Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 151 151. To be bluffed by a brat!

Chapter 151 151. To be bluffed by a brat!
Seeing Pan Shan so excited, the principal also remembered who this Yang Yu was.

I have heard Li Hui mention a few words, and it seems that she has committed crimes in school. If it is not because of her special situation, she should have recorded it and reported the criticism!

How can a person like this be able to participate in the competition instead of the school?

What's more, her grades are not necessarily better than Pan Shan's!
I used to be an art student, but now I have transferred to the cultural class for a semester. Is it possible to squeeze into the top 100?

The principal said with a deep expression, "Student Chu Muran, this Yang Yu's grades should be comparable to Pan Shan's. You must have a reason for choosing her. How can it help the whole team?"

Others don't know why, but Tian Tian knows why Chu Muran did this.

I just wanted to vent my anger on her.
Whether she was Yang Yu in the past, or she is now.

Chu Muran thought for a while, then said unhurriedly:

"If I remember correctly, Yang Yu's monthly test scores entered the top 100, and she participated in the math competition through normal procedures, and her ranking this time is also in the middle and upper reaches, so no matter from which point of view, She is better than classmate Pan Shan, isn't she?"

The top 100?

How can it be?

Pan Shan seldom pays attention to other people's grades except her own. She doesn't even know that Yang Yu's grades have surpassed hers!
She couldn't help questioning: "How long has she only been studying, how could she do so well in the exam?"

Chu Muran chuckled lightly and said, "Student Yang Yu is kind-hearted and taciturn. She never bullies her classmates, nor will she wantonly insult her classmates. Is it strange that she concentrates on her studies at school and her grades are getting better and better? It's worse than yours. That's strange, right? After all, classmate Pan Shan, you"


Before Chu Muran could finish speaking, Pan Shan yelled and interrupted.

Her eyes were red, like poisoned arrows, shooting at Chu Muran viciously.

Is Chu Muran embarrassing her in public?
Can't wait to let the whole world know that she has a vicious heart, bullies her classmates, insults her classmates, doesn't study well so her grades go backwards?
Shen Sang likes Yang Yu, and Chu Muran also helps Yang Yu?

Why, what is Yang Yu better than her?

Not only Pan Shan, but even most of the teachers present thought that Yang Yu was not a suitable candidate. There were so many outstanding students in No. [-] Middle School, so why choose Yang Yu with mediocre grades?
"Yang Yu is indeed not the best candidate."

Facing all the teachers' doubts, Chu Muran smiled disapprovingly, "If the teachers all think that Yang Yu is not qualified, then I refuse to participate in this team math competition."

"Chu Muran, do you know what you're talking about? This is an honor, why are you so arrogant!"

Chu Muran shrugged his shoulders, stretched his brows and eyes, and said indifferently: "I didn't plan to participate in this year's math competition. You should know better than anyone how to submit my application form."

What do you mean?
The headmaster immediately reprimanded in a low voice: "Chu Muran, is this your performance of respecting the teacher? The school has always thought that you are the most outstanding student in this class, but I didn't expect that you would question or even question me." The tone, will the school do anything bad to you!"

Tian Tian raised her head and glanced at the flushed headmaster. It was obvious that Chu Muran was very angry with this appearance.

She cast her eyes down in thought,
When I received the news that I was going to participate in the mathematics competition, Chu Muran didn't know it at all, and the registration form had already been returned to Chu Muran
All signs indicated that the school must have submitted a fake registration form, forcing Chu Muran to participate in this competition.

It doesn't seem like the principal is knowing.

Is it.
Tian Tian subconsciously looked at Li Hui who was standing on the side of the stage. At this moment, Li Hui seemed to be facing a big enemy, sweat dripped down his cheeks, his pale face was like a sick patient, without a trace of blood .

People always become extremely sensitive in tense moments,
When Li Hui heard Chu Muran's words, it was as if he had seen a ghost, and he was so guilty that he didn't dare to move.

"Why is it so cold?" Even standing in the most inconspicuous position, Li Hui always felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of that scary gaze——

Fang fen?

Li Hui's face turned pale, and he quickly turned his face away, as if he was afraid that Tian Tian would see something.


Tian Tian withdrew her gaze and thought to herself: This matter is probably a good thing that Li Hui advocated without authorization, and he didn't discuss it with the principal in advance, so the principal probably didn't know that Chu Muran actually didn't sign up for the competition at all.

Facing the principal's questioning, Chu Muran picked up his mobile phone without being humble or overbearing, and glanced at Li Hui's face vaguely, "Mr. Li Hui, I think you should know that every corner of the hospital There is surveillance, so your every move has been captured by the camera."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muran shook his mobile phone, "I have asked the hospital security to send the video to my mobile phone, you should know what the content of the video is, right? Do you need me to remind you?"

Speaking of this step, even if the principal doesn't know the whole picture of the matter, he can basically guess what it is.

His face darkened, and he shouted in a low voice: "Li Hui, what's going on?!"


Li Hui was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say,
There was more and more sweat on his face, and he couldn't wipe it off.

"Principal, I. I went to talk with classmate Chu Muran that day, but the situation was unexpected, so didn't I call you to explain what's going on? I'll be there later."

Li Hui faltered and said some things, but none of them hit the point.

His ambiguity gave the headmaster an ominous premonition, and the headmaster knew that he probably had something to do with this matter, so he quickly interrupted: "Okay, don't talk about it, you can find out about this matter in private." If Chu Muran explains well, we won't take up so much teacher's time for discussion.

Well, if you don't have any comments, we will make a decision on the list of candidates. "

The principal now just wants to settle this matter quickly and let the matter rest in peace.

He never thought that he would be bluffed by a brat!
I don't know what the video in his hand is, and whether it will affect his career
Thinking of this, the headmaster looked at Li Hui again with a gloomy face, as if warning something.

Seeing the silence in the audience, the principal made a final summary.

"Then since everyone has no objections, today's meeting is over here, and it's getting late. Teachers, let's take a good rest and prepare for work in the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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