Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 160 160. I am worthy of you!

Chapter 160 160. I am worthy of you!
Chu Muran doesn't know much about business, it can even be said that he has only a half-knowledge.

But he must keep what his grandfather left him, and must not let down his cultivation and trust over the years.

Anyone who wants to destroy is his enemy.

The conflict between the grandfather and the shareholders is not a small grievance for a day or two, but the opposite direction and way of development.

Grandpa insisted not to go public, but the shareholders believed that the company that didn't go public would definitely stumble in the future.

Now that my grandfather passed away suddenly, the matter of going public, which had been suppressed all the time, popped up in the hearts of the few of them like a suppressed bamboo shoot.

"Forgive me, everyone, there is no room for negotiation regarding the listing."

Without even thinking about it, Chu Muran rejected the proposals of several people.

Grandpa has repeatedly stated in public that the Xie family will never go public. He believes in his grandfather's judgment and will do his best to let the Xie family continue to develop brilliantly. His current ability is indeed not enough, but this must not represent future!
"Xiao Ran, going public is the way out for development. Look at the current large enterprises, which one is not listed? Why are you as confused as your grandfather!"

"I don't think he is confused, but he doesn't understand at all!"

"A child, how can he understand these things about business management! Xie Zhong is really confused!"

Facing the aggression of several people, Chu Muran's slender fingers paused slightly, then stood up abruptly, and calmly straightened the wrinkled clothes.

He glanced at everyone present without warmth, and said coldly: "Since we can't reach a consensus, then excuse me for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Chu Muran left the private room without looking back, leaving behind a group of people looking at each other.

"What do you mean? This is too embarrassing for us!"

"With this kind of temperament, it will be difficult to achieve great things in the future! We just wait and see the good show! Let's see how arrogant he can be for a few years! But he is just a worthless second-generation ancestor, and he will ask us one day!"

After leaving the private room, Chu Muran went straight to the top floor of the hotel.

Brother Zhang followed closely behind, and asked with concern: "Master, you haven't eaten yet, why don't you ask the hotel to cook some dishes for you?"

Chu Muran looked at the time, nodded,

"Okay, let's make some lighter dishes."

"Then I'll go down and explain, young master, you should have a good rest, I'm afraid you'll be exhausted these days."

In a certain private room in the same hotel, Tian Tian was restless.

I thought it was just a simple dinner, but I didn't expect it.
She still underestimated Zhang Yao's bottom line.

This is not calling her to come to eat, it is clearly calling her to accompany him for a drink. No wonder he made another phone call to ask her to change into [decent] clothes before she came.
I am worthy of your horse!
Labor and management wear business attire!
Just wear a shirt and long pants!
Before his butt was hot, Zhang Yao pulled Tian Tian to stand up and walked towards a bald man with a fat head and big ears, "Fang Hui, let me introduce you. This is Director Wu of our Education Bureau. Come and have a drink with Director Wu, all these years, our No. [-] Middle School is thanks to Director Wu!"

Tian Tian smiled and raised her glass, "Hi Director Wu, I'm Fang Hui."

Director Wu looked at Tian Tian with a smile, his mung bean-sized eyes radiated an evil light, and his eyes wandered around Tian Tian's body without hesitation, "So it's Teacher Fang Hui, I've heard of you a long time ago. It’s my name, but I haven’t had a chance to have a meal, I really didn’t expect the real person to be so beautiful! I just don’t know. Does Teacher Fang Hui have a family?”

The smile on Tian Tian's face froze, and she subconsciously looked at Zhang Yao beside her.

Zhang Yao seemed to be used to it, he laughed and helped Tian Tian and said, "Oh, Director Wu, you are poking at Teacher Fang Hui's sore spot. Teacher Fang Hui still wants to find a boyfriend, but this is not enough. Didn't meet a good fate!"

Director Wu's eyes lit up, and his eyes became bolder, "Good fate is not easy! Isn't it here!"

As soon as the words fell, Director Wu's left hand climbed onto Tian Tian's shoulder like a poisonous snake, and the other hand went straight to Tian Tian's waist
Tian Tianxin was startled, and quickly broke free from Director Wu's restraint.

She resisted the urge to vomit, and pretended to be calm and joked: "What does Director Wu mean by this? Could it be that he wants to introduce someone to me? But it's too unfortunate, I already found a boyfriend some time ago , now we are in a period of passionate love, so this matter, don't bother the principal and Director Wu to worry about it."

"found it?"

Director Wu's face was a little ugly, and he glanced at Zhang Yao by the way.

Although her eyes were obscure, Tian Tian could see clearly.

These old perverts,
Want to take advantage of her?
I bother!

Director Wu is not the only one that Zhang Yao invited.
Tian Tian glanced at the old men present, looking at her one by one with malicious intentions, her greasy eyes lingering on her body, as if she was picking products, or thinking that she was already in the bag things?
She only felt a nausea in her chest, and she almost vomited out in public.

"Principal, I think the dishes are almost ready. Didn't I say today that I want to talk about what happened in the school? Why don't we get to the point."

She stabilized her mind, returned to her seat, took out the documents organized in the afternoon from her bag, and put them on the rotating dish, "This is the information I have learned about this matter so far. Leaders can read and check, we are doing student education, and we must put the interests and safety of students at the top of the list."

Seeing Tian Tian's reluctance, Zhang Yao gave her a hard look, hurriedly walked in front of her, and whispered angrily, "What are you doing! Let's have a meal together and talk about this bad thing Hurry up and put away your things! Come with me to toast the leaders!"

"Bad luck?"

Tian Tian smiled instead of anger, and said in a normal voice without any shyness: "Principal Zhang, today you call me and tell me to have a meal with some leaders, and tell me about today's affairs by the way. Time to make a document, just so that the leaders can see it more clearly. If today is not for this matter, then I will leave first. The school still has a lot of things to be busy. I don’t know if you are busy, principal, but I'm very busy."

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian picked up the documents on the table and prepared to flee.

But as soon as she stood up, the person beside her grabbed her arm.


Tian Tian subconsciously wanted to break free, but the man was like an iron chain, holding her tightly and not letting go.

"Mr. Fang Hui, it's not too good to be leaving just now, isn't it?"

Who is this person?

Tian Tian frowned and lowered her eyes,
Before he was asked about his identity, Zhang Yao ran over like a dog, licked his face and said, "Mr. Ling, please forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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