Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 180 180. Giant Baby Boyfriend

Chapter 180 180. Giant Baby Boyfriend
Did Ning Wei have a boyfriend with a giant baby?

As a woman, Tian Tian couldn't understand,
Does this boyfriend not break up and stay home for the New Year to be laughed at by relatives?

Those who want looks but have no looks, and those who need ability but no ability!

Seeing Tian Tian's angry look, Chu Muran poured a glass of water and handed it to Tian Tian, ​​as if trying to calm her down:
"Don't be angry, the two of them have been together for a long time. Jiang Qiushi likes Ning Wei very much, but his mouth is a bit stiff, and he is embarrassed to express it."

"This is not a question of bluntness! It's because everyone knows this matter and will be angry and complain!" Tian Tian turned her head to the side unconvinced.

Chu Muran took out the snack bucket under the coffee table, put it on the table, and signaled Tian Tian that you are welcome.

A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said: "Well, there are many boys who are not stubborn, such as me."

Tian Tian looked at the bucket full of her favorite white rabbit toffee in front of her.
Angrily, he took two pills out and put them in his hands.
He asked angrily, "You? What's wrong with you?"

Chu Muran smiled, and in his elegant fog-like eyes, there was a star-like emotion surging,

"My affection is clear at a glance."

Tian Tian looked over suddenly,
But fell deeply into a pair of loving eyes,
Inside, it seems to be sparkling, and it seems to be full of stars, sincere and warm.

Her heart was beating wildly like a drum, obviously it was an exciting thing, but she suddenly felt shy.

She has been using someone else's identity to contact Chu Muran,
Unscrupulous, heartless, do whatever you want,
But Chu Muran had never seen the real her,
You may not even know her last name,
He knew nothing about her,

How dare she.

At this moment, she can only shrink back and escape in her heart, and even feels that her secret love for Chu Muran is just her wishful thinking, she can't be more ordinary than ordinary, more transparent than mineral water, more popular than Xiaocao...

She hastily stuffed a big white rabbit toffee into her mouth, the sweet and greasy taste spread in her mouth, she shivered in panic, only then did she feel that her thoughts had come back.


After laughing awkwardly, she glanced at the time and quickly changed the subject: "It's getting late! You haven't eaten lunch yet! I'd better cook for you! Come and teach me how to use the pot! How to turn on the fire ! Where are the seasoning bottles!"

Tian Tian held the big white rabbit toffee in his mouth, and spoke vaguely. He rushed to the kitchen with the vegetables all the way, like a headless fly, opened the cabinet at a loss, and opened the refrigerator on the other side, only to find that the refrigerator was full. All fresh dishes.

"There are so many dishes in the refrigerator and I haven't finished eating, why take this bag back again, you can leave it to Jiang Qiushi."

Tian Tian complained and looked at the food in the refrigerator,
Without even noticing, Chu Muran had already walked to her side.

The boy leaned back on the dining table, looked at the busy figure, the smile in his eyes became stronger, and he said with his arms propped up:

"Why leave it to him? Naturally, what you buy must be taken home."

Tian Tian gave a hand,
There's nothing wrong with that.

Why is the Heart of Our Lady buying and cooking for others!
Hiss - no,

bring home…

go home…

Tian Tian's face suddenly turned red, and even the tips of her ears were stained pink.

She took out a few bags of vegetables in a panic, and said calmly, "Let's fry the vegetables tonight. I think they are a bit old. If you don't eat them, they may go bad. Then make some side dishes. If you want to eat chicken and duck." It’s too late now, so I have to thaw it in advance, or eat it tonight? I’ll take it out and thaw it now.”

Chu Muran looked at Tian Tian's reaction and thought it was extremely cute, he shrugged indifferently, "It's whatever you say, as long as you decide the family."

Tian Tian: ...

what does she think,

After seeing each other in just three years, Chu Muran seemed like a different person!

She was not sure just now, but now she is sure and sure!
His illness has completely recovered!
The two were busy preparing lunch, Tian Tian was busy cooking, and Chu Muran was helping to chop some onion, ginger, garlic and other ingredients.

"Do you usually cook by yourself at home?"


"You buy all the food yourself?"

"No, Brother Zhang sent it over. He was afraid that I would find it troublesome and refused to buy it."

As soon as Brother Zhang was mentioned, the doorbell at home suddenly rang.

Because both of them stayed in the kitchen, they didn't hear the doorbell until the fire was turned off.

Tian Tian subconsciously wiped her hands on the bib, motioned for Chu Muran to bring the food, and opened the door by herself.

As soon as my hand touched the cold doorknob,
The door was pulled open from the outside.

For a time,

Four eyes facing each other.

"Zhang, Brother Zhang?"

Tian Tian paused for a moment, and quickly made an empty seat to signal Brother Zhang to enter the room.

Brother Zhang originally wanted to call the police with his mobile phone, saying that a strange woman had come to the house, but suddenly he heard the woman call him very familiar, and when he took a closer look, his good young master was blinking his big eyes obediently at the dining table , and the table is full of ready-made delicacies.

"You are…"

Brother Zhang is already immune to all kinds of [women] that appear around Chu Muran.

how to say,

After a few years, there will be a girl who has an inexplicably close relationship with the young master.

In the past, he was afraid of the young master's puppy love, so he stared at a girl named Xu Anran for a long time;

Later, the young master seemed to be getting very close to a chubby girl, and he wondered if the young master had a filter in his eyes;

Later, it was even more exaggerated, it turned out to be the teacher of the school, he almost went to thank the old man to plead guilty;

This time this,


He is very satisfied!
"Brother Zhang, I'm Chu Muran's good friend... I'm here for a meal, if you don't mind, come eat with us?"

Tian Tian rubbed her hands nervously, after all, this scene was embarrassing enough,
And she always felt that the way Brother Zhang looked at her just now,
It's so kind.

Brother Zhang was about to agree, but when he looked up, he saw Chu Muran's eyes that were gradually turning cold,
He quickly waved his hands understandingly and said: "No, no, I've already eaten, I'm just here to deliver the order, and there are some necessities, just deliver them!"

Brother Zhang quickly put the bag in his hand on the shoe cabinet beside him, and closed the door without looking back.

Tian Tian lifted the bag brought by Brother Zhang to the coffee table, subconsciously looked inside the bag, and found that there were some vegetables, as well as frozen chicken and duck.

She quickly took out the frozen food and was about to put it in the refrigerator.

found under the frozen food,
It is a few boxes of familiar medicines that can no longer be familiar.

Her smile stopped abruptly,

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it turned into a wry smile to cover up the panic.

She is very clear about the effects of these medicines, she has no way to describe how uncomfortable and depressed she is now,
After years of treatment, is it still not good?

"what happened?"

Chu Muran saw that Tian Tian didn't speak for a long time, as if she had been fixed, so she wanted to come over to see what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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