Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

174 Chapter 174. Don't deliberately try

174 Chapter 174. Don't deliberately try
"Chu Muran, we took the medicine..."

Tian Tian also checked relevant information on the Internet. Schizophrenia is actually not terrible, but it must be treated in time and take medicine on time.

Chu Muran seemed not to have heard her words, still just staring blankly ahead,

Seeing this, Tian Tian prepared to hand the medicine to Chu Muran's mouth, and slowly guided him to take it.

The moment he swallowed the medicine, Chu Muran's eyes seemed to shake slightly for a while, originally a vigilant posture, but when he felt the familiar call and breath, he gradually relaxed.

Not long after taking the medicine, Chu Muran fell asleep on the sofa.

Although he remained silent during the whole process, Tian Tian could tell from his eyes that his mood seemed to have stabilized. Although there was no glory, at least he would no longer stare blankly at a certain place.

When it was time to eat dinner in the afternoon, Tian Tian saw that Chu Muran was still sleeping, and couldn't bear to disturb him, so she had to quietly cook in the kitchen alone.

The rice is still cooked for three people,

She is well aware that the treatment period for this kind of disease caused by psychological factors is very long, and she also plans to accompany her.

"Let me do it."

When she was distracted, a pair of white and washed hands suddenly took the kitchen knife in her hand,

Familiar with chopped green onion on the cutting board.

Tian Tian was taken aback by Chu Muran's sudden appearance, and she subconsciously asked, "Are you awake?"


Chu Muran paused for chopping vegetables, "Did I sleep for a long time?"

Tian Tian got up the pot to heat the oil, thought for a while and said, "It's a little bit but it's okay, it's just a long nap..."

Chu Muran didn't speak any more, just focused on the task at hand.

After the meal was ready, Tian Tian didn't take the initiative to ask [Grandpa] to come down to eat, nor did she deliberately serve three bowls of rice, she glanced at Chu Muran, he just put all the dishes on the table calmly, took Chopsticks, spoons, etc., keep silent about [Grandpa].

Tian Tian suddenly remembered Lin Duo's advice at this time,

Chu Muran didn't take the initiative to mention it, and she must not deliberately try it.

After holding the third bowl of rice in her hands for a long time, she finally chose to put it down and put the lid on the rice cooker.

"Today's taste may be a bit weak. I think there is only the last teaspoon of salt left, and I dare not add more. I will go to the market tomorrow morning to buy a bag of salt and come back."

Chu Muran took a sip of the soup, shook his head and said, "No need."


Chu Muran suddenly raised his head, staring at Tian Tian with black and white eyes, "Let's go back to City A together tomorrow."

Back to City A?
Tian Tian put down the bowl she was holding, and asked in surprise, "Chu Muran, why did you suddenly say you were going back?"

She thought that Chu Muran would not want to go back to City A,
At least I will wait until the illness is almost recovered before going back.
Why did you suddenly propose to go back?

Is it possible that the medicine will take effect so quickly?
Lin Duo said before that it will take at least three months to stabilize his condition
Chu Muran put down his chopsticks before taking a few mouthfuls, and wiped his mouth with paper, just like what he usually does, but it was the first time Tian Tian saw such a simple action.

He smiled lightly: "Well, go back and take the college entrance examination."

He glanced at the clock on the wall, then at the business card Lin Duo left before he left,

It was clean, with only names and phone numbers on it.

Tian Tian glanced at the business card with a guilty conscience, she put it in her pocket, why did she run to the table
Afraid that Chu Muran would find out, she quickly changed the subject and said, "Then pack up tonight?"


Chu Muran didn't bother about the business card anymore, he put down the small card in his hand, glanced at the stairs without any trace, and suddenly said: "Teacher, will you leave me?"

The tone was so calm that it was frightening, but it was like a cloud of mist spit out lightly.

Tian Tian's heart tightened suddenly, she bit the tip of her tongue and said, "What are you thinking, I won't leave you!"

Although he only borrowed Fang Hui's body for a while,
But Tian Tian believes that one day they will meet in the future.

Everything she does now is to accompany him better in the future.
"I believe you."

Chu Muran didn't know how many times he said the same four words,

But he still chose to believe her again and again without hesitation.

Maybe this time she won't stay for a long time, and she will leave inadvertently like before,
He will fall into the pain of whether all this is an illusion,

But those are not important anymore, he just wants to cherish every day she is here now, and he will do whatever she wants him to do.

"Principal, after thinking about it, I still focus on work. Anyway, it's going to be summer vacation. It's no big deal for me to insist on this period of time, so I decided to go back to school and continue to work. Let's talk about the rest later! "

The first thing to do when you return to city A is to go to the principal's office to settle the leave.

After all, during the city's holiday, save as much as you can.
In case Fang Hui has something to do at that time, he will be restricted from taking leave!
The principal looked at the leave note that Tian Tian handed back, and fell into deep thought.
Asked for leave and brought back the next time? ? ?
The news of Chu Muran's return to school gradually spread, and the already nervous third-year high school student heard that the god of learning had returned, so he mustered up all his energy to see it.
The matter of selling answers has also been properly dealt with in the past few days, and the relevant personnel involved have been punished.

Students who behaved badly, such as Pan Shan and Xiao Jia, were expelled at this juncture.

As for Wang Shu's incident, it became a silent topic on campus.

Back at the office to start a new day of struggle, but Yang Chunwang came uninvited.

All his things have been moved away, even if there is something to talk about in the work group, why come here in person?
Tian Tian was puzzled: "Principal Yang? Is there something wrong?"

Tian Tian originally called Teacher Yang, but she always had a thorn in her heart, she really didn't know how to think about Yang Chunwang.

"I heard that you are not in good health. I want to visit you. By the way, how is the arrangement for the school celebration?"

After Tian Tian exchanged a few polite greetings, she remembered that she was still in charge of the school celebration.

Due to various incidents, the school celebration was postponed until after the college entrance examination, which is equivalent to celebrating the temporary end of ten years of hard study for senior high school students, and heralding a new starting point in life.

"It's all going according to plan."

"Well, that's good." Xu didn't have anything to talk about. After a long silence, Yang Chunwang paused and said, "Fang Hui, you can be regarded as my teacher who I watched grow up little by little. My expectations for you Very high, and I hope you will be able to succeed in your career.”

Tian Tian's lips moved a few times, but in the end she only said, "Thank you."

Tian Tian's alienation caused Yang Chunwang to sigh silently. He got up, glanced nostalgicly at the office where he had worked for more than ten years, opened the door and walked out.

But at that moment, Tian Tian suddenly called out to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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