Chapter 85 The Sent Away Relic

"Hold, I'm sorry. We also obey orders"

The two security guards looked as if they were about to cry. Lu Yanchuan's gaze was too oppressive, not to mention that as the eldest disciple of Mrs. Gong, Lu Yanchuan used to come to the villa to accompany Mrs. Gong often.

Even though they haven't been here for two years, these two security guards still know Lu Yanchuan's face!

They did not let Lu Yanchuan in because they obeyed the orders of the Gong family, but if they offended Lu Yanchuan, they would not have any good fruit!

"Let them in."

Just at the moment of these two dilemmas, a voice appeared from behind, saving the two security guards who were about to kneel down.

Gong Ting?Why is she here?

The person who spoke was not Gong Ting. Seeing her standing there smilingly waiting for Lu Yanchuan and the others to enter, the people outside became vigilant.

Does Gong Ting have such a good look towards them?
Qiao Yi frowned, and carefully looked at Gong Ting in the door. When her eyes fell on her lips, Qiao Yi reached out and tugged at Lu Yanchuan's sleeve.

"It's not Gong Ting, Gong Ting has a small mole on the corner of her mouth, but she doesn't have one."

Not Gong Ting?

Lu Yanchuan looked at the woman inside who looked almost the same as Gong Ting, and couldn't tell whether Qiao Yi's words were right or not.

God knows that he never pretends to women, and he can remember Gong Ting because of Mrs. Gong, plus she once wanted to do something to Qiao Yi, otherwise, even if Gong Ting stood in front of Lu Yanchuan naked, Lu Yanchuan would not Blink.

Seeing that they hadn't entered for a long time, the woman inside smiled helplessly and walked over on her own initiative.

"Hi, I'm Gong Yan, Gong Ting's twin sister."

Gong Ting's twin sister?Why haven't you heard of it before?

Not only Lu Yanchuan hadn't heard of it, but he hadn't even heard of Qu Luo, who was closer to the Gong family. He had been with the Gong family for so many years, but he had never heard of Gong Ting having a sister!
"You should all be familiar with my sister. I grew up abroad, so you should not know me. Don't stand at the door, go in and talk."

Different from Gong Ting's arrogance and domineering feeling, Gong Yan's words and actions give people a feeling like spring breeze blowing on the face, making you feel very comfortable standing next to her.

Even after Lu Yanchuan and Gong Yan said a few words, their frowning relaxed a little, not to mention that Xiao Luo, who had no scheming at all, became Gong Yan's good brother in just a few words.

I don't know if it's because the magnetic fields between women are inherently opposed, but Qiao Yi feels that something is wrong with Gong Yan's smiling face.

If Joey had to give an adjective, it would be fake, very fake.

Seeing that Lu Yanchuan seemed to be bewildered by this woman's performance, Qiao Yi was very dissatisfied. She put two fingers into Lu Yanchuan's waist, pinched a piece of soft flesh and twisted it vigorously.

Lu Yanchuan's expression suddenly froze. If you look carefully, you can even see a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

It's so dark to start!
Gong Yan led a few people all the way into the villa, passed a row of residential houses in front, bypassed the hot springs, and finally arrived at the small houses at the top of the villa.

"Please sit down."

Gong Yan's behavior is very suitable for a host's house to welcome guests, but these houses are clearly the former residence of Mrs. Gong, so Lu Yanchuan and Xiao Luo should be the hosts here, and Gong Yan in front of her is the guest who takes the lead. .

However, Lu Yanchuan and Xiao Luo, one has no expression on his face and doesn't care about Gong Yan's actions at all, and the other has been completely bought by this gentle elder sister, so he doesn't care about these details at all.

Joey frowned and looked around the room, only to find that the decoration style here had completely changed to that of a young girl.

It is exquisite but a bit cramped, not at all like the stable and generous style of Mrs. Gong's other former residences.

"I thought about making some changes before the peak season of the scenic spot, but I forgot to tell the security guard that Mr. Lu would also come. I'm really sorry if I offended you."

Gong Yan started to apologize as soon as she sat down. Hearing what she said, if Lu Yanchuan and the others said anything else, it would be as if they were deliberately finding fault.

Xiao Luo couldn't understand Gong Yan's implication, and kept saying that it was okay, but Gong Yan's attention was not on Xiao Luo at all, but focused on Lu Yanchuan.

"I don't know why Mr. Lu came to the villa this time?"

Knowingly ask!

Xiao Luo has come to the villa no less than five times, each time explaining that she wants to come to the villa to take back the belongings of Mrs. Gong, but now Gong Yan asks them the purpose of coming to the villa as if she doesn't know at all, either knowingly asking or trying to find fault on purpose!

Lu Yanchuan didn't speak, but Xiaoluo scratched his head embarrassingly and said.

"I'm the one who asked my senior brother, we want to get back the teacher's belongings."

This silly boy's actions were obviously reasonable, but he said that it seemed like they were unreasonable.

Gong Yan seemed a little surprised and looked at Xiaoluo, then at Lu Yanchuan.

"Madam Gong's relics? I remember that I have ordered people to tidy up all the things and sent them to the old lady's old residence in Tianshi. Why do you still need to pick them up in person?"


The expression on Gong Yan's face did not seem to be fake, and when they came in just now, they looked around the room, and there was indeed nothing left by Mrs. Gong.

"The teacher's mansion didn't receive anything."

"Then it's strange. My subordinates took back the receipt certificate from the Qu Mansion and confirmed that the things had been delivered, but Mr. Lu said he hadn't received them. I don't know who to believe."

Gong Yan shrugged helplessly, took out a box from under the coffee table under the eyes of several people, opened it and took out the topmost receipt and put it in front of several people.

"This is the receipt certificate issued by the butler of the Qu Mansion."

All the other people's evidence was presented, and Lu Yanchuan was not given a chance to refute at all.

The items on the receipt certificate are clearly written, how many things were sent by the people from Taikou Mountain Villa, when was it received there, and who is the person who signed the money, all of which are well documented.

"But, I really haven't heard from the housekeeper. If there is something to send back, the housekeeper will definitely notify me!"

Xiao Luo was still able to maintain some sense when it came to Mrs. Gong's matter. She took the receipt and read it carefully, and immediately stood up and took out her mobile phone to call the housekeeper.

A few people here quietly waited for Xiao Luo to call, but it took a while to pass, only to see Xiao Luo come back with a sad face.

"Brother is sick, the housekeeper can't get through on the phone. The people in the Qu mansion said that the housekeeper has been missing for three days! And they haven't been able to contact me until I took the initiative to call them!"

(End of this chapter)

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