Chapter 314
Qiao Qiao stood up and pulled Sha Ye back a little distance, pinching Sha Ye's flesh and wringing it hard.

It's not good when this kid comes, he has to come at this time!

Bad guy good thing!

At this time, these four words flashed through Qiao Qiao and Lin Xiao's minds together, and Lin Xiao's resentment and anger were obviously more.

Someone watched, Lin Xiao couldn't possibly go on, endured his unwillingness, and smiled with Sha Ye.

"Yezi, let me introduce you, this is..."

"Needless to say, brothers understand. Sister-in-law, brother disturbed me today. Tomorrow I will be the host and apologize to sister-in-law!"

Sha Ye grinned and winked at Qiao Qiao, which made Qiao Qiao want to beat this guy to death with his fist.

Lin Xiao greeted Sha Ye and left in a hurry. No matter how thick-skinned she was, being bumped into by someone face-to-face would be embarrassing to death. She ran away in a hurry without saying anything to Qiao Qiao.

"Qiaozi, I didn't expect that my sister-in-law is so beautiful? No wonder you were reluctant to bring it out before!"

"What are you farting, don't talk nonsense, you can talk nonsense before you have written your horoscope, if you scare people away, be careful!"

Qiao Qiao was afraid that Lin Xiao would have some opinion on him because of Sha Ye's nonsense. After all, Lin Xiao hadn't officially been with him yet.

He sent a text message to Lin Xiao, saying that he would take her out for dinner at night. After seeing Lin Xiao's reply, Qiao Qiao was relieved.

Sha Ye stood by and watched Qiao Qiao and Lin Xiao sending messages with his mouth curled up. When Qiao Qiao raised his head, the corner of Sha Ye's mouth almost dropped to the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you still say you don't have anything? Look at your angry face. If it doesn't matter, you can't hold it in the studio? Don't worry, brother, I am moral, and I will never rob women with you!"

It was Qiao Qiao's emotionless eyes that answered Sha Ye.

"Let's go! Didn't you say to wait for me for a long time, hurry up!"

The two of them pushed and shoved and went downstairs. There were already a few young people of about the same age waiting downstairs. When they saw Qiao Qiao and Sha Ye coming down, they whistled and horrified.

Qiao Qiao's face blushed a lot, and he thumped violently when he pressed the sand leaf.

It must have been said by this big mouth, otherwise how could this matter be known to them so quickly!

"Brother Qiao just laughed, and my sister-in-law didn't bring it out for us to see earlier! It's so embarrassing!"

"That's right! You have to pay for this match today!"

A group of people got into the car noisily. Lin Xiao sat in the car and looked at them, feeling as if he had eaten a big fly.

Failed again, and again!
If it could be said that it was Meng Xing's pure heart last time, then this time, God will not help her!

The good opportunity just slipped away for nothing, Lin Xiao punched the car bitterly!

She doesn't believe it anymore, it's just Qiao Qiao, can't she take it down!

Qiao Qiao couldn't take Lin Xiao out to eat at night, because he won a big project, and the studio was officially on the right track, so all the members of the studio asked Qiao Qiao for a treat.

Qiao Qiao wanted to go with him, but the restaurant they were going to was frequented by Er Shao Liu, and Lin Xiao was afraid that Er Shao Liu would do something in public.

After all, according to Liu Ershao's personality, no matter what he did, it was normal.

However, Lin Xiao didn't go with him, but Meng Xing didn't care about it. Knowing that Qiao Qiao was hosting the guests, he came here uninvited.

Sha Ye looked at the equally beautiful girl in front of her, and bumped Qiao Qiao's arm enviously and jokingly.

"Brother, good fortune is not shallow!"

"Fuck your mother's Yanfu! You see clearly, this is the girl we rescued that day. It just so happens that her family has a little friendship with mine, so she is temporarily staying with me."

Qiao Qiao knocked away the gossiping Sha Ye and rolled her eyes angrily.

In fact, Qiao Qiao didn't dislike Meng Xing, but he was afraid that Lin Xiao would be jealous if he got close to Meng Xing.

But Meng Xing has already lived in his villa, Lin Xiao still looks indifferent in front of him, this makes Qiao Qiao very tangled, what does Lin Xiao mean to him!
If Lin Xiao didn't like him, why did he always do those intimate things with him?

That's right, it's not that Lin Xiao doesn't know about Qiao Qiao's seduction, and he's not a fool, but whenever Qiao Qiao is about to take the opportunity to confess his love, he will think of Lin Xiao's indifference to Meng Xing's appearance.

He was afraid that he had misunderstood Lin Xiao. Maybe it was because she had a good relationship with him that she made those intimate moves?
Lin Xiao didn't know how much trouble her pretentious generosity had caused her. If she knew that the kindness, gentleness and generosity she deliberately showed in front of Qiao Qiao would misunderstand Qiao Qiao, Lin Xiao would definitely not choose to do this!
After Meng Xing came in, he greeted generously, and then sat directly beside Qiao Qiao.

"Brother Qiao, won't you introduce us?"

A group of people looked at Qiao Qiao jokingly, and Qiao Qiao patted Sha Ye's arm again before standing up and saying.

"This is Meng Xing. You should all know her. She was the one we rescued in the alley after drinking that night."

"Oh! So it's Miss Meng!"

Hearing Qiao Qiao introduce Meng Xing in this way, the heart of gossip in the hearts of the group of people has not diminished at all, and they are even more eager to try.

"Brother Qiao, is this a blessing in disguise? After being beaten up, he got a wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Qiao Qiao already has someone he likes in his heart, and I'm just staying at Qiao Qiao's house temporarily."

Before Qiao Qiao could explain, Meng Xing took the initiative to stand up and explain.

It's just that her explanation is just a cover-up in the eyes of others. Looking at the clothes the two of them are wearing today, it's basically a couple outfit!

"Yes, yes, we all understand, we all understand!"

Facing the teasing of these guys, Qiao Qiao couldn't explain it even if he wanted to, so he could only roll his eyes helplessly.

Left and right, they were just joking, and I will explain it slowly later.

"Today was your brother's gathering, but I always wanted to find a chance to thank you all, so I can only take advantage of Qiao Qiao's treat today and come here with a big face. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course I don't mind! Of course not!"

Well, I can't explain it at all now!
Qiao Qiao sat down helplessly, and Meng Xing also sat down after drinking a glass of wine.

"Don't drink for a while, I came here by car, otherwise we can't go back."

Meng Xing quietly moved closer, and the warm smell of alcohol sprayed on Qiao Qiao's face, making Qiao Qiao dazed for a moment.

"Today is my treat, how can I not drink?"

"Then there's no other way, we'll have to call a surrogate driver together in a while!"

Meng Xing looked a little happy, and patted Qiao Qiao's chest ambiguously.

Qiao Qiao trembled all over, and hid himself away from her.

The hero saves the beauty and promises such a plot with his body, it won't really appear on him!
(End of this chapter)

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