Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 197 197. Why is she so sad?

Chapter 197 197. Why is she so sad?

The news of Chu Muran waking up was undoubtedly the most gratifying thing for Tian Tian. She seemed to have a sense of freedom and relief in her heart. This period of time was only a few nights in real life, but she It was as if he had been inseparable from him for so long.

Looking at the people coming and going, the security guards, the doctor, Brother Zhang, and their joyful and excited expressions, it was obvious that she was also very happy, but she couldn't smile at all.
Why is she so sad?

Is it because starting today, she will return to her previous unknown identity?

No one will know her dream-like experience during this time; and no one will care who is the person who "appears and disappears".
Tian Tian didn't dare to approach the ward, or even appear in front of those people.

She asked the leader for a day off, didn't want to think about anything, just sat blankly on the stool not far from Chu Muran's ward.

Soon, it was six o'clock in the evening, and Tian Tian had been sitting here without saying a word for almost a day, eating some bread when she was hungry, and drinking water when she was thirsty, she was like a person who was ignored and ignored. The management robot sat quietly in the hospital corridor filled with the smell of disinfectant.

Maybe that's the end of it all
Tomorrow is another day, she still has to continue to earn money to support herself well.

Just when she was about to leave, the door of Chu Muran's ward was suddenly opened,

"Oh, the doctor said that you need to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time, and it won't hurt if you stay for one night!"

A figure walked out of the ward quickly. He had already put on a professional shirt and trousers. It seemed that he was about to be discharged from the hospital. His face was sickly pale without a trace of blood. Like continuous mountains, although there are ups and downs, they are always proud and daunting.

The man was overwhelmed by the twittering dissuasion in his ears. He stopped and said impatiently: "The company still has a lot of things to deal with. You don't have to worry about me. I'll just drive back by myself."

The secretary almost didn't cry: "You can work in the ward as well. It's popular to work online now."

"To shut up!"

The man stopped anxiously, and was about to drive away this damned noisy person, but there was an abrupt ringtone from his mobile phone not far away——

Chu Muran lives in the high-grade ward of the hospital. This floor is usually absolutely quiet and spacious. Although it is common for the mobile phone to ring, the two of them still looked over subconsciously.

Tian Tian was holding her breath and trying to reduce her sense of existence, but the mobile phone in her bag rang suddenly, and she was almost dead.

She quickly picked up the phone,
When she saw the caller ID, she couldn't help but froze,

Trivial but beautiful memories flooded into her heart repeatedly at that moment, she almost couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, her nose was sore, her eyes filled with tears instantly,
I don't know what came to mind, but she answered the phone with tears in her eyes and a smile:

"Hello, grandpa. What's the matter?"

Tian Liguo was a little noisy, as if he was watching TV,

"Are you okay at home? Grandpa saw today that Uncle Wang's granddaughter next door has a baby. The little one is so cute. Oh, I can't watch this kind of scene. It hurts when I see it. I feel panicked. Who knows When will I be able to hug my great-grandson, hey."

Tian Tian:.
Tears were withdrawn in an instant.

She has only graduated from college for one year.
It was still in the prime of her youth, a critical period when she needed to fight for the future, why did her grandfather start urging her to get married?
Tian Tian clutched the microphone in embarrassment, turned her back, for fear that she would be discovered by a few people not far away.

She replied in a low voice: "Grandpa, don't worry about it. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and my fate has not yet come."

"I don't worry? Isn't that brat from the Lin family destined? As the saying goes, childhood sweethearts are made for each other! Think about it carefully!"

Lin family brat?
Uncle Lin Ying's son, Lin Qingzhou?
Tian Tian was ashamed, "Grandpa, Lin Qingzhou and I are good brothers. Besides, people don't have that kind of thought about me, so don't make a fuss about it."

"Although Grandpa is getting old, his eyesight is not blurred. I can see very clearly! I'm too lazy to tell you! If you talk about it, you will get sick!"

Before Tian Tian could reply, Tian Liguo hung up the phone angrily
Listening to the busy tone, Tian Tian wanted to cry but had no tears.
It's only been so many years, how did grandpa become a member of the marriage urging army!

Tian Tian sighed helplessly, turned around, only to find that a man not far away was staring at her.
The familiar gaze made her lower her head subconsciously. She resisted the impulse in her heart, picked up her bag, stood up and left quickly.

"Hey, isn't that from the planning department?"

The secretary also noticed Tian Tian, ​​and after a closer look, she turned out to be a girl from the company's planning department.

"Planning department?" Chu Muran's tone was tactful, with a bit of inquiry.

The secretary nodded, helped the frame of the mirror and said, "I am very impressed. Her name is Tian Tian. She was recruited by the school last year. At that time, dozens of interns came, and only she passed the assessment in the end."

Chu Muran frowned uncomfortably, pulled the position of his throat, and said softly, "Really."

Looking at Tian Tian's back with a guilty conscience and fleeing,

Chu Muran's heart was suddenly touched for a moment, this feeling seemed familiar, as if it was yesterday.

The news of Chu Muran's discharge from the hospital was quickly reported by the news. Tian Tian was lying on the bed at home flipping through the hot comments on Weibo, and suddenly remembered the scene in the hospital just now.
For her, being able to save her grandfather and Chu Muran,
It is already a gift from God, what extravagance and expectation does she have?

The next morning, Tian Tian was woken up by the alarm clock, looking at the time on her phone, she rubbed her swollen temples,

I didn't fall asleep last night, and didn't sleep for a while until after three o'clock in the morning.

At this moment, she had to get up early in the morning to catch the subway to go to work, which really made her body a little overwhelmed.

Going back to her two-point-one-line life scene, Tian Tian felt a little uncomfortable
Facing the greetings from her colleagues and the concern from the leader, she couldn't remember how she had dealt with it before.

"Tian Tian, ​​how is your work in the morning?"

At around eleven o'clock in the morning, the leader suddenly returned the documents she had made in a hurry, with a bit of worry and hesitation on her face.

Tian Tian secretly thought it was bad,

Could it be that what I did was unqualified?
"Director, what's wrong?"

"That's it. I don't see any problem with your plan, but for some reason, President Chu sent me to check what the minister said. He seemed quite dissatisfied and asked you to redo it. Now the superior will let you Go upstairs, probably to give a lecture."

Tian Tian's heart skipped a beat, and she took back her plan in a daze,

Chu Muran is a well-known workaholic. He will personally check every link of every project. There have been such situations before, but...
(End of this chapter)

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