Chapter 355 My Retribution
Without Lu Yanchuan's order, someone has already done it.

After a while, the waiter who changed the drink was brought over, and he was very timid and did not need Lu Yanchuan to force him to ask him any questions.

"Yes, someone gave me some tips to change this drink! Never mind my business!"

The waiter's legs were weak, and he knelt on the ground and trembled.

Lu Yanchuan didn't doubt the authenticity of what he said, and asked someone to take out a photo and put it in front of the waiter.

"Did this person give you a tip and asked you to change the drink?"

"Yes! It's her! Because the hotel was taken over by Lu's family today, and she didn't have an invitation card, so I didn't let her in at all, but she gave me a lot of money and told me that her husband was inside, Let me help to see if there are other women around her husband, and let me exchange the drink she brought for her husband!"

The waiter said a lot of things in a panic, but Lu Yanchuan didn't care about anything else. After confirming that the person who ordered the waiter was Wang Zhen, Lu Yanchuan directly asked Wang Zhen to take back all the properties of the Lu family in her hands!

Even the one under Lu Qingshan's name was confiscated, and Wang Zhen was told that she would not be allowed to interfere in the Lu family's property in the future, and her marriage with Lu Qingshan would no longer be recognized by the Lu family!
Wang Zhen was waiting for the good news from the banquet, but the arrival of such news made her feel like being struck by lightning!

"Why! These are the joint property of Lu Qingshan and I! The Lu family has no right to intervene!"

Wang Zhen went crazy, and all her guilt turned into anger. Just as she was about to argue again, she hung up the phone!

In the end what happened!Why did Lu Yanchuan suddenly have such an arrangement!Could it be that the person she arranged made a mistake!

If possible, Wang Zhen didn't want to go out and let a little waiter do such an important thing!

But in order to deal with those women outside of Lu Qingshan, she had already used up all her private treasury, and because she and Lu Qingshan were going through a divorce, her natal family ignored her, and there was no one around her to use!
Wang Zhen had thought that there would be a day when something happened, but she never thought that this day would come so soon!
She was eager to know what happened at the banquet, she waited at home all day, and finally received a call from Lu Qingshan at night, knowing what happened at the banquet!
The medicine in that drink did not harm Qiao Yi, but was eaten by Mr. Lu. Now Mr. Lu was admitted to the hospital due to food poisoning, and he is still not out of danger!

No wonder!No wonder Lu Yanchuan was so angry, even Lu Qingshan was implicated!

Although Lu Qingshan didn't care about the little salary that the Lu family gave him, but he was implicated by Wang Zhen, and all the power in his hands was taken away by Lu Yanchuan!
Now he only has [-]% of Lu's shares left, and nothing else!
"What the hell did you do! Why did Lu Yanchuan suddenly go crazy! You crazy woman, can't you let me survive for a day!"

Wang Zhen was almost scolded by Lu Qingshan for being stupid!
Married for so many years, no, it should be said that she has known Lu Qingshan for so many years, she has never seen Lu Qingshan scolding people so angrily, let alone treat her with this attitude!
Until Lu Qingshan hung up the phone over there, Wang Zhen didn't recover.

After Lu Qingshan is Lu Ming, he and Lu Qingshan have the same meaning, but the words are not as harsh as Lu Qingshan.

Wang Zhen no longer wanted to hear their condemnation of her, so she turned off her phone.

Qiao Yi didn't know about the quarrel with the second room of the Lu family. She was sitting in the corridor of the hospital waiting for the results of the surgery.

Although the old man was poisoned after drinking the drink, fortunately, the old man didn't drink too much. After gastric lavage, he could inject some medicine, but the real concern was that the old man fell when he passed out!
The old man already had a little bit of osteoporosis, and he didn't know how serious it would be if he was thrown so hard.

Yun Qing has been in for almost two hours, but no news has come out yet.

Lu Yanchuan went to deal with the person who gave the drug, without Lu Yanchuan telling her, Qiao Yi also knew who did it, and the old man's side was more important than paying attention to Wang Zhen's fate.

Finally, the lights in the operating room went out, and Yun Qing came out.

"The old man delivered it in time. Only the seventh rib on his body has some slight fractures, but this time the old man fell to his head. He has some concussions and some blood in his head. It may take a while to wake up from a coma, but Don't worry, it's not life-threatening."

The injury on the head was never a minor injury, but it was lucky that he had been in a coma for a while. Yun Qing left very tired. Before he came to perform the operation on the old man, he had just returned from the previous operation.

The old man was pushed out and looked as if he was asleep.

Qiao Yi stayed by the old man's side, feeling guilty and angry in his heart.

The one who blamed herself was that she had hurt the old man in the fight with Wang Zhen, but the one who was angry was that Wang Zhen used such means to deal with her!
Once the medicine is not drunk by the old man, but by her, although it will not directly sterilize, the damage to the body is enough to make it difficult for her to conceive within a few years, and it is even difficult to keep the child!

This is simply a tactic to cut off children and grandchildren, as expected, like a mother, like a son!Lu Ming's ruthlessness is exactly the same as Wang Zhen's!
Lu Yanchuan didn't come back until nightfall, and he was relieved after learning of the old man's injury.

As long as the old man is not in danger of his life, this is already a blessing in misfortune!

Qiao Yi didn't ask Wang Zhen about their situation, and Lu Yanchuan didn't say anything. He knew that even if he had already punished them, Qiao Yi would still use his own means to punish them again!
"You've been guarding for a whole day, go and rest first, as long as I'm here."

Qiao Yi shook her head and did not leave, but sat down beside Lu Yanchuan next to him.

Too many things happened in this period of time, and Joey didn't even have time to think about many things, so he could only be pushed forward by reality.

Now that something like this happened, Qiao Yi had time to think about what she had done for a while, and Qiao Yi suddenly realized that what she did was different from Wang Zhen's.

"Tell me, is this my retribution? Obviously I should suffer, but now Dad has suffered!"

"What nonsense, I've helped you with everything you do, and if there is retribution, it should be us! Besides, someone is going to harm you, so why don't you hold back and not fight back?"

Qiao Yi buried her face in Lu Yanchuan's chest, her head was sullen and she didn't want to speak any more.

At this time, all she needed was silent company. Lu Yanchuan hugged Qiao Yi tightly, wanting her to draw some strength from his embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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