Tang Sui, who failed in one blow, opened a safe distance and floated in mid-air, looking at Xiao Wu from several shorter snow peaks with different expressions.

Looking at the five elders who ascended into the sky, Xiao Wu's beautiful face showed worry: "The five titled Douluo... I didn't expect that they would directly choose to work together, which made Xiao San and Sui Sui lose the opportunity to restrict Live five elders."

"A formation is just a container. The finale is a set of attack techniques combined with the formation that the five elders have smelted for many years." Tang Xiao, who watched the formation of the black and blue formation, understood the seriousness on the face of the five elders. Increase instead of decrease.

The five elders who each occupied a mountain peak stood in a pentagonal formation, and at the same time cast their Haotian real bodies, and the linked magic circle made the breath of the five of them merge into one in the blink of an eye.

Under the huge pressure, the air froze.

Tang San's azure blue eyes burst out with purple-gold divine light, a blue-gold halo overflowed from his body, countless points of blue-gold light appeared in the air instantly, and twisted and fluctuated.

One after another spirit rings emerged from under Tang San's feet, and with each additional spirit ring, his aura would become thicker.

"The first joint attack, the hammer shakes the world!"

The second elder shouted loudly, and the five people who were covered in black beams of light simultaneously raised the huge Clear Sky Hammers in their hands to the sky, each of the Clear Sky Hammers with slight differences shot out more intense black light, and they soared into the sky, Gathering together in mid-air, they twisted into one strand, breaking through the Blue Silver Domain in an instant.


Tang Sui squinted his eyes, and a dark field vortex swung behind him, and he was submerged in it, disappearing without a trace.

At the same time, the seventh blood-red halo surrounding Tang San began to shine brightly.

"The seventh soul skill, Blue Silver Avatar!"

The blue-golden light completely covered Tang San's body, countless golden threads of light surged out from the swelling blue-silver energy avatar, appearing in the re-expanded blue-silver domain, like a dense web of threads Occupying the space, but unable to invade the pentagonal formation formed by the five elders.

That was Tang San's blue silver avatar attached to the devouring golden thread that could absorb soul power and spiritual power, but when approaching the five elders, it was blocked by the continuous vibration and repulsion from the black beam of light, which also weakened the blue silver domain The increase and decrease of the epidemic effect.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Tang San's blue and silver avatar met the blue-black hammer shadow falling from top to bottom.

"Bang bang bang-!"

The sky changed color, thunder bursts, and the wind and snow rolled on the ground, flooding the field of vision.

The direct disciples who managed to stop the oncoming storm looked up, no matter whether it was Tang Sui or Tang San, they had lost their traces, only the five elders standing on the top of the five peaks were left, and there were still two elders standing between the sky and the earth. A blue and black Haotian formation was launched.

"This, this is the end?" A direct disciple put down his hand, looked around and couldn't see Tang San, and suddenly said in bewilderment.

The disciple next to her also changed from surprise to disdain: "Hey, I didn't expect that these two brothers and sisters are very angry, and they are so vulnerable."

White snow rustled down.

Xuefeng, which was filled with white mist, finally showed its true colors.

The thick Blue Silver Emperor vines rolled into a ball, and the Blue Silver Emperor vines that rose from the surrounding ground slowly spread out, revealing the tightly protected Tang San.

"How is it possible?! He actually blocked our first joint attack with only one Blue Silver Grass!?" The fifth elder's eyes widened in astonishment, his mind was shaken by Tang San.

Unscathed, Tang San looked up at the second elder with the highest spirit power among them, his eyes covered with a layer of purple-gold light reflected energy continuously towards the center of the formation, but Haotian hadn't reached the critical point yet. Great array, unpredictable expression.

It seems that every joint attack needs a certain amount of time to accumulate energy to complete.

Aware of this, the corners of Tang San's lips curled up in a cold arc.

Grasping this gap, the golden divine seal branded between his eyebrows lit up, and a rich golden light spewed out. On the snow-capped mountain peak, the divine light belonging to the Trident of the Sea God lit up. The moment it appeared, the thick clouds in the sky were covered with golden light. radiance impregnated.

On the Trident of the Sea God, the ancient and complicated golden lines seemed to come alive, and the golden light rippled on the blade of the trident like water waves, smooth as a water mirror, and wrapped in an incomparably sacred aura.

They mixed into a terrifying and holy coercion and erupted from Tang San's body. The Seagod's Light that descended suddenly stagnated the rising aura of the five elders. forced back.

Amidst the deafening explosion,

"That is--!"

Seeing the appearance of Tang Xiao and the others with the Seagod Trident, their eyes were filled with astonishment, and their hearts beat a lot faster.

Even though he had never been to Sea God Island, Tang Chen's notes after going to Sea God Island and returning to his sect recorded the artifact on Sea God Island that symbolized the power of Sea God—the Sea God Trident!

Unexpectedly, such artifacts were possessed by Tang San!

The Second Elder withdrew the shock in his eyes, collected himself, raised the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand, poured it with majestic soul power, and shouted in a deep voice: "Prepare for the second attack!"

"I won't let you take the lead again!"

Tang San jumped up, red light rippling out, and the eighth spirit ring lit up again.

"The eighth soul skill, Blue Silver Killer Whale Demon Capture!"

"Be careful, it's the eighth spirit ability of 10 years!" The second elder's reminder almost overlapped with Tang San's shout.

He looked at the center of the large formation that still needed some time to complete the charge, the light in his eyes froze, the eighth spirit ring on his body lit up with dazzling light, and he swung the ring formed by the complete energy form condensed in the air, as big as The mountain-like soul avatar of the Haotian hammer slammed in Tang San's direction brazenly:
"I'll block him first, and you guys will charge up and attack together!"

"The eighth soul skill, Ling Tian strikes!"

The strongest single attack from the Second Elder fell on Tang San, where the hammer head passed, all the light red crystals solidified in the air were shattered!
That's because the second elder's eighth soul skill's attack power of Ling Tian's One Strike even surpassed that of the ninth Soul Skill, and the most domineering part of Ling Tian's One Strike is that this skill is locked by its own soul skill and cannot be dodged.

Now the target of the Second Elder has been set on Tang San, which means that Tang San can only welcome him.

This is the strongest single attack among the five Title Douluo!
"Waiting for your shot!"

With a move of the Seagod Trident in Tang San's hand, an energized blue-gold phantom swung away, and at the same time, Tang San, who was looking at the second elder, shot out two blue-gold rays of light from his eyes, hitting the second elder.

The tingling sensation in the eyes and brain swept over, the second elder grunted, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of the eyes and ears.

The faces of the other four elders changed suddenly, and the irritable seventh elder even began to withdraw his hands that transmitted power to the formation, wanting to support him.

- off topic -

Ah, the code doesn’t move anymore, the ink carp feels like it’s going to squeak, and there’s no drop left, that’s all for today’s update~
Thanks to the cute little ones who wrote long comments for Moli last weekend, let’s compare each other~

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