Chapter 147 147. Show Me
Tian Tian approached them slowly, pointed to a machine on a shelf not far behind them and said, "You don't know that everything is monitored here, right? What you said to Yang Yu just now should have been taken The monitoring has completely recorded it, so I shouldn't need to remind you of the ugly things you said just now, right?"

As soon as they heard that there was surveillance, the girls immediately fell silent and did not dare to speak.

Although they are still students, it is impossible for them to understand the [power] of monitoring. Most of the scandals that are often exposed on the Internet are because of the monitoring records. Now is the information age where eyes are everywhere. Everyone can see everything they do. .

One of the timid girls pushed and shoved the leading girl in front with some fear, and suggested in a low voice: "Forget it, let's go to the toilet quickly."

The leading girl glared at the spineless girl, then at Pan Shan who was not far away, her face darkened, and she replied in a low voice, "Yes."

She glared at Yang Yu, because Tian Tian was still here, she didn't dare to say anything harsh, so she could only take advantage of Tian Tian's inattention, and left the resting room quickly and disheartened.

Originally, Tian Tian made them have to apologize to Yang Yu before they could leave, but when Tian Tian was about to stop them, Yang Yu suddenly grabbed her sleeve and tugged gently, as if to say: "Forget it!" gone."

It was this pause that gave the girls a chance to slip away.

Tian Tian turned her head helplessly, looking at Yang Yu who was downcast, she was full of persuasion and didn't know what to say.

The most ruthless is often the hurtful words blurted out,
But Yang Yu would hear such words almost every day.

"Yang Yu, you should study hard and try to get a good rank in the exam in the afternoon."

After a pause, Tian Tian still comforted her sincerely: "Don't care about what other people say, your life has nothing to do with others, why let those people we hate affect our lives? You say yes No? Since you have decided to live an optimistic life, you should be happy."

Yang Yu held the crumpled exercise book with both hands, his eyes were slightly moist, "Thank you teacher, I understand."

Tian Tian comforted and patted Yang Yu's back, and said to the classmates who had discussed the topic with Yang Yu just now: "Then you continue to discuss the topic, and I won't bother you."

But who would have thought that that classmate just looked at Yang Yu in embarrassment, and then said to Tian Tian: "Teacher, I have something to do, I want to go to the toilet"

Hearing this, Yang Yu's eyes darkened again.

Sure enough, as long as they heard about her, everyone would no longer want to have any contact with her.

Tian Tian was silent for a second or two, "Go."

As soon as the words fell, the male student ran very fast as if his feet had been oiled.

Yang Yu looked sadly at the half-answered questions in his hand, and all that was left in his heart was countless bitterness. He thought that he might be able to make a friend or two when he met new classmates, but unexpectedly he messed up .

"It's okay, there are so many powerful students here, and he's not the only one who knows."

Tian Tian looked around, and found that most of the people were immersed in studying their own test books, and there was no time left for them.

"Forget it, teacher. Anyway, my math scores are not very good. It's a surprise to be able to participate in the math competition this time. It's fine if I can learn the knowledge." After speaking, Yang Yu was ready to go back to the last row.

at this time,

A slender figure slowly walked over from Tian Tian's side, her white shirt was spotless, her slightly smiling eyes looked like a high-spirited young man in a book,

Tian Tian subconsciously looked to the side
The boy just glanced at Tian Tian's slightly surprised face seemingly inadvertently, then called Yang Yu softly, and motioned her to give him the test book in her hand.

"Student Chu Muran?"

Yang Yu took a few steps back in surprise.

She naturally knew about Chu Muran, after all, some time ago, someone posted a post on the school's forum, mocking her as a toad for wanting to eat swan meat, saying that she maliciously stalked Chu Muran, and even added a photo and a large paragraph of text that distorted the facts.

Since then, she has always subconsciously avoided places where Chu Muran exists, for fear of being talked about again.

Chu Muran stretched out his hand, and said calmly: "Isn't there a problem? Show me."

Yang Yu bit her lower lip in confusion, and instantly looked at Tian Tian with her eyes asking for help.

Tian Tian knew what Yang Yu was afraid of, but it was all a misunderstanding. She hoped that Yang Yu could see clearly that many things in this world can't be solved by escaping, maybe there is a way out by bravely facing them.

Chu Muran never liked to be nosy,
But if he takes the initiative to stand up, then he will definitely help to the end.

Tian Tian glanced at Chu Muran gratefully, then quickly pulled Yang Yu, and encouraged him: "Yang Yu, classmate Chu Muran is willing to help you, so just ask him with questions you don't understand, he will definitely be very enthusiastic." To help you answer, Chu Muran is kind-hearted and humble, so you don't have to worry, the teacher will be by your side to accompany you, okay?"

Yang Yu struggled for a while, then nodded.

Then he highlighted the question that he had only half answered, and there were some sketches on it.

Chu Muran glanced at the title and asked, "Did that classmate just do this?"


Chu Muran took out a pen from his pocket, briefly sketched on the topic for a while, and after listing a few formulas, he returned the exercise book to Yang Yu, "Does this make me understand?"

Perhaps because he was afraid that Yang Yu would not understand it, Chu Muran explained the meaning of the formula patiently while explaining it.

After a while, Yang Yu suddenly realized.

She excitedly bowed to Chu Muran, and said gratefully: "Student Chu Muran, thank you very much, you are amazing! The steps are much simpler and easier to understand than the one just now!"

Chu Muran smiled slightly: "You're welcome, we're all classmates, so you should, if you have any questions you don't know, you can ask me, you can ask me or Chu Xiuwen."

"Thank you God of Learning!"

Yang Yu got excited, and directly called out Chu Muran's nickname in No. [-] Middle School,

———Student God.

Hearing this address, Chu Muran paused slightly, and subconsciously looked at Tian Tian who was suppressing her laughter.

Learning God
Hahaha, I laughed so hard!
Tian Tian, ​​who was trying to hold back her laughter so as not to laugh out loud, inadvertently met Chu Muran's deep eyes, she quickly put away the smile on her face, coughed her throat pretending to be calm, and jokingly said: "Chu Muran Mu Ran, this nickname is quite resounding!"

When I looked at Chu Muran again, his face was so dark that ink dripped out.
I can tell,

He doesn't like his nickname very much.

(End of this chapter)

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