Chapter 157.

"Principal, you should know better than anyone else what I mean." Tian Tian looked at Zhang Yao who was sweating profusely with a cold face without fear.

If something like this happens in the school, it will inevitably lead to investigations by various departments.

Although Tian Tian is not a professional, she also knows that such a tragedy happened to the students is inseparable from the negligent management of the school, but there must be a deeper reason for the students to make such a choice.

Wang Shu
Tian Tian always felt that she had seen this name somewhere.

With a flash of inspiration, she suddenly ran to Director Yang Chunwang who was comforting the parents not far away, and looked at him eagerly, "Director, I have something I want to ask you!"

Yang Chunwang signaled to the teacher beside him to help comfort him first, and then followed Tian Tian to the corner, "What's the matter, so urgent?"

"Director Yang, I remember when you showed me those student reviews last time, I seemed to have caught a glimpse of Wang Shu's name by accident!"

Tian Tian was very anxious, "I want to make sure!"

Yang Chunwang's face gradually became serious, he was silent for a moment, and handed the cabinet key in his pocket to Tian Tian: "This is the key to my desk cabinet, once you find Wang Shu's review, you can bring it to me alone , I saw her self-criticism and should be able to recall her state at that time, maybe I can find some clues, let me deal with it here first, you go quickly."

"it is good."

The reason why Wang Shu can't think about it is not necessarily because she was wronged to steal tuition fees.
Tian Tian thought, what happened today is probably just a trigger,
The real reason is still unknown.

The story of No. [-] Middle School quickly spread throughout the school, and different versions of the story spread among the students.
"Sister Shan, the matter of Wang Shu is not really because of us, is it?"

In the old playground, Xiao Jia looked at Pan Shan who was enjoying herself playing with her mobile phone under the shade of the trees, feeling uneasy.

people are dead

Sister Shan can still play with her mobile phone so happily?
She's going to have a heart attack! ! !

Xiao Jia and Pan Shan have been playing for so long, this is the first time that Pan Shan is scary, this kind of horror is beyond the words cold-blooded.
That's human life!

Pan Shan chewed the gum in her mouth indifferently, "We didn't push it down, so what do we care about? If she dies, she dies. Anyway, she is a useless piece of rubbish when she is alive."

She just bought a new pair of shoes, and she was in a good mood. She took the picture sent by the purchasing agent and handed it to Xiao Jia, and asked excitedly, "Take a look at these shoes, how do they look?"

Xiao Jia looked at it with a strong smile, and praised absent-mindedly: "It's pretty, it suits you very well."

Xu Shi saw Xiao Jia's perfunctory, and Pan Shan's heart sank suddenly. After the smile faded away, only coldness remained, "Why, this is the attitude when something happened? Why didn't I see you absent-minded when I was licking my face before? Help me Why didn't you see your absent-mindedness when you were shopping, why didn't you see your absent-mindedness when you vented your anger?"

Pan Shan's words hit Xiao Jia's pain point, but she dared not refute.

Since she was in high school, she followed Pan Shan and did many bad things one after another. She knew those things were wrong, but...
She was really happy, especially when she saw others trembling and fearing her appearance, she got an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, which could not be brought to her by her family, classmates, or family members.

Seeing that Xiao Jia was silent, Pan Shan slowly approached her ear, her voice was as creepy as a ghost, "Xiao Jia, don't forget that you were the one who slapped Wang Shu back then, I heard Wang Shu's left ear is a little hard to use, who do you think is responsible for this? At that time, if I hadn't stopped you for you, do you think you can stay in No. [-] Middle School?"

Xiao Jia trembled all over,
"I see."

"By the way. Is there really a way to get rid of the surveillance?" she added.

Pan Shan hooked the corners of his mouth, squeezed Xiao Jia's cheek playfully, then wiped his hands, and continued to sit on the side steps and look at the phone, "You don't have to worry about this matter, after all, you are not the only one who was photographed , Of course I will find a way to get rid of that monitoring, if my dad can't even do this, the principal is really useless."

Xiao Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the monitoring is not discovered, no one will know that they did this.

Pan Shan is right, they didn't push it down, it's none of their business,

Wang Shu couldn't think about it herself, could it be possible to blame them?
When Tian Tian rushed to the Academic Affairs Office, Chu Xiuwen was standing at the door of the office with Chen Zhi's ears in his ears, looking at him fiercely, and he still kept complaining and abusing Chen Zhi.

"Let me tell you, you will honestly tell the teacher everything you know later, do you hear me?"

Chen Zhi was tortured by Chu Xiuwen and yelled, "I got it, I got it! Brother Chu, just let me go, my ears are about to fall off!"

Chu Xiuwen smiled evilly, "Who told you to wrong my brother? I think it's because I don't hear my name Chu Xiuwen less in school, so I dare to offend my brother! See if I don't treat you His ears were ripped off!"

That's what he said, but Chu Xiuwen was just trying to scare Chen Zhi.

Seeing Chen Zhi's scruffy appearance with tears and snot running down his nose, he let go of his hand in disgust, "Go away, I don't want you to dirty my new clothes."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Tian Tian running back in a hurry.

Chu Xiuwen quickly grabbed Chen Zhi's ear again, "Come here quickly!"

Chen Zhi has just escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and every second, he is back under the clutches of Chu Xiuwen.
His life is really hard!

Chu Xiuwen dragged Chen Zhi to Tian Tian, ​​"Teacher, I need you!"

Tian Tian glanced at the two of them, opened the door of the office, and signaled:

"Come in first, come in and sit down and talk."

Chu Xiuwen was also unambiguous, dragged Chen Zhi into the office, then pushed him, and threatened: "Hurry up and tell me the truth! Tell me everything you know and hear! How dare you hide anything?" I'm not polite to you!"

Chen Zhi was almost scared to pee
He hurriedly said: "Teacher, it's like this. Yesterday afternoon, Pan Shan came to me and asked me to come to Director Yang for a review, and then the name of the report was Chu Muran. I just dealt with it at that time, anyway, in the end I don't agree."

"Oh! By the way, I hurriedly recorded a sound!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhi quickly took out his mobile phone and played the audio he had recorded with fear.

Listening to the clear conversation, Tian Tian's heart sank, and she asked subconsciously: "If you reject them, they will definitely find someone else to do it. Do you know who they went to afterward?"

(End of this chapter)

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