Chapter 365
"I heard that Miss Qiao seems to have some emotional problems recently, so she will inevitably say these sad things. If Miss Qiao doesn't mind, you can talk to me about it."

As Zhao Ming spoke, she pretended to be listening attentively, looking like a caring big sister.

Qiao Yi's expression suddenly became sad and tangled, which made Zhao Ming's heart agitated, waiting for Qiao Yi to bring the topic to Lu Yanchuan.

It's just that Qiao Yi will not say anything, hang Zhao Ming for a long time, and Zhao Ming can't sit still, so Qiao Yi speaks.

"Actually, there is nothing to say, but I always look at Miss Zhao and don't want you to be like me."

Before Zhao Ming could speak, Qiao Yi changed her smile again.

"What are you doing talking about, making Ms. Zhao laugh! I heard that Ms. Zhao has set up a new entertainment company. It just so happens that I have a friend who is also in this business. I can introduce Ms. Zhao to her."

Zhao Ming's breath was stuck in his chest and he couldn't get it out. He prepared a bunch of excuses, but Qiao Yi just didn't follow her ideas!

If she hadn't been sure that she had never revealed the news before she came back, she would have wondered if Qiao Yi was playing a trick on herself!
It was a good opportunity, and Qiao Yi messed up the topic, Zhao Ming's teeth were about to be gritted, but he had to continue to follow her words.

If she continues to bring the topic back at this time, it's hard to guarantee that Joey won't be suspicious.

After seeing off Zhao Ming properly, Qiao Yi stopped holding back the smile in her heart and slapped her thigh to laugh wildly.

If she doesn't know what Zhao Ming is thinking by now, then she is a pure fool!

From the very beginning, Zhao Ming approached her with only one purpose, and that was Lu Yanchuan. From her, Lu Yanchuan's "ex-wife", Zhao Ming could get as much information about Lu Yanchuan as possible.

Although Zhao Ming is very confident in herself, she and Lu Yanchuan haven't seen each other for so many years, and they don't know each other that well.

If Zhao Ming wants to take down Lu Yanchuan in one fell swoop, intelligence gathering is indispensable!

Although Qiao Yi couldn't stop Zhao Ming from collecting information about Lu Yanchuan everywhere, she could always create some trouble for her!
"Sister Le, I have a little trouble and I need your help. By the way, I can introduce you personally."

Zhao Ming left from Qiao Yi. Although she didn't get any useful news these days, she could be sure from Qiao Yi's attitude that Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan were completely dead!
As long as this can be confirmed, other news is insignificant!

Zhao Ming excitedly began to inquire about Lu Yanchuan's preferences, and inquired about everything she could find out.

She was not in a hurry to meet Lu Yanchuan, one was because of her reserve as the daughter of the Zhao family, and the other was that she didn't want to meet Lu Yanchuan so casually.

Zhao Ming is preparing. She wants to find the most suitable opportunity and leave an unforgettable memory for Lu Yanchuan!

It's just that she didn't know that everything she did was seen by others. Both Qiao Yi and Lu Yanchuan knew her every move like the back of their hands!
While Zhao Ming was preparing to meet Lu Yanchuan, he still clung to Qiao Yi.

Going out to chat and go shopping is already the norm. Even outsiders think that Zhao Ming and Qiao Yi have become good friends, but only the two of them know the truth!
Zhao Ming hid [-] intentions, and Qiao Yi didn't bother to expose them, but she refused to follow her wishes when dealing with Zhao Ming, which really troubled Zhao Ming.

But soon she didn't have so much time to worry about it, because her company was hit, several entertainment companies from Kyoto did not know why, and joined hands to exclude her company!

It's always normal for emerging companies to be squeezed out by local companies. It stands to reason that Zhao Ming shouldn't be so nervous.

It's just that the one who pushed Zhao Ming out this time was the top Four Seas Entertainment in the entire capital, and even in the entire Hua Kingdom!

The mutual exclusion between enterprises is nothing, but there is also an unwritten rule that the top enterprises will not participate in such competition unless it is due to personal grievances.

The main reason is that such a top company has too much energy, and if it is not careful, it will have a major impact on the local economy.

Although in Kyoto, a few entertainment companies are not enough to affect the economy of Kyoto, but when there were new entertainment companies in the past, Four Seas Entertainment did not intervene, so why did they stand up and do it this time!
Although Zhao Ming has the support of the Zhao family behind her, her company has just started after all. When facing an established company like Sihai, it is more like a castle on the beach, and it may be destroyed by a wave.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhao Ming put his mind on Lu Yanchuan any more, and naturally he had to focus on the company wholeheartedly!

"It's just a small start-up company. You let me do it again, but you don't want me to do it too hard. Look, my face has turned yellow because of this for the past few days!"

Le Bai has recently fallen in love with blackmailing Qiao Yi. Every time he sees Qiao Yi helpless because of her unreasonable behavior, Le Bai feels a sense of accomplishment.

Knowing that this woman had made a mistake again, Qiao Yi gave her a big roll of her eyes helplessly, and coped with it hahaha, until she blackmailed her and then let her go.

"However, the little girl you mentioned is really capable. She is as slippery as a fish, and there is a lot of strength behind her to support her. Twice, I almost fell over!"

"She is the eldest daughter of the Zhao family. Didn't her father transfer to work in the central government a few days ago? The Zhao family is very beautiful. You didn't go too far when you did it, did you?"

That's why Qiao Yi didn't let Le Bai kill her. Her purpose was to drag Zhao Ming to the company, so that she wouldn't have to think about other people's husbands so much, and she didn't want to cause Le Bai to suffer revenge for this reason.

Of course Le Bai knew what the Zhao family was, but she didn't take it seriously, and even snorted twice.

"No matter how majestic the Zhao family is, it's too late for their politicians to avoid suspicion in business matters, and they can still get up to it? Besides, which politician can stand the investigation, if he dares to stretch his claws at me, I dare to break his limbs !"

Le Bai's words were full of domineering, Qiao Yi applauded very face-saving, but still told Le Bai not to be too ruthless, it was enough to make Zhao Ming unable to escape.

Zhao Ming really couldn't get out, not only couldn't get out, but was even very annoying.

There was nothing particularly troublesome in the company, but it was these trivial chores that drove Zhao Ming crazy!
"It's just such a small matter that I have to go through it myself. I came here to ask you to arrange tasks for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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