Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 176 176. Forgot to bring the admission ticket

Chapter 176 176. Forgot to bring the admission ticket
And still so bluntly...

She really wanted to dig a hole in the ground and get in there!
She is dead!

Chu Muran seemed a little surprised that Tian Tian would be so direct, but his mood was inexplicably comfortable, he smiled and said: "I live with my grandfather, the environment is very good, no different from Xiakou Town, if the teacher likes it, you can Come stay with me for a while."

Live with grandpa again...

Tian Tian's smile faded a bit.

Chu Muran's condition was only under control, but it didn't get better.

[Grandpa] still exists in his eyes.


Can't let him stay with his grandpa...

So Tian Tian hurriedly said: "Chu Muran, I think that you are going to take the college entrance examination soon, and it's not convenient for you to go back and forth from your home so far away, or... you should stay with me for a few days?"

When Fang Hui came back, he couldn't care too much.

She can help Chu Muran every day.

"Live there?"

Chu Muran was stunned for a while,
It seems that Tian Tian did not expect that Tian Tian would take the initiative to bring up this matter.

He also lived before...

For what reason?

It seemed like a very, very sad night.

Why is he sad?

Chu Muran's breathing stopped suddenly, and his head started to hurt without warning. He hugged his head in pain, curled up all over his body uncontrollably, and even let out a suppressed moan.

Tian Tian turned pale, and rushed over to support him, "Chu Muran!"

Seeing him sweating profusely but holding back, Tian Tian's tear glands almost couldn't hold back.

"I'll help you go to the school hospital!"

"Need not………"

Chu Muran supported his body, gasping for breath in an extremely weak state, his lips turned white, his eyelashes trembled slightly and said: "...I'll be fine after a while, I don't need to go to the school hospital, I don't want to go to the hospital."

"it is good…"

Tian Tian hurriedly took a bottle of mineral water from her cabinet, opened the cap and handed it to Chu Muran: "Would it be better to drink some water?"

I ran out of water from the water dispenser in the morning, and I haven't called to ask for new water, so I can only drink the remaining mineral water after the sports meeting some time ago.

Chu Muran took a sip,

His mind also slowly returned to calm.

He pushed Tian Tian away without saying a word, and staggered out of the office, as if he was about to go back to the classroom for class. Tian Tian looked at the time on the wall, and there were 15 minutes before the second class in the afternoon began.

She was worried about Chu Muran's state, so she hurriedly chased him out.

"Chu Muran, why don't you ask for leave in the afternoon and go to my house to rest for a while?"

Chu Muran declined with a stiff expression, "No need."


Before Tian Tian finished speaking, she was interrupted by Chu Muran: "Teacher, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Seeing this, Tian Tian couldn't say anything more.

I want to ask Chu Muran about the evening...

But Tian Tian really didn't know if he should mention his current state.

Chu Muran's back gradually drifted away,

Suddenly, he seemed to perceive something,
He stopped,

Looking back,

The eyes that are as clear as spring water seem to be reflected in her eyes across thousands of rivers and mountains.

"See you tonight."

His soft whispers floated into Tian Tian's ears with the breeze, Tian Tian was in a trance with tears in his eyes, watching his outline gradually blurred, so blurred that he couldn't distinguish it from the surrounding environment...

He must be in pain now, right?
What are you thinking?

What did he think of?


The state with Chu Muran seems to have returned to a while ago, he didn't mention grandpa again,

Everything is so natural.

Unknowingly, the time came to the day of the college entrance examination.

It has been a hundred days since Tian Tian became Fang Hui.

She has never experienced such a long experience, and she is still seamlessly connected with Yang Yu's body...

"Chu Muran, the admission ticket!!!"

Angrily, Tian Tian picked up Chu Muran's exam admission ticket from the dining table and chased it out.

Forget to change your shoes when you go out!

I forgot my schoolbag at the door!

After leaving, I forgot my admission ticket!

Why didn't he forget that he had an exam today!

Tian Tian is seriously suspicious now!Chu Muran in this life, the reason why he didn't take the college entrance examination for the first time was probably because he forgot to take it!

Panting after catching up with the long legs, she wanted to scold, but she had more energy than she wanted, and she couldn't even run smoothly!
Pointing at Chu Muran and shaking for a long time,
Finally slowed down for a while,

But I feel that scolding him is not a good omen,

So in the end, I just said: "You... the exam went well."

Chu Muran took the admission ticket calmly, and politely replied: "Thank you teacher, I will."

He didn't seem to think that it was a big deal for him to forget to bring his admission ticket.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Tian Tian was in charge of patrolling, so about 10 minutes after Chu Muran left, Tian Tian also hurried out the door.

She couldn't be as calm as Chu Muran,
She is so nervous!
All night last night!

Can't sleep!

While rushing to the classroom, she was still planning the food for the next few days.

"Eat the number one scholar noodles in the morning, make the number one scholar dumplings at noon, and eat the number one snail snail powder at night... OK, the right time and place, just send people to make peace!"

No.1 in No. [-] Middle School is stable, but it is number one in the city.

She didn't know if there were such geniuses in other schools!
Anyway, in the first life, Chu Muran was the number one scholar, but in this life, Chu Muran is so rough, she is really not sure...

But she still has confidence in her heart!

"Teacher Fang Hui! Here!"

The teacher who patrolled with Tiantian waved his hand.

Tian Tian trotted over quickly, and brought herself the badge of a patrol officer.

"Should we be in charge of patrolling today?"


Most of the invigilators are classroom teachers, and some management teachers are more responsible for coordinating, patrolling, and watching the monitoring work. Originally, Tian Tian was in charge of the monitoring room, but she really couldn't see it.

It's hard to imagine what it's like to watch surveillance,
a wall,
Eight TVs!
She doesn't even have sharp eyes!

Discourage retreat with strength!She doesn't deserve to blow on the air conditioner and sit in the boss chair!
"Mr. Fang Hui, do you think this year's champion will be from our No. [-] Middle School?" The teacher hasn't started yet, and Tian Tian has nothing to do.

"It must be, it must be!" There is still some confidence in this!

"Then who do you think it will be!"

"Of course it's... Chu Muran!" After all, Chu Muran has been the No.1 in the school for many years, and his strength is the strongest reason.

"However, the results of the college entrance examination every year are very different from the results of the usual monthly exam, and often the next few counterattack!" The teacher next to him was sorting out the documents and chatting about the college entrance examination.

Another teacher couldn't help but said: "Yes, the college entrance examination must not only have strength, but also a mentality. Some people are naturally nervous, especially for such an important thing as the college entrance examination. Many people are too nervous! Once nervous Nothing will be done!"

Tian Tian is very protective of the calf,
Although she admits that mentality is important.

But whether it is strength or mentality, Chu Muran will never lose.

Dare I ask who would dare to leave in such a leisurely manner without the admission ticket?

Who else?
(End of this chapter)

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