Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 123 123. Chu Xiuwen's Anger

Chapter 123 123. Chu Xiuwen's Anger

In the meantime, Chu Xiuwen grabbed a boy's collar and walked angrily towards the teaching office.

It was almost a loud sound of "breaking in". Even Tian Tian, ​​who was mentally prepared, couldn't help being shocked, not to mention Director Yang Chunwang who was sitting directly opposite the door.

I was so scared that I stood up straight away!
When he saw that it was Chu Xiuwen, that stinky boy, his eyes instantly became like bull's eyes, "Chu Xiuwen, what are you doing! No matter how big or small! You rushed in without knocking on the door! What do you look like! "

Chu Xiuwen is an old celebrity in the school, and even an old celebrity in the teaching office.

Since junior high school, it has been one of the hardest bones in the school.

But the problem is that the headache is here, and the other hard bones are poor academic performance, playfulness, and trouble.

But Chu Xiuwen, this kid is a top student!
I don't usually see how he studies hard, but when it comes to taking exams and answering questions, he reacts faster than anyone else!

Basically, all the teachers love and hate Chu Xiuwen!

In the first year of high school, Yang Chunwang happened to be the political teacher in Chu Xiuwen's class, so he and Chu Xiuwen could be regarded as "old friends".

Usually, when Chu Xiuwen saw Director Yang on the road, he shouted very differently from others.

Others call Teacher Yang or Director Yang respectfully, but Chu Xiuwen is just two words——

"Lao Yang!"

—the familiar shouts were deafening.

I saw Chu Xiuwen swearing and grabbing a boy by the collar and rushing into the office: "Lao Yang! I haven't seen you for a few days, why, did you miss me? Let me tell you in advance, I'm not here to give you a little favor today." Trouble, I'm here to report!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu heard that Director Yang's face was as black as ink, and quickly explained: "It's okay, I was wrong! I apologize! I didn't control the strength just now, and you were always shocked!"

Almost everyone knows that Chu Xiuwen treats everyone like this, but in fact he respects and loves his teacher very much.

So for the name Lao Yang, Director Yang stopped it once he heard it at first, but after so many years, he seems to be used to it.

Chu Xiuwen is not a person who is good at expressing his feelings. In fact, the kind address may be a way for him to respect and love himself, so slowly, he himself didn't say anything more, as if he had acquiesced.

Director Yang put on his presbyopic glasses, glanced at Chu Xiuwen angrily, and then closed the office door silently.

"You report others? What can you report, kid?"

Chu Xiuwen pointed to the trembling boy in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll report this brat! How dare you slander my brother!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiuwen kicked the boy's shoes sullenly, and said viciously, "Chen Zhi! Let me tell you, tell me the truth in front of Director Yang! Otherwise, I want you to look good, believe it or not!"


It is worthy of being a "school bully"!
This grinning appearance really has a bit of bluffing momentum!

Tian Tian sat on the side silently, not daring to make a sound.

Chen Zhi is usually a passer-by, and he has never been paid attention to by such a legendary big shot since he entered school. Who would have thought that he would be offended for no reason the first time. I really want to cry without tears!It's unspeakable!
He said in a trembling voice: "Brother Chu, I really didn't write Chu Muran's name, and I didn't have the courage! I only wrote Sister Shan and the others! It's really a lesson from heaven and earth! You didn't tell a lie!"

Chen Zhi is not very tall, less than 1.7 meters, so being held by Chu Xiuwen is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered
Especially when Chu Xiuwen stared at those fire-breathing eyes, Chen Zhi was so frightened that his legs limp, his cowardly neck couldn't straighten up, and he didn't dare to vent his anger!

It was eight early in the morning, and the breakfast was brought out before I even had a bite...

It's not that he wronged Chu Muran!

But he really didn't!There are only a few names of Pan Shan on his review!

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he quickly looked at Director Yang at the side, and urgently asked for help: "Director Yang, didn't you keep my self-criticism? Take mine out alone and show it to Brother Chu." Is it okay to take a look, I really didn’t write Chu Muran’s name, I really didn’t! Brother Chu, you really wronged me!”

Hearing this, Tian Tian's heart suddenly panicked for a second.

Chen Zhi didn't write Chu Muran's name, she knew it well.

The reason why she led Chu Xiuwen to think this way was to lure out Chen Zhi, who was ranked third. If Chu Xiuwen saw that Chu Muran's name was not included in Chen Zhi's self-criticism, how would she explain it? ?

Lying to students?
Deliberately provoking trouble?

Thinking of this, Tian Tian hurriedly took advantage of Director Yang's reaction, and pretended to be calm and said: "Student, no matter whether you write it or not, first of all, you can communicate with Chu Xiuwen and tell what you know. Tell the truth, what do you have to be afraid of our teacher, many people have reported Chu Muran in the review, and you are not the only one."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Tian felt Director Yang's gaze next to her.

Tian Tian looked back calmly, as if there was nothing wrong with what she just said.

"Many people report?" Chu Xiuwen keenly grasped the difficulty in Tian Tian's words. He threw Chen Zhi aside and looked at Tian Tian in a hurry: "Many people reported my brother? What's the situation, are they Is your brain flooded? Is it necessary for my brother to copy the answer?"

Tian Tian said: "They reported that Chu Muran was the one who provided the answer."

"Provided the answer?"

Chu Xiuwen almost burst out laughing, "Last time my brother and I were in the same exam room, and he wouldn't let me peek even if I wanted to! How can I provide answers to others? Don't they know how lazy my brother is? Ah, the person who is too lazy to even bother to say a word, still provides an answer! Isn't it funny!"

Tian Tian is speechless,

Is this to excuse or smear Chu Muran?
Did anyone say that about their brother?
What a bad brother!

At this time, Chen Zhi, who was trying to lower his sense of existence, didn't know what he thought of, and he no longer wondered whether he had written Chu Muran's name, and suddenly seemed to find a treasure, his eyes sparkled Showed a flattering smile.

He rubbed his hands and smiled apologetically: "Brother Chu, Brother Chu, whether you believe me or not, I suddenly remembered something and I want to tell you."

Chu Xiuwen glanced over, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that Chu Muran didn't hold him any longer, Chen Zhi hurriedly said: "I had dinner with Sister Shan the day before yesterday, and I heard them say before entering the private room that they wanted to write Chu Muran's name on purpose to drag him into the water. Later As soon as I entered the private room, they stopped talking. I didn't understand it at the time, but now that I think about it, it seems that something is wrong."

What? ? !
Isn't this deliberate framing?
When Chu Xiuwen heard it, he didn't care that Tian Tian and Director Yang were still around, and said angrily: "There is such a thing? Are you sure you heard it right???"

"It's absolutely true!" If Chen Zhi dared to lie to Chu Xiuwen, then he really had the guts.

Although Pan Shan is not easy to mess with, but compared to Pan Shan, the scariest thing is Chu Xiuwen
If it weren't for Chu Xiuwen who really loves to study and basically devotes all his attention to studying hard, otherwise... there would be no chance of Pan Shan jumping.

Brother Chu, who was famous for a while in junior high school, is a big man who is frightening when he mentions his name!

The reason why Tian Tian wanted to lure Chen Zhi out was because Tian Tian dared to be sure that Chen Zhi definitely knew some secrets.

 An incident happened recently that left me speechless.

  The reason is that I played a game, the krypton gold amount is four digits, a small krypton player, and because of some personal matters, I want to withdraw from the game and sell the account. The selling price is very cheap, friendly price, and the result. Those who buy my account get After arriving at the number, they directly blocked me and did not give me money.

  I used my ID card to retrieve it directly at that time, and wrote a guarantee letter to ensure that I was indeed cheated.

  Later, the account was recovered, so I wanted to give it to someone who is destined.

  As a result, this scammer took advantage of the loophole and sold all the rare materials in my account, causing my combat power to drop in half.


  Although I'm still a little upset, I've already retired from playing games, so combat power is nothing to me.

  Compared with the loss of combat power, I feel more uncomfortable that he prostituted my account for nothing, and my account is second in the overall career list~
  In the future, everyone should keep their eyes open!
  The author himself is not very smart, and it is easy to believe what others say, so he is often deceived!It's really ridiculous, everyone, take it as a joke~
(End of this chapter)

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