Chapter 293 My Sister Will Be Gentle

Qiao Yi's attitude was not at all like treating a person who would threaten his life at any time.

Instead, it was more like facing a mischievous child, with a teasing tone and some sarcasm.

"Let me guess, do you want Yanchuan to compensate you for your losses, promise not to deal with you in the future, and help you start a war in the domestic market?"

"If you want me to tell you, why don't you simply ask him to give you the LQ company, that's called big money, understand?"

As Joey spoke, the other people in the car were all as quiet as chickens.

Bai Lingling continued to poke her with her finger behind Qiao Yi's back.

She didn't care about Qiao Yi's life or death, but she was afraid that Qiao Yi would really anger these people, and she would also be implicated!

She could clearly hear the conversation between Joey and that man just now!
She will be arrested, and she will be completely implicated by Joey!Otherwise, they should only catch Qiaoyi alone!

At this moment, Bai Lingling completely forgot that she was the one who rear-ended him. If she hadn't rear-ended Joey, they might not have had a chance to catch her if they were driving normally on the road.

Qiao Yi was very impatient with Bai Lingling's small movements behind her. After Bai Lingling poked her again, Qiao Yi touched the man opposite with her toe.

"Can you change places with this woman? I'm going to be bored to death by her!"

The man froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Qiao Yi had already become someone else's prisoner, and there were so many demands!

Under Bai Lingling's unbelievable gaze, she was placed opposite Qiao Yi.

And the man sitting next to her was very dishonest, taking advantage of Bai Lingling.

Joey saw it but pretended he didn't see it, he raised it twice on the co-pilot's armchair and asked what he said again.

"Ma Yu, do you know these questions? If you don't know, I won't talk nonsense with you. Why don't you just ask your real boss to come out and I'll ask him face to face?"

The more she talked about her arrogance, Qiao Yi's attitude became tougher, and she kicked the chair with her feet, but the faces of the few people in the car were all black, but they didn't do anything to Qiao Yi.

"Your boss must have given you an order? So that you can't hurt me? You don't want to know why?"

After being brought into the car by them, Joey knew that he was in no danger among these people.

They didn't do anything directly the first time they saw him, which proved that their purpose was to catch him and threaten Lu Yanchuan. Even if they wanted to do something, they had to wait until they saw the real Dick!

That's why Joey really relaxed!
The posture of cutting her hands behind her back was too uncomfortable. After Qiaoyi yelled for a while, the man sitting next to her finally untied her hands helplessly.

Bai Lingling looked at Qiaoyi for help, but Qiaoyi just pretended that he didn't see it.

She still hasn't forgotten what Bai Lingling did to her and her friends back then, making her suffer now is a lesson for her!
"That's all right, let me go earlier, and we can have a good talk."

Qiao Yi moved his wrist, without the slightest sense of being a hostage.

Hearing Qiao Yi's chanting along the way, a group of people really wanted to kneel on the ground like Monkey King and shout, Master stop chanting!
They wanted to hide, but they couldn't. They couldn't force Qiaoy to shut her mouth. If they talked with her, she would steal some important news.

This mission almost left a psychological shadow on this group of people!
They will never take up the task of arresting people, especially women, in the future!

Qiao Yi couldn't move, and the other woman who was brought back together became a punching bag. When Qiao Yi was taken away, she only had time to shout not to kill Bai Lingling, and she was pushed into an underground passage.

After walking for a while, the deep tunnel came to an end, a heavy door was opened, and the inside suddenly opened up.

This is a white world, like the pharmaceutical factory in Dianrui she had been to, but this place is even more complicated than the pharmaceutical factory!
Hundreds of staff in white coats shuttled inside, and Qiao Yi was led into an opaque room next to it.

Ma Yu has already changed into a white coat, and wearing a white mask really looks like a doctor.

He held a tube of medicine in one hand and a syringe in the other.

On Joy's left and right sides were two burly men holding her arms firmly.

Ma Yu took a syringe and took a shot of medicine, turned around and walked towards Qiao Yi step by step.

"If possible, I don't want to treat you like this. If you want to blame, you can only blame you for being Lu Yanchuan's wife!"

Ma Yu fell down with her legs between her legs. Before the two people around her could react, Qiao Yi struggled with the pain from one shoulder being removed. fell down.

The man let go of the pain, but Joey slammed him into the cabinet next to him and passed out. Joey raised his leg again and kicked another man's legs!

The screams of the three were very rhythmic. Joey gritted his teeth and pushed his left arm back on the floor, cold sweat streaming down Joey's forehead.

It hurts!

Qiao Yi's eyes turned black from the pain, and he sat on the ground for a few seconds before getting up, touched the medicine he wanted to inject into himself just now from Ma Yu's side, and pierced Ma Yu's arm without hesitation.

"It's funny that you still want to deal with me with this little ability."

Joey walked around the room, there were a lot of medicines in a mess on the table, Joey didn't see what these medicines were useful for, so he found a box and put them all together, took a syringe and filled it up. Fill a large needle.

The man on the ground who hadn't passed out had just seen Qiao Yi injecting medicine into Mayu with his own eyes, saw Qiao Yi walking towards him with the syringe, and quickly backed away.

"You! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

"Don't be afraid, sister will be very gentle!"

After a few more screams, Joey put all the remaining medicines into a box, and quietly opened the door of the room.

This place is probably relatively remote, and there is no one walking around outside, so Qiaoyi ran out when he saw the opportunity!
This terrain is really complicated. If it wasn't for Qiaoyi's good memory, he would have been confused for a long time!
Lu Yanchuan said before that Dick still has a secret base in China, probably this is it!

While avoiding the people walking back and forth, Joey ran towards the door following the memory.

Turning around a large medicine jar, Joey saw a room similar to the one he was taken to before.

Passing by the room, Qiao Yi didn't want to be troublesome, but the voice from the room forced her to stop.

Someone is calling for help, it is Bai Lingling!

"Help! Help! Don't touch me! Help!"

(End of this chapter)

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