Chapter 189 Cell Phone
Qiao Yi couldn't figure out who that woman was, but Lu Yanchuan could find out. After communicating with the police, Lu Yanchuan got James' cell phone from the police.

It was the last call on the phone, and the time just matched what Joey said, and the phone number showed that the owner of the phone number was in Guangzhou.

"Guangshi? I just received a business trip to Guangzhou at my company today. Where is that person's address? I'll go and have a look!"

Qiao Yi is going to be driven crazy by this woman who doesn't know who it is these days. If she doesn't find her sooner, Qiao Yi will definitely have something wrong with herself.

"I'll go with you."

"I'm on a business trip. You have rested for such a long time. There must be a lot of things in the company. How can I let you go with me? Besides, I'm just going to have a look, nothing will happen!"

Qiao Yi knew Lu Yanchuan's abilities, and also knew that since he could confirm that the woman was in Guangzhou, he would definitely be able to find her specific address.

Lu Yanchuan was pestered by Qiao Yi for two days. After making countless guarantees, Qiao Yi finally got the specific address from Lu Yanchuan.

The address is very specific, down to the house number.

Qiao Yi found the community above according to the address, and finally found the correct location after walking around the community several times.

People say that being close to home is more timid, but Qiao Yi is a little worried, who is this guy who looks like an enemy but not a friend she is about to face, and she is most worried about whether this person is someone she knows very well.

Standing in front of the house door, Joey raised and lowered his hand, lowered it and raised it again. After struggling again and again, he finally made a decision and put his hand on the door panel.

It's just that the door wasn't locked, and it wasn't even closed properly. Qiao Yi just touched it lightly, and the door opened slowly.

If it wasn't broad daylight, Joey would probably jump up in fright.

Even in the daytime, the scene in front of me was too creepy.

The opened door was covered with white snow everywhere, all the furniture was covered with white cloth, the sunlight shone in through the gaps in the heavy curtains, and the ray of light was full of flying dust.

In this environment, there is no need to re-set the scene for ghost movies.

Qiao Yi silently took out her phone, turned on the video, and then walked into the room.

Although the room looks like a haunted house, judging from the shape revealed under the white cloth, it used to be a very warm little home.

The structure of the house is very simple, a small house with two bedrooms and one living room of more than sixty square meters. Qiao Yi went around the house, but found nothing wrong.

No, in other words, the whole house is very wrong, and everything will be reversed. After staying here for a long time, Joey feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang in the empty room.

Joey's hairs were about to stand on end, and he held the phone tightly with both hands, and walked step by step to the place where the phone rang.

Lifting the white cloth on the table, there is a mobile phone under it, and the ringtone just now came from this mobile phone.

Qiao Yi grabbed the phone and turned off the phone's alarm clock, but she didn't know where she touched it. The screen on the phone suddenly changed to a surveillance screen.

She is very familiar with the house and road conditions in the screen. This is the surveillance screen in front of Qiao's house!
There was a roar in Joey's head, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead to his chin.

She didn't have time to think about it, she grabbed her phone and ran out, leaving the room quickly.

Qiao Yi ran all the way, straight out of the corridor and into the sunshine, the chill in her heart gradually subsided a little.

The Qiao family is being watched, and has even been watched for an indefinite amount of time!

Discovering this strange mobile phone in this strange room today, Joey knew that this person behind the scenes was playing tricks on him!
What is his purpose, what does he want to do!
Intangible fear enveloped Qiao Yi. She was not afraid of confronting people face to face, nor was she afraid of fighting with others. But this kind of snake-like figure in the corner made her have to be afraid and vigilant.

Because such a person has no bottom line, no principles, and will suddenly appear at some point, stabbing you hard in the softest place.

Still in shock, Qiao Yi sat in the flower bed downstairs for a while and picked up the cell phone she had brought out.

The mobile phone that was deliberately left behind was cleaned up very cleanly. Except for a software connected to the monitoring system and the built-in call and text message function of the system, all other useful things were completely deleted.

It seems that the task of this mobile phone is to simply let Joey see the designed surveillance video.

Qiao Yi's business trip in Guangzhou was completed in just two days. In the past two days, she always thought of the empty house and the mobile phone that was deliberately handed to her.

Who is this person?Did he do this to threaten her, or did he have some other purpose?
Qiao Yi couldn't figure it out. Before leaving Guangzhou, she went to that neighborhood again, but this time the house didn't have the door open, but a sign that it was sold was posted.

Qiao Qiao had already found the hidden surveillance camera outside the house, and with the help of Lu Yanchuan, he found five monitors in the surrounding area one after another. This discovery shocked Qiao Yi even more.

On the day she left Guangzhou, Qiao Yi arrived at the airport early. She originally planned to rest a little longer in the airport waiting room, but she didn't expect to be hit by a little girl right after she checked her suitcase.

The little girl was hit and fell to the ground, but she didn't care to cry, and ran and hid behind Qiao Yi, holding Qiao Yi's thigh and refusing to let go.

"Little girl, you are."

"You little girl, with so many people at the airport, you still dare to run around! See if I catch you and teach you a lesson!"

Behind the little girl, two men and women with vicious behavior and looks chased after her. The woman was cursing and stretched out her hand to grab the little girl.

But she was stopped by Qiao Yi before her hand touched the little girl.

"Auntie, please keep your mouth clean. I don't know where my sister offended you. If she did something wrong, I apologize to you on her behalf!"

Qiao Yi patted the little girl's back twice with his backhand, and the trembling body of the little girl gradually calmed down, but her hands were still holding Qiao Yi tightly and refused to let go.

The woman became furious when she was stopped, pointing at Qiao Yi and yelling.

"What are you! She's your sister? She's obviously my daughter! Stop meddling in your business here!"

The man behind her also chimed in, and even walked a few steps in front of Qiao Yi with his back straightened up, threatening viciously.

"If you are sensible, get out! I teach my daughter a lesson, can you control me!"

(End of this chapter)

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