Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 190 190. What is she doing here?

Chapter 190 190. What is she doing here?

"Actually, I really don't care about the school, but I just want to intern with you... When I think that I want to intern alone, I feel very sad! I am so sad that I didn't eat much at noon today, I only ate a meal. A bowl of rice, hey... Now I'm sad and hungry."

Tian Tian: ...

Her throat is blocked,
Suddenly I don't know what to say.

The school’s snack street is outside the school, but fortunately, it’s not too far from the girls’ dormitory. You can walk there within 10 minutes. In addition, Wu Beiti was so hungry that she almost dragged Tian Tian forward. Only 15 minutes to the hotel.

"Eat this place! Hot pot! I can't eat it on a hotter day!"

Both of Wu Beiti's eyes are shining,
Now only food and idols can make her happy!
Tian Tian ate quite a lot at noon, and she is not hungry until now, but her soul is a pure foodie!
There were not many people, so the two easily arranged a private room.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet! What's the matter between you and Chu Muran! Did you know each other well before? Why don't I know anything about it!"

Wu Beiti sketched on the menu familiarly, and then she complained excitedly: "You don't even know, when Jiang Meng saw you sitting with Chu Muran, her face turned green!"

"Jiang Meng likes Chu Muran?"

"Yes! Didn't you tell me about this?"

Wu Beiti handed the ordered menu to the waiter, and recalled: "When you were with Jiang Qiushi, didn't she ask you to ask Chu Muran's WeChat? It seems that the two of you are still having an unpleasant fight because of this matter. Well, but I think Jiang Meng is not easy to get along with."

Tian Tian didn't know about this past at all, but after listening to Wu Beiti's story, she became clear about some things.

Tian Tian drank the water: "Isn't her relationship with Lin Miaomiao okay?"


Wu Beiti shook her finger, tut tut and said, "You call that a good relationship? She is just afraid that she will be too lonely in college. Didn't you see that she is very impatient with Lin Miaomiao? In fact, she really hates Lin Miaomiao. Wonderful, but if she breaks up with Lin Miaomiao again, she will really have no friends."

Tian Tian instantly thought of the incident of receiving water that night.

But seriously,
Lin Miaomiao is also extremely lazy,

She didn't open the door just because she used her own way to treat her, but Lin Miaomiao was purely because she was too lazy to get out of bed!At first glance, Jiang Meng is a very agile person. Her character must be uncomfortable getting along with Lin Miaomiao, right?
"By the way, I heard Jiang Meng say in bed today that she wants to work in the Xie family after graduation. She will sign up when she is recruited in the autumn, because Xie's requirements are very high. She said that she must study hard today and strive for a job. Get a first-class scholarship."

The clerk brought up two plates of pre-dinner snacks. Wu Beiti couldn't hold back her hunger, and while eating, she talked about the gossip she heard today:
"I guess she doesn't know that I'm still asleep, otherwise she wouldn't say this in front of me. I think she has a lot of thoughts, and she hasn't given up on Chu Muran yet. It's been three years... I have to say She's still holding on."

Although I know that Chu Muran is very popular in the university,
But there is such a person by my side, this feeling is actually quite strange,
It would be a lie to say I don't mind,
It's as if something that belongs to you has been coveted by others.

But Tian Tian dare not tell Wu Beiti about this kind of thinking, this is Tian Tian's little thought, and it can be said that she has nothing to do with Ning Wei.

Tian Tian pretended not to care and asked: "Then does she know Chu Muran?"

"Of course I don't know each other!"

Wu Beiti spoke more and more vigorously, "You don't even know, she wanted to get Chu Muran's WeChat account before, but he couldn't get through, and she even lied that she was a cadre of some department, and she needed to find him for some things, and hoped that he would pass. Friends, but Chu Muran just ignored her!"

"Pfft—is this the so-called omnipotence?"

Tian Tian snickered,

It's right if you don't pass, Chu Muran's thoughts, even she hasn't figured it out until now, let alone Jiang Meng, if Chu Muran really passes Jiang Meng's friend, maybe Chu Muran is possessed by someone dead!
After eating, the two of them walked back to the dormitory, and chatted about the interesting things in school. At this time, the weather was refreshing, and the wind blowing in front of them skipped over the calm lake, making it cool and refreshing.

Soon, time passed by, Tian Tian packed up her belongings and was ready to start a formal internship life.

In order not to go with Jiang Meng, Tian Tian belonged to rushing early rather than late.

Early in the morning, I got on the bus to Lianhua Primary School.

Yesterday Chu Feng went to the hospital for a reexamination of his physical condition. Chu Muran accompanied him all the way, but Tian Tian didn't accompany him because he was sensible. She thought that there was a high probability that Chu Feng didn't want her to see him haggard and seriously ill.

Internship for one month,

It is slightly different from the formal senior internship.

The internship in the junior year is more to let the students get familiar with the environment of stepping into the society, and to submit the necessary assignments.

Tian Tian's work is rigorous and down-to-earth, and she has been polished by the society for a long time, so she will not show timidity. When she gets off work in the afternoon, the person in charge of the school is quite satisfied with Tian Tian's performance.

"Okay, it's still very pleasant to get along with each other today. Elementary school gets out of school very quickly, so you should go back to rest early. See you tomorrow."

Although the relationship with Jiang Meng is not good,

But after all, they came for an internship together, so task assignments, assessments, and trial lectures all needed to be done together. Jiang Meng wouldn't throw face at work, but the two of them didn't communicate at all from the beginning to the end.

Tian Tian and Chu Muran had already made an appointment to go to Chu's house for dinner every afternoon, so they sent a WeChat message to Chu Muran, and Tian Tian was going to sit in the lobby and wait.

[Chu Muran: It will take a while, you come up first, I will tell the front desk, you can drink some water and wait for me. ]
[it is good. ]
The fourth floor that Chu Muran rented was located at the top of the building. She remembered that when she started working, the Xie Group had already moved to a building in the downtown business district, and it was still a whole building.

At that time, if you want to join the Xie Group, you will really have to cross a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops.

Thinking of this, Tian Tian is quite proud of herself.

While waiting for the elevator, Tian Tian saw Jiang Meng walking towards this side, the two looked at each other and frowned.

The elevator reached the first floor at this moment, Tian Tian walked into the elevator without saying a word, and clicked on the 27th floor that Chu Muran said, and Jiang Meng stepped into the elevator following Tian Tian's footsteps. Yes, after looking at the number Tian Tian pressed, he withdrew his hand, as if he was going to go to the same floor as Tian Tian.

Tian Tian's heart tightened,
What is Jiang Meng doing here?
(End of this chapter)

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