The black face swept over Tang San and the others who looked anxious, and the elders of the Haotian School who were not clear about the situation but also showed vigilance, slightly raised their jaws, "She won't wake up now. But don't worry, wait for the sacrifice When praying, I will also burn two sticks of high incense."

The black-faced wrist turned over, revealing a slender wrist.

Compared with the lifeless paleness when he first appeared, his current complexion is more like the paleness of a living person.

Tang San, who also noticed the slight change in skin color, fixed his gaze, and saw the black face looking down at his hands, and said with an admiring look: "After all, I am her, and she is also me."

Hearing this, Ah Yin couldn't bear it any longer, broke free from Tang Hao's hand, stepped forward and said, "Wait a minute, will that Sui Sui come back?"

Heimian raised his eyes and bumped into those blue eyes full of worry. For a moment, he seemed to see another pair of similar eyes.

After recovering from the trance, the black face avoided Ah Yin's sight, looked sideways at the embarrassed old men, and said softly: "It's the first time for her to develop a complete domain, and it takes time to adapt. Before fully adapting, she didn't Will wake up, and I will do everything for you."

Tang San frowned, scrutinizing that familiar yet unfamiliar face of Hei Mian, not letting go of any slightest expression.

Tang Hao also looked at Hei Mian with scrutinizing eyes, his lips just moved, as if about to speak, Hei Mian looked over if he felt something.

"Don't worry, if I really want to seize the house, I won't let you go just now." Tang San's suddenly pale face was reflected in the dark pupil, "Everything I do is for her wish."

This pun made Tang San's pupils shrink, and so did Xiao Wu who was standing beside him. Then he thought of something, looked vaguely at Tang Xiao who was still a little unclear, and his eyes flickered.

Ah Yin's tense heart finally let go, she looked at Hei Mian's profile similar to her daughter's, opened her mouth, and asked cautiously in a tone that would not offend the other party: "Then do you have a name? "

Heimian looked at the gentle blue eyes of the other party, was silent for a few seconds, and uttered a new name: "Tang Mo."

"Tang Mo." Ah Yin repeated the name, looking at the black face who was willing to communicate, his eyes were much gentler: "It's a good name."

".Since your family has won, according to the agreement, I take back all my previous speeches. Tomorrow, you all go to worship the old suzerain."

The second elder's deep voice interrupted the gradually warm atmosphere here.

They turned their heads to look at the second elder who broke free from the support of another elder and stood two steps forward stubbornly.

The black face looked at him indifferently, while Tang San's gaze sank slightly, and he cupped his hands towards the Second Elder: "Thank you, Second Elder, for your understanding of righteousness."

Understand righteousness
The Second Elder's eyebrows twitched fiercely, under the calm eyes of Heimian and Tang San, a feeling of anger and powerlessness suddenly rose in his heart.

Even though the eyes of their brothers and sisters were calm, to them, it was a kind of silent ridicule.

In a five-on-two situation, five Title Douluo faced a younger generation who had just stepped into the ranks of Title Douluo, and Tang San, whose spirit power was still a Soul Douluo.

Under the tragic contrast of their defeat, it was as if several slaps had been slapped on the face, making their faces dull, and the second elder's heart was ashamed.

Taking advantage of Tang Xiao turning his head to talk to Tang Hao and his family about tomorrow's worship, the second elder's eyes sharpened, his five fingers slightly opened, and he suddenly condensed his own Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer. , blatantly swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand towards the top of his head, but in the next second, before another blue-golden light swayed, the terrifying coercion took the first step to stabilize the second elder's body, keeping him still. The movement of swinging the hammer froze there, unable to move.

The second elder, who had already consumed a lot and even suffered internal injuries, suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, glared at the black face in grief and anger, and said hoarsely: "What are you doing! Could it be that I don't even have the right to die!?"

Heimian had an expression of "what nonsense are you talking about?", and raised his brows slightly: "I think you understand the truth that the winner is king and the loser is bandit."

The Second Elder's brows twitched violently, and then Hei Mian's tone suddenly sank, "It seems that you don't quite understand it yet."


"Tang Mo." Tang San took a step forward and spoke before the expressions of his uncle Tang Xiao and his father Tang Hao changed.

Hei Mian squinted at this side, and with a soft snort put away the coercion against the second elder.

Tang San sighed softly in his heart, and began to clean up this mess.

This time, the stubborn Second Elder was still on the same fate track as before, with a strong desire to die, and it was Tang San who took out the Haotian Token Tang Chen gave him to calm down the situation.

As for taking the opportunity to kneel down to support Tang San's superior elder, the black face let out a heh heh, and directly opened up the domain, letting them feel for a while what a marionette is, and forcibly stood up.

Tang San told Tang Xiao helplessly that he already had the Tang Sect, and Tang Sui had a great power handed down to her by an elder to manage, and he had no intention of being the head of the Haotian School or the important position of the Supreme Elder.

The situation was at a stalemate, but Tang Hao couldn't stand it anymore, and said that he would give up as an honorary elder, so he gave up.

In the stiff atmosphere, Tang San's family stayed in the Clear Sky School, and early the next morning, together with Tang Xiao, Tang Yuehua, and five elders, they boarded the back mountain of the Clear Sky School where the dead were enshrined.

Tombs made of rocks and a stele with their names written on them are all.

On this snow-capped mountain, there is no reason to look depressed.

Tang Hao looked at the grave of the old suzerain, and was silent for a long time. Under the silent eyes of the crowd, he pursed his lips tightly, supported the ground with one hand, and kowtowed nine times in a row.

And when he raised his head again, and stood up half-kneeling, his physique was as strong as Tang Hao's, and at this time there were traces of blood on his forehead.

Tang San knelt down to Tang Hao's right.

Ah Yin and Xiao Wu half-kneeled behind and kowtowed three times, then got up and stood silently behind.

As for Hei Mian, Hei Mian watched this scene indifferently, without kneeling down, just like what she said before, she burned three sticks of incense in front of the old suzerain's grave, then cupped her hands, bowed to the stone tablet, and then retreated. Go to Ah Yin and the others, and look at the father and son kneeling on the ground.

The two of them knelt for three days and three nights.

For three days, I didn't sleep, I didn't eat or drink, and I didn't say a word.

Heimian closed his eyes, maintained a suspended posture, and fell into meditation.

During this period, Tang Sui's consciousness was about to wake up, but he was suppressed quietly by the black face.

As for Ah Yin and Xiao Wu, they both stood quietly behind the father and son obliquely and accompanied them.

Until the dawn of the fourth day, Tang Hao, who hadn't spoken for three whole days, kowtowed nine more times to the old suzerain's stone tablet, saying goodbye to the old suzerain in a hoarse voice.

- off topic -

Sui Sui: Haotianzong is annoying.

Xiao Hei: Open the domain, smash it.

Sui Sui: Worship Grandpa. I just want to burn incense and not kneel.

Xiao Hei: You call, I'll come.

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