Chapter 361 Zhao Ming's Thoughts

After saying this, Qiao Yi sat up straight, picked up the phone and moved it closer.

"You seldom trust a person so much. Could it be that you have some relationship with this Miss Zhao, so you trust this Miss Zhao so much?"

Seeing that Lu Yanchuan's face didn't seem to have changed, Qiao Yi's face turned cold.

"I didn't expect that, I thought I was going to do whatever I could, but I did it for you?"

Qiao Yi sneered, and hung up the phone before Lu Yanchuan could speak.

She knew Lu Yanchuan too well, and she had used other people to tell Lu Yanchuan before, but Lu Yanchuan's reaction was never like this, although he was not in a hurry to explain, but there were some reactions, not as if he was recalling it like now.

Although Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan said so, Qiao Yi did not doubt that there would be any relationship between Lu Yanchuan and that Zhao Ming. After all, she still had confidence in herself, and it was impossible for someone to just come out and take her status. Squeeze it down.

Sure enough, within 2 minutes after hanging up the phone, Lu Yanchuan called back.

Qiao Yi hung up, Lu Yanchuan dialed again, hung up, dialed again, and repeated this several times before Qiao Yi finally picked up the phone.

"What on earth are you going to do! Your Miss Zhao has just returned to China, you don't care about her well, come and call me over and over again!"

"What is my Miss Zhao? I have nothing to do with her, I just knew her when I was a child."

Lu Yanchuan was extremely helpless. It was probably because of the troubles these few times that Qiao Yi was in a bad mood.

He knew that Joey would not be really angry with him, and Joey also knew that he would coax him, but it was just a small way for the two to enhance their relationship.

Qiao Yi muttered for a long time before Lu Yanchuan finally managed to coax him.

"I don't care. In short, you have to check her carefully. I need to see the results before I go to the banquet the day after tomorrow."

Qiao Yi, who received an affirmative answer from Lu Yanchuan, was finally satisfied, and sent a few messages after hanging up the phone.

The investigation of this matter cannot be done by Lu Yanchuan alone, she has to figure out the relationship between the Lu family and the Zhao family before talking about anything else.

These things are not secret, and Qiao Yi received a reply early the next morning.

After reading the reply, Joey's heart sank.

It really made her guess right, there really is some connection between Lu Yanchuan and this Zhao Ming that she doesn't know about!

At the beginning, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Lu were classmates. After Mr. Lu took over the Lu family, he helped Mr. Zhao, and the relationship between the two families was also very good.

However, Zhao's family became more and more important in the political circle, and they could not be said to run counter to Lu's family, but they couldn't be as close as before. Especially in the past ten years, the contacts between the two families have gradually decreased.

As for Lu Yanchuan and Zhao Ming, the two of them were originally engaged in baby marriage. Lu Yanchuan went abroad to study more than ten years ago and lost contact with Zhao Ming, so this matter was let go.

When Lu Yanchuan came back from abroad, Zhao Ming went abroad again, and now the two of them had no contact.

Coupled with the fact that the concern between the two families has cooled down, no one mentioned the baby kiss that was mentioned before.

Looking at the document in his hand and the attached photo of the two children, Qiao Yi smiled wryly.

I thought that the news of the divorce would attract a big fish, but I didn't expect it to attract a great white shark!

If Qiao Yi still had some doubts about whether she was overthinking before seeing this information, then now Qiao Yi can be completely sure that these two disturbances were definitely caused by Zhao Ming behind her back!
Otherwise, she has been back to China for more than two months, but she just held the banquet now!
There has been no news from Lu Yanchuan. Even though Qiao Yi has confidence in herself, she still can't help being jealous and suspicious.

What if Zhao Ming confessed his love to Lu Yanchuan at the banquet tomorrow?
What if Zhao Ming thought they were divorced and wanted to fulfill their childhood engagement with Lu Yanchuan?
Qiao Yi's cranky thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone of the mobile phone, it was Lu Yanchuan's call.

"Found it, it was done by an entertainment company, and Zhao Ming has shares in this company."

"People are here for you!"

Qiao Yi sniffed, and couldn't help crying when she heard Lu Yanchuan's voice. She tried her best not to let Lu Yanchuan hear that she was crying, but how could she hide it from Lu Yanchuan's ears.

"I only have you in my heart. I haven't seen her for more than ten years. She may not have such thoughts, maybe it is because of other reasons."

"Hmph! You'll know why at the banquet tomorrow!"

The woman's intuition told Qiao Yi that Zhao Ming would definitely reveal something to Lu Yanchuan at the banquet tomorrow, and what Lu Yanchuan said now was useless!
"Even if she has such thoughts, I don't like her."

Qiao Yi was still humming, regretting for the first time in her heart that she would use this method to lure potential enemies in the dark.

This is clearly a trick to hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred!She must be out of her mind!

Finally, Qiao Yi fell asleep under the comfort of Lu Yanchuan. On the phone side, Lu Yanchuan looked at the investigation materials in his hand, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

What he investigated was more than that. Zhao Ming didn't just use public opinion, she also had a shadow behind Wang Zhen's previous incident!
Not only that, after the news of his and Qiao Yi's divorce was released, most of the companies that attacked Qiao's were also instructed by the Zhao family!
Although he had been friends with Zhao Ming for a while when he was a child, but seeing Zhao Ming attacking Qiao Yi now, Lu Yanchuan absolutely couldn't stand it!

"Intercept all the projects of the new season of the Northern Group, at all costs!"

"Then tomorrow's banquet."

"Push it off."

Xiao Ting was almost shocked by the coldness in Lu Yanchuan's tone. The last time Lu Yanchuan was so angry, he still received news that Qiao Yi had been kidnapped.

Who messed with him this time?

Villa in the east of the city, the Zhao family.

Zhao Ming sat in front of the dressing table and carefully applied a layer of mask on her face, and did not leave after applying it, just sat there and looked at herself in the mirror.

It has been almost three months since she returned to China. She came back full of excitement, thinking that she would be able to meet her brother Chuan and finally be with him, but what she didn't want was the news that Lu Yanchuan had been married for more than two years!
A bolt from the blue is nothing more than that!

Zhao Ming was sad, sad, and watched Lu Yanchuan and Qiao Yi holding hands happily and sweetly from a distance countless times.

When she was very young, she knew that she would marry Brother Chuan in the future, and until now, her childhood thoughts have become an obsession.

Seeing Lu Yanchuan and Qiao Yi together, she would feel betrayed!

Zhao Ming is proud and strong!

She has never been unable to get what she wants, and Lu Yanchuan is naturally among them!
So what if she's married, that's because she didn't come back, and now that she's back, the only person beside Lu Yanchuan is her!
(End of this chapter)

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