Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 194 194. What If All This Is Just a Dream

Chapter 194 194. What If All This Is Just a Dream

I saw a bearded man with a cigarette in his mouth leading an old man with gray hair into the police station. The bearded man seemed to be a little hot, and the police uniform was slightly opened, revealing the white undershirt inside. At the moment of the game, he put the cigarette in his mouth, raised his eyebrows and chatted with the old man beside him, and tidied up his clothes by the way.

As soon as the passing police officer Xiao Zhao saw the person, he hurriedly stepped forward to help the old man, and said to Lin Ying who was on the side: "Captain Lin! Didn't you come back at night! Also, why didn't you come in advance when you met Team Laotian?" Tell us, so we can get ready early!"

Tian Liguo hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, then slapped Xiao Zhao, and said angrily, "What are you going to do? You sound like a bureaucrat when you speak! I shouldn't have made you a regular in the first place!"

Xiao Zhao quickly patted his head with a grin, and beckoned the person next to him to pour a glass of water, "I'm just playing a little joke on you."


Tian Liguo was upright and upright all his life, the worst thing he could see was putting on airs,

After retiring, he never went back to the police station, and he wouldn't have made a special trip if he hadn't had to make a record.

"I happened to encounter a robbery incident of a bad nature on the road today, but there were two young men who stopped the gangsters before me. It should not cause any deaths. By the way, how about the casualties of the masses? What about the two young men? ?”

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he quickly pointed to Chu Xiu who was not far away and said, "Here, that person you are talking about, right? The other one was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. He just called and said it was nothing serious. It will be fine after resting for a while, and we will arrange medical staff to treat the injured people in time, so you can rest assured, Laotian team."

Tian Liguo looked in Xiao Zhao's direction,
Chu Xiuwen's forehead was wrapped with gauze, and he was cooperating with the police to take notes.
At this time, from the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure,
Tian Liguo looked over subconsciously, and saw a young female doll covering her mouth and watching him with tears streaming down her face.
A strange feeling swept over his whole body in an instant, he always felt familiar with this girl doll, but he was sure that he had never seen this child before.

"Hey, isn't this First Young Master Chu?"

Just when Tian Liguo was about to ask, Lin Ying suddenly walked in the same direction, patted Chu Muran's shoulder with a smile, and introduced: "Old Tian, ​​come here and introduce you. This is the case of Mama Liu back then." My child, I wonder if you still have any impression?"

Liu Ma case,
This was the major incident of children's abnormal pulse detected by Tian Liguo and others back then, so he naturally had an impression.

Tian Liguo took a look, he was really a child back then, after so many years, he has grown so big!
But Tian Liguo didn't dare to use this incident to reminisce about the old days.
So he quickly slapped Lin Ying and reprimanded in a low voice: "Why did you say this in front of the child?"

Lin Ying rubbed his head, and exhaled the smoke ring indifferently: "Old Tian, ​​don't you know who I am? This kid is different, I have my sense of proportion."

Tian Liguo glared at the past angrily, but his attention was unconsciously attracted by Tian Tian beside Chu Muran,

this child.
Why are you still watching him cry?
He tried his best to show a kind smile, bent slightly and said to Tiantian: "Little girl, why are you crying when you look at grandpa!"

Tian Tian can't remember the last time she talked to her grandpa.

So old that it is almost forgotten,

She wiped away her tears, not wanting anyone to know the regrets she had pretended for countless years. She shook her head at Tian Liguo and said, "No grandpa, I just... think of my grandpa. You look very much like him."

Tears kept rolling in her eyes, but Tian Tian didn't dare to look up at Tian Liguo again,
She is really afraid that all this is fake,
Just like what Chu Muran was afraid of,
What if all this is just a dream.

Tian Liguo probably also knew what Tian Tian said. After sighing regretfully, he remembered something, with a happy smile on his face: "I also have a little granddaughter, who is now in the third year of high school, and will be soon. You are admitted to university, by the way, you are students, right? Where are you studying?"

"Big A."

"A University, A University is good, my little granddaughter also wants to be admitted to A University." Tian Liguo added with a smile: "But she was originally going to be admitted to the police academy."

Tian Tian's tears stagnate,
Quickly asked: "Then why didn't you pass the police academy?"

You must know that the police academy is her dream.
In her dreams, she wanted to punish rape and eradicate evil like grandpa!
Tian Liguo sighed again, and said helplessly, "I'm not tall enough. I can't pass the physical test."

Tian Tian is stupid
In an instant, tears fell like rain, and I couldn't stop,

Chu Muran was in a hurry, but it was useless to comfort her or coax her, she just kept crying without explaining the reason
By the time Tian Tian accepted that her dream was compromised by her own hardware, it was already three days later.

It's the weekend, so I don't have to go to work.

But Tian Tian always felt an ominous premonition in her heart,

Just in time, Chu Muran suddenly sent a WeChat message,
[You don’t need to accompany me to eat at home today, just go by myself. ]
[why? ]
Ever since Chu Xiuwen came back home, Chu Feng's body looked much better, and his face was radiant every day as if there was some great happy event.
But I was just Chu Muran's fake girlfriend,
It doesn't seem to matter whether you go to his house or not.
What do you care so much about.
If you don't go, you don't go.

It happened that Jiang Meng and Lin Miaomiao went shopping today, and she and Wu Beiti were the only ones in the dormitory. The two discussed together and planned to have a hot pot in the dormitory.

After Meituan placed an order for the ingredients, Wu Beiti started to cook the hot pot seasoning.

After a while, the dormitory was filled with a strong smell of hot pot,
The two were having a great time eating,
Suddenly, the door of the dormitory was opened, Tian Tian took a look, it was Jiang Meng and Lin Miaomiao who came back from shopping,

Jiang Meng frowned, slapped around his nose pretentiously, and said to someone, "What's the smell, can people still live in this dormitory?"

Lin Miaomiao was eating the spicy strips in her hand, she raised her head and asked for no reason, "Hey, is it the flavor of my spicy strips?"

Jiang Meng couldn't help rolling his eyes,

Speechlessly, he walked to his seat and didn't speak any more.

Tian Tian is too lazy to talk to Jiang Meng,

After all, eating hot pot in the dormitory is Jiang Meng's favorite thing to do.

Why didn't she feel that this dormitory was uninhabitable?
Suddenly, the phone rang suddenly,
Tian Tian took a look,
Chu Muran.

Chu Muran seldom calls her usually, and usually asks whether it is convenient through WeChat first, and then calls her.

Thinking that there was an emergency, Tian Tian didn't dare to delay, so she quickly connected,
Unexpectedly, it was Chu Xiuwen's voice that came from the opposite side.

"Sister-in-law! It's not good, something happened to my father, and my brother fainted!"

 Prohibited words can only be homophonic,

  Forbidden meaning can only be nonsense with eyes open, for example, it was obviously a fight before, in order to pass the trial, you must write the fist of love, the palm of love, the fist of kindness, the words of kindness, classmates have a little conflict, discuss learning methods together, etc. sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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