Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 19 19. The old woman with malicious intentions

Chapter 19 19. The old woman with malicious intentions

Zhang Gao didn't understand what it meant at first, but later the man's intuition made him realize that this matter was not simple.

Then I thought about it...

Damn it... insulted him!

But when he saw Tian Tian's big iron-like arm, he could only sit in the back silently, what a bad luck!When he thinks that he will always be in the same team with Tiantian in the future, he has a heart attack!He really begged the god Amitabha, so hurry up and end this kind of life!

Before entering the big courtyard, Tian Tian keenly sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Especially when Liu Ma's furious roar was heard from a long distance away.

"Damn it! You can't look down on a living person! If you don't chase that little girl back to me today, you'll die for my mother!"

Tian Tian hugged Chu Muran subconsciously.

Following the crowd into the yard, I happened to see Mama Liu, who had scarlet eyes, whipping the children with a whip, and yelled fiercely: "I let you run! Let you run!"

Depending on the size of the children, there are big and small ages. The young ones are about the same as Chu Muran, maybe four or five years old, and the older ones can be eight or nine years old. There was a lot of wah-wah, crying.

"Wow wow wow, we dare not, never again!"

Tian Tian covered Chu Muran's eyes, for fear that he would be frightened, and sure enough, Chu Muran in her arms was trembling, obviously frightened by the scene in front of her.

At this time, someone said beside Liu Ma: "Liu Ma, if you don't forget it, someone ordered this doll, and it would be bad if it was disabled."

Mama Liu smiled indifferently, as if she was that evil ghost that can eat people, and said fiercely: "If you are disabled, go to the street and kneel and beg for food! Didn't Xiao Dong break the child's leg last time?" Well, let him go to the street to beg for food, I think the effect is very good, anyway, keeping them is spending my mother's money, it is better to let them go to a more meaningful place!"

When they heard that their legs were about to be broken, the children on the ground kowtowed anxiously.

Repeatedly crying that he would never run again.

Mama Liu got tired after beating for a while, handed the whip to the people beside her, looked at Tian Tian and the others who had just entered, waved her hand and said, "Zhang Gao, Lin Ying, a little girl ran away just now, your door Take the people below to look for me immediately, Wang Meng went to the left, you go to the right to search, bring me back, dead or alive! Let's see how I can kill this bitch!"

"Yes, Mama Liu, don't worry, we promise to find this cheap hoof for you!"

Zhang Gao bowed obsequiously, for fear of offending the aunt in front of him, then turned around, and greeted all the younger brothers in a rather imposing manner, "Hurry up and set off for me! Whoever finds it first will be rewarded! "

Tian Tian struggled for a while, and was about to send Chu Muran back to the room before setting off on her own. Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved her front foot, Liu Ma saw her intentions sharply on her back foot.

He said coldly, "Liu Neng, where are you going?"

Tian Tian stood still, and looked back with some annoyance. She really didn't want to have too much sense of presence in front of Liu Ma, especially when she saw the scene of Liu Ma's tyranny just now... But weighing the pros and cons, she still said the truth: "Mother Liu, I have to let my baby go back to the room to rest first, I can't take the baby to look for it..."

Mama Liu smiled, her smile was a bit creepy, making people feel eerie.

Afterwards, she glanced at Chu Muran who was squatting behind Tian Tian and said, "Go and find this child...put it here with me first, and when you come back, I'll return him to you..."


Tian Tianxin was startled.

Seeing Mama Liu's malicious expression, she held onto Chu Muran's hand tightly... She could feel Chu Muran's whole body trembling, how dare she hand Chu Muran over to the old man in front of her? woman…


If she resists, she can guarantee that the two of them will be two corpses immediately.

But if she compromises, she really can't imagine whether Chu Muran will suffer some inhuman treatment.

She knew that Mama Liu was a perverted threat, there was no logic at all, if she couldn't find the child who ran away, then Chu Muran would replace that child and fill the vacant position.

Oh shit…

Watching the sky gradually darken, Tian Tian knew that she must not lose her footing. She had to believe that the light of justice would arrive on time when the sun rose. By then, she and Chu Muran would be truly safe. up.

Perhaps seeing Tian Tian's entanglement, Chu Muran suddenly let go of Tian Tian.

"Go, I'll wait for you here."

The childish childish voice was a little numb, which shocked Tian Tian's body.

After transmigrating into Liu Neng, she thought she was invincible, but when something happened, she still felt so powerless and helpless. She really had no other way, the only thing she could do was to pray for the running The lost children can be found.

Tian Tian glanced at Mama Liu, who was smiling but not smiling, she clenched her teeth with unconcealable resentment, silently hugged Chu Muran, and hurriedly chased Zhang Gao who was not far away.

And looked at the back of Tian Tian leaving.

Chu Muran's heart seemed to have fallen into a black hole again.

He swears.

If he can grow up alive, he will never put his destiny in the hands of others. He will become a very strong person, strong enough to control others as he pleases.

Tian Tian thought for a while, but in the end she didn't choose to go with Zhang Gao and the others.

But she didn't see the figure of Lin Ying who was one step ahead. She calmed down and carefully recalled the terrain of this deserted place. Running there is a dead end.

There is a small bamboo forest in the west, which is fairly dense.

If you really want to run, people's instinctive reaction will be to go to more obvious and denser places, so Tian Tian boldly guessed that the child would probably hide in the bamboo forest and dare not move. I don't know where I'm going to escape to.

"Forget it, just rely on intuition."

Missing Chu Muran in her heart, Tian Tian just wanted to find out that child quickly at this moment. If it wasn't for her limited ability, she really wanted to grow a pair of clairvoyant eyes and ears.

The huge body walked into the bamboo forest, and the places it passed were rustling.

Suddenly, Tian Tian found a small piece of fabric on a broken bamboo...

It seems that my speculation is completely correct.

Tian Tian continued to walk into the woods, being careful not to miss any details. Because of her grandfather, she wanted to be a policeman since she was a child, but the accident in the third year of high school made her shrink back... Finally, after graduating from university , drifting with the crowd and becoming a social animal.


Suddenly there was a girl's exclamation not far away.

Tian Tian was slightly stunned, and rushed towards the direction of the sound in the next second.


A little girl in ragged clothes and covered in filth ran forward staggeringly. The moment she saw Tian Tian, ​​the little girl's tears blurred her vision, but her instinctive reaction made her continue to run forward screaming. .

(End of this chapter)

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