Chapter 277
Lu Yanchuan wanted to send Qiao Yi away, not just by sending him on the plane.

Two days in advance, Lu Yanchuan dispatched the remaining personnel from the headquarters to launch an attack on the largest branches of Dick's company.

Lu Yanchuan made up for the gap in military strength with economic strength. When Dick's company was busy arresting people to fight back, Lu Yanchuan tried his best to block all the projects of Dick's company.

With a two-pronged approach, it was difficult for Dick's company to maintain its previous calm, and it immediately messed up.

"Boss, our tasks have been completed. Now Dick is running around like a headless chicken. He definitely doesn't have the energy to trouble us again!"

The black dog recovered from his injuries, and immediately took his people to make trouble for Dick.

He said he wanted to avenge the boss, but in fact he was narrow-minded!

Lu Yanchuan looked at the report sent by the people below, but his eyebrows were not loose at all.

"That's not necessarily the case. Although Dick's company seems to be messed up, the people who attacked us before didn't show up again. I don't believe in a team of this strength. Dick's company only has that one."

Maybe they just hold on, waiting for them to relax their vigilance, and prepare to deal them a fatal blow!

Both of them knew very well that whether it was LQ or Dick, it didn't matter how many people were killed or injured, it was just a matter of the company's scale of business. As long as Lu Yanchuan or Dick didn't have any accidents, these two companies would not collapse.

In the same way, no matter how fiercely they fight, as long as either of these two is injured, the other side will win a big victory!
Lu Yanchuan's guess was not wrong. After five days of stretching, Dick's company finally couldn't hold on, and couldn't stand the harassment from LQ, so they transferred all the people around LQ back.

Dick couldn't hold on anymore, but Lu Yanchuan was not in a hurry, and spent a few days with Dick's company after procrastinating, and then started the matter of Qiao Yi's return to China.

I can't take an international flight, not to mention whether Qiao Yi's body can take it, Lu Yanchuan alone won't be at ease, he must take a private jet.

Before leaving, Lu Yanchuan went out and walked around again, making sure that all Dick's people had withdrawn, and then took Qiao Yi on the plane.

The plane gradually left the sky over Western Europe, and Lu Yanchuan's tense spirit finally relaxed.

"Look at you, you haven't had a good rest these days, so you should have a good sleep on the plane."

Qiao Yi pulled Lu Yanchuan to his side and asked him to lie down with him.

The roar of the plane engine was not so harsh. Qiao Yi lay on Lu Yanchuan's arm, greedily enjoying the security of this moment.

Whether it's Qiao Yi or Lu Yanchuan, they both know that they will be separated this time, and they don't know when they will meet next time.

Lu Yanchuan tried his best to drag Dick's power to Western Europe, and joined forces with those companies that Dick had suppressed to boycott Dick.

Cutting off one's fortune is like killing one's parents. This is an eternal feud, and Lu Yanchuan wants to get out of it, at least to say the least.

Qiao Yi looked at the exhausted Lu Yanchuan every day. Although she didn't say anything, she couldn't help worrying in her heart.

Ten hours later, the plane landed at Lu's private airport. Lu Yanchuan got off the plane with Qiao Yi in his arms, and personally sent him to the convoy.

Ten different cars secretly protected Qiao Yi to go back to the Lu family's old house.

"Boss, you have to go back as soon as possible, I will protect my sister-in-law with all my strength!"

Standing by the car, the black dog looked at the reluctant Lu Yanchuan, shouted in a very cheerful tone, turned around and got into the co-pilot of the car.

If it was the past, the black dog would definitely choose to go to the front line to fight desperately, but their boss said that it is best not to take action against Dick this time, it is a game of brains.

Heigou didn't like this wine very much. He would rather come back to protect his sister-in-law than fight with Dick. Maybe there are activities that can relax his muscles and bones!

Joey woke up on the way.

The entire back row of the spacious business car was folded down into a big bed, allowing Joey to roll back and forth on it.

The black dog on the co-pilot heard Joey's voice and turned around with a smile.

"Sister-in-law, please sleep for a while, we still have 10 minutes to get home!"

After looking around for a week and not seeing Lu Yanchuan, Qiao Yi felt a little lost, but regained her spirits after a while.

"You didn't follow Yanchuan back?"

"Yes, the boss is afraid that sister-in-law will encounter danger in the country, so he specially asked me to protect sister-in-law! Don't worry, sister-in-law, as long as I am here, you will not be in danger!"

Joey twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, and lay down again.

Without Lu Yanchuan by her side, Qiao Yi's heart was empty, and she didn't recover until she got back to the old house and got out of the car.

"Yiyi, why have you been away for so long this time, why didn't Yanchuan come back with you?"

The old man was reading the newspaper, and when he saw Joey coming back, he immediately walked over.

"Why don't you look so good? Is there something wrong with your body?"

Neither Qiao Yi nor Lu Yanchuan planned to tell the elders about the dispute with Dick, especially Mr. Lu.

Before coming back, Qiao Yi had already thought up her speech, so she was not nervous when asked by the old man at this time.

"There are still some things that have not been dealt with abroad. He will come back after a while. Didn't I have a small car accident over there and accidentally broke a bone. I didn't dare to tell you because I was afraid you would be worried."

"But it's almost better now, you see I'm fine!"

Qiao Yi walked around in front of the old man. Of course, she couldn't tell the old man that there were still many steel nails on her bones that hadn't been removed. If she did, the old man would definitely be worried.

"Look at you, that brat Yanchuan let him go when he is abroad, you insist on following him, now it's all right, I've been injured!"

"Wang Ma! Go and cook a pot of bone soup for Yiyi in a while! It needs to be thick!"

Even though Qiao Yi concealed the real injury, the old man was still very distressed, and pulled Qiao Yi to sit down quickly.

"It's true that you said Yanchuan, why didn't you know how to take good care of you! Look at you, you've lost a lot of weight after going out for a month!"

Conscience of heaven and earth, she just weighed herself yesterday, and she is five catties fatter than before going abroad!
During the period of bed rest, Lu Yanchuan bought her all kinds of good things to make up her body, how could the old man see that she had lost weight!

But the elders could not live up to their wishes, Qiao Yi suppressed the bitterness in her heart, smiled and told the old man some interesting stories about foreign countries that she had made up.

In order to protect Qiao Yi closely, the black dog also lived in the old house.

But because he had been here before, the old man was not too surprised, he just regarded him as a friend invited back by Lu Yanchuan.

However, the old man was beating drums in his heart seeing the black dog's graciousness towards Qiao Yi.

In the past, this kid was quite lively, but now he is so glib!It's an eyesore!
(End of this chapter)

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