Chapter 70

Just when Gong Ting was hesitating, Qiao Yi's cell phone which was still on the sofa rang suddenly.

Gong Ting's people took a look, and the caller ID showed Lu Yanchuan!
"Miss, the call is from a person named Lu Yanchuan."

They didn't know who Lu Yanchuan was, but Gong Ting just said that the one they caught was Lu Yanchuan's wife, and their lady came to arrest him just to threaten Lu Yanchuan.

Why did Lu Yanchuan call before he was taken away?

Gong Ting panicked, she wasn't ready to confront Lu Yanchuan head-on, she wasn't ready to use Qiao Yi to threaten him!How could Lu Yanchuan appear at this time!

The phone on the sofa kept ringing, but no one answered it, and hung up by itself after a while.

But before Gong Ting could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone rang again!
"Hang up, hang up!"

"Miss Gong, if you hang up the phone, maybe Lu Yanchuan will come back to the hotel to see me in person."

Joy's tone was cheerful and her face was cold, which made one want to beat her up.

Gong Ting also wanted to beat her up, but her raised hand couldn't be lowered for a long time, and she even couldn't help taking a few steps back under Qiao Yi's indifferent gaze.

"Miss Gong, I'm very curious. No matter how rich an old lady's legacy is, she won't make the most favored lady of your palace family pay attention to her like this, right? Risking revenge from the Qiao family and the Lu family to kidnap her Me? Miss Gong, can you tell me why?"

Just when Gong Ting was hesitating to pick up the phone, Qiao Yi suddenly asked Gong Ting for a moment.

"This has nothing to do with you!"

Gong Ting glared at her impatiently, and when she was about to answer the phone, the phone had already hung up again.

This time the phone didn't ring after the call was hung up, Gong Ting breathed a sigh of relief, but Qiao Yi curled her lips quietly.

"Actually, if Ms. Gong wants to threaten Lu Yanchuan, she shouldn't kidnap me at all. Lu Yanchuan and I are just in a business marriage. If the legacy left by Mrs. Gong is worth enough, do you think Lu Yanchuan will give up for a wife who has no feelings for a business marriage? Benefits at hand?"

Although being suppressed, Qiao Yi seemed to be chatting with an old friend, and she didn't feel nervous at all.

Gong Ting looked at Qiao Yi, then at the mobile phone on the sofa, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"Go! Take her with you, let's go now!"

Gong Ting didn't answer Qiao Yi's words, she pushed away the man in black standing beside her, turned around and left.

Qiao Yi looked at Gong Ting's flustered back, and the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger, and at the end he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"why are you laughing!"

Gong Ting couldn't bear it anymore, she turned her head and looked at Qiao Yi angrily.

Qiao Yi smiled and frowned with a helpless look on her face, "I was thinking, this time the Gong family will be doomed by you."


"Miss! Master's call!"

Before she walked out of the hotel, Gong Ting received a call from her own father, Gong Zhe.

I don't know what was said on the other side of the phone, after Gong Ting hung up the phone, her expression was always ugly, especially when she saw Qiao Yi's smiling face.


After all, Gong Ting couldn't hold back, she turned around and slapped Qiao Yi, the force was so strong that blood overflowed from the corner of Qiao Yi's lips.

"You bitch! I won't let you go!"

Qiao Yi raised her eyebrows, and licked the blood stains on her lips, but her eyes fell behind Gong Ting when she was about to say something, and she began to cry as soon as she rolled her eyes.

Gong Ting noticed Qiao Yi's gaze, turned around and looked, her face turned pale.

Lu Yanchuan stood at the end of the corridor with a frosty face. Although he was standing there alone, facing the dozen or so people in the upper corridor, his aura was not weak at all, and it was even so sharp that people dare not look directly at it.

The atmosphere froze instantly, and Gong Ting even felt that under Lu Yanchuan's gaze, her blood almost stopped flowing, and she was so cold that she didn't even dare to look at Lu Yanchuan.

"Yanchuan. Help me"

Qiao Yi's weak cry for help broke the condensed atmosphere in the corridor, and Lu Yanchuan, who saw Qiao Yi across Gong Ting, looked even colder by three points.

I saw Qiao Yi being held by two tall and burly men. His body was covered with blood stains, half of his face was red and swollen, and there was a trace of blood on his lips. He looked as if he had been abused.

"No, it's not like that, I"

"Give me the man."

Lu Yanchuan walked over step by step, but the people on Gong Ting's side retreated step by step, even Qiao Yi was dragged back, looking very miserable.

"I repeat, give me the man."

Qiao Yi heard the anger hidden in Lu Yanchuan's voice, and suddenly regretted it, did she play too much?

If the Gong family really broke their faces, it would not be of any benefit to the Lu family and the Qiao family!
Qiao Yi had already guessed that Gong Ting would not really do anything to her, so she used the knife and was taken away by her. After seeing Lu Yanchuan, she pretended to be pitiful.

It's just that Lu Yanchuan didn't expect that Lu Yanchuan would be so angry that Qiao Yi felt his heart pounding just watching it.

It's scary how angry this man is.

Gong Ting couldn't retreat, she suddenly took off the ring from her finger and put it on Qiao Yi's face, glaring at Lu Yanchuan viciously.

"Give me the shares of the Gong family owned by the teacher! Otherwise, I will ruin her face!"

Qiao Yi raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect Gong Ting to do such a thing.

No wonder Gong Ting did not hesitate to annoy the Qiao family and the Lu family, but also opposed Lu Yanchuan, and even used her to threaten Lu Yanchuan. It turned out that there was such a share in the Gong family.

Lu Yanchuan frowned and said nothing, Qiao Yi's heart sank.

What does he mean?
Normal fear can make people withdraw, but excessive fear can inspire courage.

For example, now, Gong Ting was suppressed to the extreme by Lu Yanchuan's aura. Anyway, she had already offended the Qiao and Lu families. Gong Ting simply broke the pot and threatened him with Qiao Yi in front of Lu Yanchuan.

The more Lu Yanchuan remained silent, the heavier the hearts of the two women opposite.

Gong Ting was regretting and wondering, did Lu Yanchuan really have no feelings for her at all as Qiao Yi said, so he didn't care if she got hurt?

And Qiao Yi was disappointed. Although the two were just superficial couples, they got along quite happily. Now, for a share that did not belong to Lu Yanchuan, Lu Yanchuan actually refused to save her?
"Teacher doesn't have any shares in the Gong family."

Qiao Yi and Gong Ting were stunned for a moment, unable to believe that what Lu Yanchuan said was true, or was it a lie deliberately fabricated by Gong Ting to let her go.

"You're talking nonsense! The teacher clearly owns [-]% of the shares of the Gong family, so how could you say that you don't have it and you don't have it!"

"This is the teacher's estate appraisal, and there is no item related to shares written on it."

With that said, Lu Yanchuan took out a document from his handbag and threw it to Gong Ting.

(End of this chapter)

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