Chapter 253 Lin Ke's Performance

Although Qiao Xin didn't say anything, he was not a fool. From the conversation between her and Qiao Yi, it was not difficult to guess that the Dick company and Lin Ke were not good things at all.

And Qiao Yi also said before that Lu Ming and Dick's company are also related. Could it be that the person who came to follow Qiao Xin this time has something to do with Lu Ming?

If Qiao Yi knew what Lu Chen was thinking, he would definitely give him a thumbs up.

After all, no one would have imagined that a fool could guess the truth of the matter by guessing.

Lu Chen didn't sleep all night, thinking about the two words Qiao Yi said in the ward.

Early the next morning, Qiao Xin's company had something to do and couldn't come to accompany Lu Chen, so Lu Chen took this opportunity to find Qiao Yi again.

As soon as they met, Lu Chen asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Qiao, is the person who followed Xinxin that day related to Lu Ming?"

Qiao Yi raised her eyebrows, she didn't deny or affirm, but asked back.

"Why do you think so? Although Qiao Xin and Lu Ming have nothing to do with each other, they are still husband and wife after all. There is no reason for Lu Ming to take Qiao Xin's life, right?"

Don't say anything about inheritance. Families like theirs will make property certificates before they get married. Unless the relationship between the two people is particularly good, they will reclassify the pre-marital property of the two people as joint property after marriage.

This is also the reason why Lu Ming wanted to get Qiao Xin's shares so much, but he never killed Qiao Xin to inherit directly.

Now even if Lu Ming kills Qiao Xin, he won't get a penny. Instead, it will create a rift between the Qiao family and the Lu family, and the gain outweighs the gain.

"You said that Lu Ming and Dick's company temporarily lost contact, which means that now Lu Ming and Dick's company have a relationship again, and Lin Ke appeared next to Lu Ming again, although I don't know who this person is, But her appearance must have been arranged by Dick's company, I guess Lu Ming thought that this talent had re-established contact with Dick, so it was actually Lu Ming who attacked Qiao Xin!"

The only thing Lu Chen guessed wrong was the relationship between Lu Ming and Lin Ke. Lin Ke attacked Qiao Xin to replace her, and Lu Ming did not attack Qiao Xin because he wanted to keep her and transfer the shares to him.

But Qiao Yi won't answer this doubt for him, so let him doubt it. It's better to be an enemy of Lu Ming than to challenge Dick's company with a brain.

"If I'm not wrong, Qiao Xin should have told you not to let you interfere in this matter again? Why are you so disobedient?"

If Qiao Xin still had a little affection for Lu Chen, she would know that getting Lu Chen involved would be a gift.

Qiao Yi didn't doubt Qiao Xin's feelings for Lu Chen. After all, it was impossible for such a wolf-hearted person to have no real feelings for him.

Lu Chen's eyes flickered uncomfortably, his neck stiffened and his mouth stiffened.

"This is a matter between Xinxin and me. You just need to tell me if I'm right or not!"

Well, just now I thought the idiot was not stupid anymore, but now, how could the idiot become smarter.

"Your guess is right or wrong, but think about it for yourself, even if I tell you who the real culprit is, do you have the ability to make him pay the price? Even if Lu Ming ordered someone to attack Qiao Xin, how would you avenge Qiao Xin?" ? Go and kill Lu Ming and then be killed by the Lu family? I advise you to take good care of your illness now, and the most important thing is to come out and work hard after you are discharged from the hospital."

I don't know how much Lu Chen can listen to Qiao Yi's earnest words. Seeing him silently avoiding Qiao Yi's eyes, he knows that this kid must have his own little girl in his heart.

Speaking of which, Qiao Yi thinks that she has fulfilled her responsibility as the boss, and even if Lu Chen seeks death by herself, it doesn't matter what happens to her.

After all, someone is looking for death, so is it possible that Joey is still responsible for a dead person?

After Qiao Yi left the hospital, she never paid attention to Lu Chen and Qiao Xin again. She is very busy now, dealing with Lu Yanchuan's birth at the same time.

In addition, I have to be busy with Qiao's projects. One person can't wait to be divided into three people. How can I have time to care if a fool is looking for death.

The world seemed to calm down all of a sudden, and the people who troubled Qiao Xin disappeared without a trace. The police characterized it as a group of gangsters who had nothing to do to retaliate against the society and wantonly beat innocent passers-by, and used this excuse to deal with it.

Although he knew there was water from the Pacific Ocean in it, Joey didn't bother to reveal it.

Lu Ming also calmed down. He was unusually honest and focused on the work in hand, and he didn't often show courtesy to Qiao Yi, which caused Qiao's employees to talk a lot.

But speaking of Lu Ming, Qiao Yi was very surprised why Lu Ming was able to get back together with Lin Ke regardless of the past.

Even some very important occasions had to bring the pregnant Lin Ke with him, as if he wanted to straighten Lin Ke's identity.

There are quite a few people in the circle of nobles who rely on their stomachs to get high. Lin is not the first one, but he is the most rampant one. In front of her, it seems that Qiao Xin is the one who is young.

Qiao Xin didn't fight or snatch, and went about her own business. Although Qiao Yi would defeat her every time she provoked her, she still enjoyed it.

I don't know what addiction she had.

In short, under the surface of peace, a big event is coming.

That means Lin Ke's due date is approaching.

Outsiders pay attention to Lin Ke's belly just for gossip, but the Lu family attaches great importance to Lin Ke's belly. Although this is not the eldest son and grandson of the Lu family, it is also the first child of the fourth generation. Not to mention that Lin Ke's identity has been settled, even Lu Ming can secure his status as the heir of the Lu family with this child.

For this reason, Lin Ke lived in the Lu family's old house directly for eight months, with three or four aunts around her to take care of her. Even Wang Zhen put aside her past suspicions and came to take care of her personally.

Qiao Yi was very curious, why Wang Zhen suddenly didn't doubt whether the child in Lin Ke's stomach belonged to Lu Ming, and Lu Yanchuan told her that it was because Lin Ke gave Wang Zhen a paternity test, confirming the identity of the child in her stomach.

This made Qiao Yi dumbfounded. After all, she had the paternity test sent by Yun Qing in her hand, and the identities of the two children were worth investigating.

However, Qiao Yi was not in a hurry to expose her performance. Instead, she anonymously sent the paternity test report she had made with fluff when Lin Ke was four months pregnant to an email.

Every week, the old man would invite all the Lu family members to come to the old house for dinner, and this week is of course no exception.

Although he didn't want to see the faces of Lu Ming's family, Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan returned to the old house early for the sake of the old man.

They came back early, but one of them didn't regard himself as an outsider, sitting on the sofa and bossing him around.

"Miss Qiao, can you please pour me a glass of water, I'm suddenly very thirsty."

(End of this chapter)

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