Chapter 226 Feng Siyuan's Invitation

Qiao Xin's abnormality continued until she made a move and took away an item from Qiao Yi's hand.

"Could it be that Qiao Xin made such a change just to get revenge on me at work?"

Qiao Yi couldn't help being a little disappointed. She thought that Qiao Xin had really become smarter with a long memory, but she didn't expect that Qiao Xin just continued to act stupid in a different way.

She also didn't think about it, although she is now the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, the marriage between her and Lu Ming is just a nameless marriage, and her biggest reliance is still the Qiao family.

And Qiao Xin actually snatched the project from Qiao's house, and specifically snatched the project from Qiao Yi's hand, Qiao Yi couldn't understand her operation.

Qiao Yi couldn't figure it out, and Lu Yanchuan couldn't figure it out even more. The two of them were silent for a while and put Qiao Xin's matter behind them.

Forget about her, just grab the item if you grab it, or grab it back at worst.

Qiao Xin is not out of his mind like Qiao Yi guessed, it's just that Qiao Xin herself is still in a daze but seeing Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan so sweet and so openly showing their affection, she can't stand the excitement for a while, so she grabs Qiao Yi's hand s project.

But after the project was in hand, Qiao Xin's mind was cleared up.

After all, she is still the daughter of the Qiao family, so she cannot help harm the interests of her own family.

But now that the project has been obtained, even if she goes back now, the damage that should have been caused has already been caused, and Qiao Xin's regret is useless.

People always complain about their own misfortune when they see others happy.

Poor people think of their own hardships when they see luxury cars, homeless people think of their own misery when they see a happy family of three, and when Qiao Xin sees Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan hand in hand, he also thinks of Lu Chen, who he deliberately left behind.

After so many days, he should have put himself down, right?

After all, she left so simply and resolutely, Lu Chen must already hate her to death by now.

Every time she thinks of Lu Chen, Qiao Xin will numb herself with work, but today she doesn't want to do that.

Taking a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, Qiao Xin completely abandoned the complicated wine tasting process, and started pouring wine into his stomach one glass after another.

After drinking a bottle of red wine, Qiao Xin's eyes were blurred, and he seemed to hear someone knocking on the door. Qiao Xin stumbled to the door, and when he opened the door, he laughed when he saw someone coming.

It seemed that she was really drunk and had hallucinations, otherwise how could she see Lu Chen at the door of her house.

"I'm really drunk, I have to sleep"

Qiao Xin was about to go to sleep without closing the door, but when she turned around, she rushed forward.

After a while of dizziness, Qiao Xin didn't land on the ground, but was pulled into a cool embrace.

"I've just been discharged from the hospital, why did I drink so much alcohol?"

With a familiar voice and a familiar embrace, Qiao Xin regained consciousness for a brief moment, but fell into a force majeure.

Lu Chen hugged Qiao Xin, who was half asleep and half awake, and frowned at the smell of alcohol on her body. He closed the door behind his back and carried him into the room.

Qiao Xin was the only one in the room, and there was still the wine that Qiao Xin drank just now on the table. Lu Chen didn't know what kind of wine it was, but seeing how drunk Qiao Xin was, it must be quite high.

Drunk people can't reason. It took Lu Chen a lot of effort to hug Qiao Xin to bed. Before he got up, Qiao Xin hugged him around the neck.

"Don't go. Don't go"

"Okay, I'm not leaving, I'm just going to clean up."

Lu Chen was half pressed on Qiao Xin's body, and the temperature from Qiao Xin's body almost made his face burn.

He is still a hot-blooded boy in his twenties, with a woman he likes under him, pulling his clothes helplessly, Lu Chen dare not move his eyes, for fear of seeing something he shouldn't see .


Qiao Xin muttered a few words inexplicably, instead of letting go of Lu Chen, she hugged her even tighter.

Lu Chen's arms were trembling. After being wrapped around Qiao Xin's legs, Lu Chen completely gave up resistance and let his hands fall on Qiao Xin's waist.

Qiao Yi didn't know anything about what happened here. She received an invitation from Feng Siyuan yesterday, inviting her and Feng Siyuan to participate in a reality show together.

The name of the show is "Come on!friend! ", is a competitive reality show.

There are three resident guests on the show, and two flying guests will be invited in each episode. These five guests must invite one of their friends to come and join the show with them every time.

Of course, the friends invited here may not necessarily be their own friends, and there are also scripts arranged by the director team in it.

However, as Feng Siyuan is currently a first-line female singer in China, she is doomed to accept the script given by the director team. Even if she wants her nanny to participate in the recording , I guess there is nothing wrong with it.

As one of the three resident guests, Feng Siyuan aroused many people's speculations as soon as the news of her participation in the show came out.

As one of the most mysterious female singers in the industry, what kind of friends will Feng Siyuan invite to join her on the show?
Some people even made a list of some of the friends Feng Siyuan is most likely to invite. They are basically celebrities in the circle who have cooperated with Feng Siyuan. .

What Qiao Yi accepted was Feng Siyuan's first recording invitation.

Generally, such programs have an unspoken rule, that is, try not to invite amateurs outside the circle.

The first reason is because amateurs lack a sense of variety, the effect of the recorded programs is definitely not as good as those in the circle.

The second point is that because amateurs appear on the screen, once they are not handled properly, it will have a great impact on the lives of amateurs.

Because there have been too many such cases in the past, everyone will pay more attention to this aspect.

But this time Feng Siyuan gave this amateur friend who accepted the invitation, which really shocked the program crew. I am afraid that there are not many people in Kyoto who don't know this!

If they can really invite this person, their ratings will definitely explode!

After Qiao Yi received Feng Siyuan's invitation, she also received an invitation from "Come on!"friend! "The production team made a phone call, and the other party sincerely expressed what kind of conditions they were willing to give as long as Qiao Yi was willing to accept the invitation.

"Feng Siyuan and I are very good friends. I will definitely go when she invites me. As for the conditions, I would like to ask you to take care of Yuanyuan during the show."

No one would say good things, as long as the appearance fee is in place, the rest can be regarded as some kind of gas and forgotten.

Besides, even if the program team didn't call, Qiao Yi would of course accept Feng Siyuan's invitation.

After all, I can't help but give my old girlfriend's face!
(End of this chapter)

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