Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 111 111. There is no reason, I just don't want to.

Chapter 111 111. There is no reason, I just don't want to.

When Chu Muran talked about this situation, he still had that calm and breezy look on his face. He never seemed to express his emotions easily. He sealed off his heart. Everyone kept a proper distance.

That's why many people always feel that Chu Muran is aloof, like a flower on a high mountain.

but actually
He will also feel lonely and helpless in his heart, and there will be times when he needs help and comfort.

But this is him, but he has been working hard silently, constantly using his achievements to prove his worth.

He is so good and kind,
He still bears so much injustice.

Tian Tian had mixed feelings in her heart, "Chu Muran, are you going back to the hospital later?"

Chu Muran replied softly: "Well, I took a one-month leave with the school, and I won't be going back to school in the near future. I want to spend time with grandpa in the hospital."

Tian Tian sighed, raised her head and said: "That's fine, by the way, I have nothing to do this afternoon, I will go to the hospital with you later, shall I?"

Chu Muran originally wanted to refuse,

But when he saw Tian Tian's sincere and serious eyes, he nodded in a mysterious way: "Okay, let's go together."

He didn't have many friends since he was a child, so it's hard for him to call friends like Chu Xiuwen.

Whatever he does, he is alone,

But I don't know when, this state of being alone has slowly changed.

He will look forward to the appearance of "her",

Will be waiting for her to appear day after day.

Tian Tian originally wanted to calm down her nervous emotions in the background, but after talking to Chu Muran for a few words, her bad mood seemed to disappear.

Tian Tian and Chu Muran came to the hospital together, as Chu Muran said, Mr. Xie had already woken up.

After hearing that Tian Tian was Chu Muran's teacher, Mr. Xie's lips seemed to move, as if he was struggling to get up.

Tian Tian hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and said, "Mister, lie down quickly, your body is the most important thing now, you just need to cultivate well, don't worry about me."

Chu Muran on the other side also became flustered rarely, especially when Mr. Xie was so excited, he even coughed.

Chu Muran picked up the warm water that he had prepared and put it on the edge of Mr. Xie, "Grandpa, drink some water."

And at this moment, Tian Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, she picked it up and saw that the name displayed on it was [Li Hui]
Li Hui?

She gave Chu Muran an apologetic look, and motioned for herself to answer the phone first.

Gently closing the door of the ward, Tian Tian dared to answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, Teacher Fang Hui, it's me."

This voice is very familiar, it seems to be the male teacher who was talking to Tian Tian in the background.

What is he looking for her now?
Is it related to Chu Muran?
"Oh, it's Teacher Li Hui, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Just now, the principal and I also talked about the previous incident. We felt that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day. We went to visit Chu Muran's grandfather today. Of course, our visit is one thing, and another What's the matter, I still have to persuade Chu Muran to give up participating in this math competition, and give up the quota early, so that we can carry out the final training. It will start in less than half a month, and time waits for no one. Our school has won No.1 for four consecutive years, and this year absolutely nothing can go wrong."

Nothing wrong?

Tian Tian really finds it funny, without Chu Muran, their odds of winning will be cut in half!
I really don't know what the school thinks!

Tian Tianxin was unwilling, so she had to say euphemistically: "But I heard that Chu Muran's grades have always been No. 1 in the grade, especially the grades related to science, which are basically full marks. Such a good seedling, we Really."

Li Hui was also extremely disappointed on the other end of the phone, why didn't he want to.

But the school pays more attention to the indicators of B University.
So he said: "For the purpose of B University, Chu Muran is just giving up an opportunity to participate in the competition. Anyway, he can get into the university of his choice by virtue of his own strength. Why should we waste this opportunity? If he really The school has to let him take the college entrance examination to win the first prize. Isn't this a waste of an opportunity for others to go to college? The school is also well-intentioned, and the decision made for the majority of students, we still Follow the requirements of the school."

It's okay for Li Hui not to speak, but it's really a bit embarrassing when he speaks.

It just has no teacher's morality and no conscience.

As a teacher, you should consider for the students, but how can you use the sacrifice of the students in exchange for benefits?
That was the honor that Chu Muran deserved, why should he give up his own things?
His grades are good!Even if he is favored by so many universities, is it possible to blame him for being too good?
Tian Tian is really out of breath,

Seeing that the matter had come to this point, she didn't say anything more, "When?"

"Right now, we are driving, and it will take about 15 minutes. Where are you, Mr. Fang Hui? You are grateful to come here now."

Tian Tian didn't say that she was in the hospital, "Well, I'll take a taxi and come over right away."

There were still several voices coming from the other end of Li Hui's phone. Apparently, there were a lot of people coming, and it seemed that they were going to force Chu Muran to compromise.


She has to think of a way quickly.

Walking into the ward with a heavy heart, Tian Tian saw Chu Muran peeling apples by the window, with a cautious but familiar look, just like when she ran into the kitchen to light a fire when she was a child.

"Chu Muran?"

Seeing Chu Muran holding the peeled apple and handing it to her, Tian Tian raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"For you."

"Thank you."

Tian Tian likes to eat apples since she was a child, especially a big and crisp apple, she can eat several at a time.

Elder Xie on the side seemed to have fallen asleep, Tian Tian was afraid that she would eat apples too loudly, so she followed Chu Muran out of the ward, and sat on the chair at the door talking.

"Chu Muran, let me ask you something."

"Well, you said."

"Do you know B University in country B?"

Chu Muran was silent for a moment, he didn't know what he thought of, nodded and said: "Yes, the world's number one university."

Tian Tian blinked, "Then do you want to go?"

"I don't want to go."

Almost instantly, Chu Muran denied it without hesitation.

"Why?" Tian Tian was very surprised, this is the number one university in the world!There are a lot of talents in it, and there are many more opportunities than ordinary schools. Why don't you want to go?
Chu Muran lowered his eyes and smiled, "There's no reason, I just don't want to."

(End of this chapter)

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