a servant of Heaven Dou."

Xue Beng looked at Tang San happily, and said: "Teacher, you don't have to be overly modest. Your current strength is about to reach the level of Titled Douluo. This speed of growth in strength is indeed beyond my generation's reach. I only hope that you will advance to Titled Douluo as soon as possible." Luo, it is my Tiandou, and the Star Luo Empire of the alliance is very lucky."

Xue Beng took the initiative to put the Star Luo Empire on the alliance position, and also secretly showed the Star Luo Empire his "power background".

Dai Hao nodded secretly in his heart, bearing Xue Beng's words on his face, and walked down the steps he handed over to continue talking.

Tang San was not good at this kind of business bragging, so he just stood aside and responded with a smile.

It wasn't until he glimpsed Tang Sui waving at him from the corner of his eye, that his eyes paused on the dried dark blood stains on Tang Sui's dress, and he said goodbye to Xue Beng and Dai Hao, then walked quickly towards his sister , pressed Tang Sui's shoulder nervously, turned her over and looked at her, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, brother." Tang Sui let Tang San check helplessly.

After confirming that there was no wound, Tang San put his heart back to the original place, glanced around, pulled Tang Sui to a secluded place where no one was there, and asked about the situation of the Star Forest.

Tang Sui also truthfully told her battle and speculation with the ghost.

Tang San's expression was dignified after hearing this, just like Xiao Wu, now he is very grateful in his heart.

"Fortunately, when I left the mainland to resettle my parents four years ago, I brought Da Ming and Er Ming with me."

Otherwise it's another story.

Tang Sui deeply agrees, "I think Bibi Dong will not give up the search easily, after all, Da Ming and Er Ming are both 10-year-level overlord soul beasts, and if a 10-year-level soul beast dies, it will drop more than just a soul ring. There are also top-quality soul bones. It is not ruled out that Bibi Dong may go to other places to continue searching. I think we will wait for the meeting between the two empires to complete this time, and then we will go to arrange parents and Ming Erming sooner. .”

"That's exactly what I mean." Tang San frowned, "It's just that there is one more problem. Strictly speaking, we have only fulfilled the second of the three requirements of the elders of the sect, and there is still one short of killing the Title Dou of the Spirit Hall." Luo."

Tang Sui doesn't care about this point, "I didn't say that the title Douluo who must be killed after the conditions start is counted. We showed off your left arm spirit bone when we returned to the Clear Sky School. Anyway, that spirit bone is indeed It belongs to the titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall."

Tang San showed hesitation: "Will this be a bit of cheating?" After all, the limit Douluo of level 96, strictly speaking, the person who killed him was the "King of Slaughter", even if Tang Suibu did it in the end. Knife, but they are not the ones who contribute the most.

"Brother, to me, the process is not important, I care more about the result." Tang Sui looked at her brother, "If you really mind, then just sacrifice the token given by your great-grandfather."

"But at that time, the whole Haotian School will definitely not accept Mom and Dad from the bottom of their hearts. Forget it, anyway, I told them when I went back. As for whether it counts or not, it depends on what they think. I'm just a little worried that they will Don't admit it, hey."

After all, parents will still stay in Haotianzong, the preparation work must be comprehensive, so that they can be convinced.

Tang Sui doesn't care.

The two brothers and sisters were standing in the corner bawling, sitting in the distance beside the broken fountain, and three education committee members whose clothes were stained with blood were sitting on the platform of the fountain, looking towards this side.

The tall and thin education committee member Meng Shenji looked at the energetic brothers and sisters, and sighed: "That should be Tang San's younger sister Tang Sui, right? In just a few years, Tang San has grown into a Contra, and his younger sister Tang Sui's level of soul power, even I can't see through it. I think I tried to test their brothers and sisters back then, it's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

There was a relieved smile on the face of Bai Baoshan Furun, the chubby member of the education committee: "Isn't that right. Today's Shrek Eight Monsters all have unique skills and are very powerful."

"Haha, isn't the rise of the younger generation the hope of the future?" Zhilin Education Committee, who had always been indifferent, also smiled, his eyes full of hope.

Mengshenji nodded, looked at Xue Beng and Dai Hao who were walking side by side, with far-reaching eyes: "His Majesty Xue Beng and His Majesty Dai Hao are also going to have a discussion. Although this meeting has suffered heavy losses, the purpose has been achieved. It's a good ending."

Zhilin Education Committee shook his head and said: "The ending? Let me tell you, now is just the beginning. How Xingluo and Tiandou will join hands to resist the Wuhun Empire in the future is still a headache."

Two hours later, Tiandou soldiers and Xingluo soldiers jointly cleaned up the city lord's mansion. This time, soul sage level powerhouses representing different forces and their respective positions also sat down to participate in the meeting.

The His Majesties of the two empires were seated at the top, one on the left and one on the right, and the seat on the side of Xue Beng was immediately full.

Tang San, Tang Sui, the three education committee members, Ning Rongrong, the six people directly filled the seats.

On Dai Hao's side, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and General Peng Fei were seated in this order.

After everyone sat down, Davis stood up and walked towards the newly prepared war sand table, starting today's meeting topic:
"Dear Your Majesties, as shown on the sand table, the expansion of the Spirit Empire is already very large, and the current situation is very unfavorable to our two empires. Whenever we confront each other head-on, the Spirit Empire will use twice as many soul masters to directly Crushing is very tricky."

"Now the borders of our two countries are surrounded by heavy soldiers from the Spirit Empire, once they fall."

"Prince Davis." Tang San said suddenly, standing up from his seat.

Davis, who was talking, stopped, and looked at Tang San who got up together with others.

"I think that although the current situation is severe, it is not yet completely hopeless. The actions of the Wuhun Empire seem to be incomprehensible, but they have actually exposed a fatal weakness."

A flash of light flashed in Xue Beng's mind, "Teacher, what do you mean?"


Tang San spit out these two words.

"The competition in war is not only combat ability, but also comprehensive national strength. Although the Wuhun Empire has a huge power of soul masters, other reserves and technological development are just people and materials from the two empires."

Tang Sui answered in agreement: "It's just like Gengxin City back then. When I rushed to support Gengxin City, the first thing the soul master army of the Wuhun Empire thought of was not to take down Gengxin City by force, but to choose Send people to recruit and deal with it. The blacksmiths caught during the battle kept them in captivity and did not kill them."

- off topic -

The appetizer update is complete~ Ink carp will try to release Bobo in one go at night~

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