Chapter 267 Escape Plan

Qiao Yi is quite familiar with that kind of drug. In order to investigate the Dianrui Group, Qiao Yi did a lot of homework in this area.

Once the drug is injected, the person's death date has basically been announced. So far, no one has survived the drug.

An Wei actually injected this drug?Was it forced or did she do it voluntarily?

"Since she has been injected with this drug, how can she still cooperate with us? It has been such a long time, who knows how much her brain has been damaged, I think she has been seriously affected by now .”

It's not that Qiao Yi doesn't trust Yan Xiyu, on the contrary, it's precisely because she believes in Yan Xiyu's words that she feels that it is impossible to escape through An Wei.

"I'm not asking An Wei to let us out directly, but to let her take the initiative to take us out of the dungeon under the pretext of cooperating with An Wei. As long as we return to the ground, we have a chance to leave."

Qiao Yi looked at Yan Xiyu's exposed half face from the gap. She couldn't see that Yan Xiyu had the slightest desire to escape. When he said these words, he looked like he was endorsing a book.

For a moment, Qiao Yi was a little skeptical, whether the person who injected the medicine was An Wei or Yan Xiyu!

Putting aside those doubts, the method Yan Xiyu gave is indeed the best method at present. Only when they leave the dungeon can they seek help from the outside world and have a chance to escape.

"However, An Wei has tested my bottom line today, so it probably won't be so easy to come to me again."

Thinking of Qiao Yi, she felt a little regretful, regretting that she had spoken so badly today.

What if An Wei felt that there was no way to do anything from her and was not going to come again?Could it be that she is really going to be coerced and used to threaten Lu Yanchuan?
"You don't have to worry. Your refusal doesn't have the slightest strength in the eyes of Dick's company. Even if you bite to death and refuse to cooperate with them, they still have plenty of means to force you to submit."

The name of the rogue company is on the outside. If it is just monopolizing the market, how can Dick's company be resisted by so many people, of course there are other reasons.

And doing things unscrupulously is another reason why they resist.

No one likes to have an unscrupulous friend, maybe one day you will become a stepping stone for him.

Yan Xiyu was right, if Dick's company really made up their mind to let Qiao Yi cooperate with them, then the potion used on An Wei might be used on her!
There are even some more terrifying methods, which are enough to make Joey's life worse than death.

Qiao Yi was frightened. Although she knew that Yan Xiyu was scaring her by saying this, Qiao Yi was still very frightened, and even felt a little resentment towards Yan Xiyu.

Why are you saying this!
"Tell me, how are we going to get out!"

"Cooperate with An Wei and let An Wei take us out!"

Yan Xiyu didn't continue to play tricks this time, but directly expressed her thoughts.

"It's impossible! Even if I die here, it's impossible for me to cooperate with Dick's Company!"

It's never been Qiao Yi's character to just live on and on, it's her nature to rather bend than bend.

Qiao Yi has the capital to be proud. Except for those people who are most reluctant to let go of her heart, nothing can make her bow her head.

"Who told you to cooperate with them? It's just a tactic to delay the attack. We must find an excuse to go back to the ground!"

To say that Qiao Yi completely trusted Yan Xiyu, that's not necessarily the case.

After all, there is still some unclear relationship between Yan Xiyu and An Wei, so Yan Xiyu's words must be doubted by her first, and then selectively believed.

Qiao Yi had enough reasons to suspect that Yan Xiyu had betrayed Lu Yanchuan a long time ago, and even cooperated with Dick's company to make her fall into a trap.

After all, based on the relationship between Yan Xiyu and Lu Yanchuan, he should be very clear about Lu Yanchuan's weakness.

Qiao Yi was delighted with her importance to Lu Yanchuan, but at this moment she hoped that she was not that important in Lu Yanchuan's heart.

She didn't want Lu Yanchuan to take risks for herself.

"Miss Qiao, you have to think about it. The main purpose of Dick's company to grab you is to use you to threaten Yan Chuan, and cooperating with you is just their purpose. If you persist, Yan Chuan may will be threatened."

Yan Xiyu spoke the most realistic words to Qiao Yi in a flat to somewhat indifferent tone.

That's right, if Qiao Yi hesitates any longer, maybe Lu Yanchuan will really be threatened by Dick's company!

It's impossible not to be entangled, and now Qiao Yi doesn't know whether Yan Xiyu's words can be trusted.

What if Yan Xiyu lied to her, what if she agreed to cooperate with Dick and the other party immediately started to devour Qiao's!
Qiao Yi was silent, and Yan Xiyu didn't urge her, but resumed the silence just now.

Yan Xiyu didn't count on Qiao Yi being caught, and he was shocked when he saw Qiao Yi. The plan in front of him was the best plan he could think of.

The reason why Yan Xiyu wanted to leave the underground in such a hurry was because there was a signal jammer in the dungeon.

Because of the existence of this jammer, although he has a device to send messages, without a signal, it is simply impossible for a clever woman to cook without rice.

As long as he returned to the ground, as long as there was a signal, he could send out the current situation, even if it was only for a second.

"Okay, I promise you."

Qiao Yi's voice sounded again, with some inexplicable determination, and a cruelty that shocked Yan Xiyu.

What is this girl doing?She doesn't want to fight desperately with Dick's company, does she?
"I can go according to your plan, but if you let me know that you are lying to me, even if I die, I will not let you go."

Yan Xiyu was stunned. With his IQ, how could he fail to understand that Qiao Yi had misunderstood.

But this misunderstanding can't be explained now. The more he explains, the more Joey will doubt him.

Let's just misunderstand it for now, and Joey will know the truth when they escape.

"Let me tell you about my plan, and then we will act according to the plan."

Locked in the dungeon without knowing the passage of time, Joey reckoned that a day might have passed, and when someone came down to deliver food again, Joey called out to stop him.

"Call the people in charge here, I have something to tell them!"

Qiao Yi's attitude was very bad, and it could even be said to be a little rampant.

The domineering tone made the food delivery person doubt his eyes. Is the person who closed the eyes a prisoner or an uncle?
But he didn't dare to delay, after all, everyone who can be locked here is the most important hostage of Dick's company, but if any accident happens to any one of them, his life and the lives of his whole family will be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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