Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 120 120. Look!look!really!

Chapter 120 120. Look!look!really!

Yang Chunwang casually lit another cigarette, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to solve this matter.

He looked at Tian Tian, ​​just like looking at the students who came to find him one by one today.

The cigarette was not finished, but he suddenly put out the fire.

After a long while, he suddenly said: "So let me tell you, Fang Hui, if you turn your mind around, you will definitely become an excellent teacher. I have been telling you all the time, you have to be distracted when you are in the education industry, student. It’s not those adults in the society, they are actually very simple, if you don’t get in touch with and understand students, it’s hard to succeed if you do this.”

Sighing, Yang Chunwang continued: "Actually, when Chu Muran asked for leave this time, he called me first. I happened to be sorting out the list at the time. I saw his name, so I asked him directly. Yes, I said Chu Muran, do you have any part in this matter? Tell the teacher honestly.

He said no, but this group of people thought about pulling him together, but he refused.

I asked him again, then you know about this, why didn't you tell the teacher?
Do you know what he said? "

Tian Tian paused, then shook her head, "I don't know."

Fang Hui didn't know,
But it doesn't mean she doesn't know
Chu Muran will most likely say,

[None of my business. ]
As soon as Tian Tian thought of these four words, Director Yang said over there: "Chu Muran just said five words, what does it matter to me?"


Tian Tian calmly gave herself a thumbs up.

Isn't this the same meaning of the civilized version?

Although he guessed right, does this have anything to do with Chu Muran's innocence?
"So if you look at the list above, Chu Muran is the one who doesn't fit in. He's usually just studying, he's a loner, and he doesn't have any particularly close friends.

But Pan Shan and the others are different. They are obviously the kind of students who want to be famous in school, so they do everything they can. Anyway, no matter what they do, good or bad, I just want everyone to know my name. "

Tian Tian nodded in agreement.

To put it bluntly, it is the non-Christian guy and the spiritual girl begging for attention.

Although from the analysis of the characters and behaviors of these people, Chu Muran is obviously an impossible person, but why does his name appear here?

Ranked fourth, it shows that there are quite a few people who wrote Chu Muran's name.

Is it intentional?

Written on purpose?

Tian Tian didn't understand, "But there are so many students who wrote Chu Muran's name, did they do it on purpose? Or is there some misunderstanding?"

Yang Chunwang didn't speak, he was also struggling with this point, he couldn't figure out why Chu Muran's name appeared so frequently, he really couldn't believe that Chu Muran would do such a thing.

After being silent for a long time, Yang Chunwang said: "The reason why I told you about this tonight is to remind you of your original intention of joining the company. On the other hand, I still think that we should Let’s observe for a while, and I’ll think if there’s any other way, only Pan Shan and Xiao Jia on the current list haven’t submitted their review yet.”

In other words, everyone else has already submitted the review and written the list?

"Then Chen Zhi, did he write Chu Muran's name?"

Director Yang thought for a while, "No, he didn't write."

"Then he wrote the names of Pan Shan and Xiao Jia?"

Director Yang paused, then suddenly raised his head to look at Tian Tian, ​​"Yes, he has written all the people on the list, except Chu Muran."

Tian Tian calmly thought and said: "He can rank among the top three, which means that he must be a member of the small gang. He wrote about Pan Shan and Xiao Jia, but did not write about Chu Muran. In fact, it also shows that Chu Muran and this group It doesn't matter."

Tian Tian didn't say all the thoughts in her heart. In fact, she had a bold guess, but whether this guess is true or not, I'm afraid she still needs a very important person to help her verify it.
Judging from Director Yang's attitude, he will definitely handle this matter properly.

That is to say, the relevant students must be punished.

But who is punished and why, there must be real evidence, like Chen Zhi and others who have submitted a review, this is considered to have evidence, but what about Xiao Jia and Pan Shan?There are only witnesses, which is not convincing, but it gives Pan Shan a gap to make trouble.

So Director Yang was waiting, and the kindness in his heart told him that these two students would definitely realize their mistakes, and then they would take the initiative to talk to him.

But Tian Tian thinks that this is simply impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for those two people to appear without being pushed.

After clocking in from get off work, Tian Tian was on the way home and happened to pass by the old playground where the conflict occurred last time. Now that her identity has changed, she doesn't know what happened to that little girl Yang Yu. Her knee is swollen like a gourd, she won't collapse.

Tian Tian is also guilty.

Especially, she was afraid that people like Pan Shan would continue to bully Yang Yu.

After returning home, Tian Tian sent a WeChat message to Chu Muran to make sure that his grandfather had woken up, and then Tian Tian started to prepare her own dinner. Fang Hui was a thin and thin woman. species of people.

Tian Tian felt that she was really miserable. Since Liu Neng, none of the people she traveled through could make her eat well!
Especially Yang Yu, who looks quite edible,
As a result, because of a bad mood, I couldn't eat every day!Hungry and can't eat!
After cooking a noodle and adding two eggs, Tian Tian was done with a simple dinner. She was about to move her chopsticks, but after thinking about it, she picked up her mobile phone and took a photo. After some hesitation, she gave it to Chu Mu. Then it passed.

The other party replied quickly: "We are only having dinner now?"

Tian Tian tapped the small keyboard: "Yeah, I just clocked out of get off work, but I live in the small apartment of the school, so I will arrive in two or three minutes, which is very convenient."

"Looks delicious."

"It's delicious, just a bowl of white water noodles."

After chatting with Chu Muran for a few words, Tian Tian went to take a bath and got ready to go to bed for fear of disturbing him to take care of his grandfather. Because of the precedent of Yang Yu suddenly transmigrating to Fang Hui, Tian Tian turned on Fang Hui and Fang Hui before going to bed. Li Hui's chat history, I want to see if they have said anything before that she doesn't know.

But the center of the earth was almost turned out, and the chat between the two of them was also very boring slobber.

Forget it, sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Tian Tian opened her eyes in a daze, and was about to continue to sleep for a while, but she suddenly subconsciously cleverly raised her arm and looked at her wrist.

After seeing the bracelet that belonged to Fang Hui, she patted her chest as if she had survived a catastrophe.

"Fortunately, it's still Fang Hui."

(End of this chapter)

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