Chapter 282 He's Crazy

Qiao Yi didn't know anything about the cooperation between Lu Ming and Qiao Xin, and of course, even if she knew, she probably wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, there is no big difference between two defeated generals huddling together to keep warm, and one person dying alone!
Joey has arrogant capital.

In less than a year since joining the company, the team led by Joey has successfully completed a complete transformation.

Not to mention how many crises they have survived, just the achievements they have made in the face of transformation are enough to dominate the entire Joe's!

Qiao Yi also deservedly became the most popular leader of the entire Qiao family.

The reason why she is most popular is not only because she has excellent resources under her command, but also because of Qiao Yi's strong ability.

The most important point is that Joey's subordinates will not be overwhelmed with credit!

Qiao Yi's position in Qiao's is stable enough, coupled with her husband and wife relationship with Lu Yanchuan, even if she does nothing, she can still earn a lot of income every day lying at home.

And she is working in Qiao's now, if she does well, it is the icing on the cake, if she does not do well, no one will talk too much.

What's more, Qiao Yi was extremely kind to his subordinates.

It's common to have dinner parties and holidays. As long as there are no special circumstances, Qiao Yi's group can be said to be the group with the easiest task in the entire Qiao family!

Working in such an atmosphere, how can anyone not work hard and make progress!

After the third quarter meeting, people in the other groups were extremely envious and tried their best to join Joey's group.

Although it was not Qiao Yi's original intention to become like this, Qiao Yi is still very pleased to see that the entire Qiao family is developing in a good direction!

"To our team's excellent results, let's drink!"

"Long live President Joe!"

"Choosing to hang out with Mr. Joe was definitely the most correct choice I made in my life!"

Qiao Yi has long been used to hearing these people's unnutritious flattery. After drinking a glass first, Qiao Yi sat aside with the glass.

She is easy-going, after all, she is a leader, no one likes to sit at the same table with a leader, Qiao Yi is very conscious, and takes the initiative to leave space for them to develop themselves.

People were in the middle of the noise, but Joey's heart was empty.

Lu Yanchuan lost contact again.

Three days ago, Lu Yanchuan sent her the last message, telling her that the battle with Dick's company had officially started, and that she would be very busy these days and probably would not have time to reply to her messages.

Qiao Yi patiently counted the days, and did not receive any news from Lu Yanchuan. She was nervous and sad but also a little lucky.

No news is better than bad news.

"Speaking of which, I recently got a big project!"

"What kind of project, look at how proud you are, we haven't seen such a big project before!"

Qiao Yi's random thoughts were interrupted by the sudden noise from the side. Hearing them talking about work, Qiao Yi followed suit.

"Let me tell you! It's a newly invested company who wants to cooperate with our company. After watching the video posted by our company on the Internet, he took the initiative to contact me!"

The employee obviously drank a lot, and his speech was slurred.

But even so, it was enough for Joey to understand what he meant.

"But it's a pity that we didn't win this project before the quarterly meeting, otherwise our results would definitely be better!"

"Look at your high spirits. People must be self-motivated, but more importantly, they must learn to be content with themselves! Come on, let's stop here today. If anyone of you sends him back, I think he'll be too drunk!"

Joey came over and patted him on the head, getting a silly smile.

A group of drunks can't tell who will send whom, and finally Qiao Yi finds someone to send them all back home.

On the way back, Joey kept thinking about the project that the employee mentioned.

It's not because he said how big this project is, but because Joey doesn't know anything about this project!
No one had ever notified her that she was going to sign such a big project!
Qiao Yi didn't think that this kind of mistake would appear in her subordinates, but such a big project that has not been recorded in the file is really too abrupt.

"Xiao Zhang, go and check the projects that Wang Wei is discussing these days. Remember that as long as you are discussing, don't sign a contract and file it."

The more Qiao Yi thought about it, the more worried she became. After much deliberation, she asked her assistant to investigate.

The waiting time is always the most difficult, but fortunately, Xiao Zhang is quick-witted. After Joey went home and washed up, Xiao Zhang's investigation results had already been sent.

"Wang Wei does have a project in his hand that has not yet been negotiated, but the other party's request is rather strange, saying that when the project has not been completely won, the sophistry will not be allowed to file!"

I have never seen such a requirement, although some projects will delay the filing time due to some factors.

But there has never been a request not to file before the project is negotiated!

Qiao Yi won't be asked to review it if he doesn't file it. Qiao Yi doesn't know the existence of this project if he doesn't file it. Before the project is negotiated, the space inside can no longer be described as taking advantage of loopholes!
"Find out the other company's information and send it to me."

Qiao Yi can already confirm that there is definitely a problem with this project, and it is likely to be a big pit!
Almost without guessing, Joey would know who tripped her up!

There are quite a few people who dislike her, but there are only a few who can go to such lengths to mess with her. Lu Ming is one, and Qiao Xin is another!
Or, are they both in it?
"Is our plan feasible? Joey is not so easy to fool!"

Qiao Xin knew Qiao Yi much better than Lu Ming did. Now Lu Ming was blinded by the predicament and wanted to find a way out.

But Qiao Xin was much more sober than him, knowing that it would harm others and not benefit himself.

It's just that she is controlled by others, and if she wants to persuade a few words, she must be able to listen to Lu Ming!

"Don't worry! I have already made full preparations. As soon as I sign the contract, Qiao Yi will be firmly in my hands! And if I have Qiao Yi in my hands, I will be able to use Qiao Yi to control Lu Yanchuan! Don't say anything at that time." If you go back to the Lu family, even if you get the Lu family, it will be within your reach!"

Looking at Lu Ming's distorted face, Qiao Xin really felt that this man was probably crazy.

However, things seemed to be going as Lu Ming planned, and in just two days, Qiao successfully signed a contract with the bag company designed by Lu Ming!
Lu Ming looked at the signed contract, held the contract and drank all night, woke up early the next morning, dressed neatly, and prepared to go to Qiao's, and have a good deal with Qiao Yi!
But before Lu Ming arrived at Qiao's, he received a call from the person he arranged.

"Mr. Lu, the other party asked us to inject capital first, otherwise we will refuse to start work!"

(End of this chapter)

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