Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 2 2. Beneath the rough appearance is a soft heart

Chapter 2 2. Beneath the rough appearance is a soft heart
Tian Tian picked up the man fiercely until he couldn't see Chu Muran's figure, and punched him hard, until the man screamed in pain and begged for mercy, Tian Tian still had no intention of letting him go , the anger in his heart was burning more and more: "You **** bastard, you dare to beat my man, see if I can't beat you to death!"

After an unknown amount of time, the man on the ground had been beaten so badly by Tian Tian that he couldn't even speak.

Tian Tian spit at him, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became: "I didn't beat you to death because of the nine-year compulsory education I received. Damn, I'm going to call the police now, child abuse and domestic violence, I think you are Tired of living!"

Turning on the elderly mobile phone, Tian Tian was about to call 110 to call the police, but the woman who was hiding in the house ran out at some point, seeing that Tian Tian seemed to want to make a call, she hurriedly stamped her feet and shouted anxiously: "Liu Neng! Don't Call! Don't call! Didn't we all agree! Don't talk about this!"

Where does Tian Tian care so much, she is not Liu Neng in the first place!Now she only wants to save Chu Muran from the dire straits!


"Damn it, it's turned off!" This broken mobile phone actually ran out of battery at the most critical point!

It's really holding the grass!
A woman not far away also ran over like crazy, trying to snatch the elderly phone from Tian Tian's hand.

Who is Tian Tian?

She is now a pork butcher, can she lose to a little bitch?

"What are you doing?"

Tian Tian was angry.

I thought this woman was a good person, but I didn't expect to snatch her mobile phone to prevent her from calling the police!
"What's wrong with your child and you don't call the police? Do you have to wait until someone dies to know how serious the consequences are? Look at yourself again! Your nose is bruised and your face is swollen. How can you survive this day? Everyone takes knives I'm here to kill you!"

Tian Tian put away her mobile phone for the elderly, and pointed at the woman and scolded her, but after hearing this, the woman just shook her head and covered her face and cried, crying louder and louder.

She looked at Tian Tian with tearful mother-in-law, and begged: "Liu Neng, didn't we agree that we will give you 50 yuan a month, and you will keep this matter secret for us. I beg you, please don't call the police. You will destroy our family!"

Ruined your family? !

Tian Tian was really about to be amused by this woman.

Chu Muran is already like this, who cares what kind of shit your family is!At worst, she would sell pork to support Chu Muran for the rest of his life!

She knew that most of the women in this era are not oily, and she didn't think about making it clear for a while, so she snorted and said, "I haven't paid the 50 yuan this month, right? You take your money now." The man gets out of my house, when will he pay the money, and when will he ask me for a child!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian was like carrying a little chicken, with the man in the left hand and the woman in the right hand, and threw the two of them out of her yard in a daze.

"Heh~ tui!"

It doesn't matter, anyway, she is a butcher who kills pigs, what kind of civility and courtesy do you want!
After locking her yard tightly, Tian Tian returned to the house in a hurry.

If something happened to Chu Muran, she would fight those two people to the death!


The sun shone through the paper window into the small room, and shone on the cheeks of the sleeping boy on the simple hospital bed. The boy frowned slightly. The next second, he opened his eyes suddenly as if he was frightened by something. eyes.

He looked at the completely unfamiliar surroundings and curled up vigilantly.

Suddenly, a big black-faced man in a ripped sweatshirt came out from the room next door, holding a cup in his hand, walking over with excitement, his small eyes staring like brass bells, excited and said to him:
"Chu Muran! Are you awake?!"

The boy looked at Tian Tian, ​​and stepped back in fear, but found that his body was covered with bandages, and it hurt to move even a little.

"Oh, Chu Muran, don't move. Just after taking the medicine, don't open the wound! Hurry up, get thirsty! Drink some water!"

Tian Tian carefully handed the cup full of water to Chu Muran, leaned over to look at his skinny body, and sighed in distress.

The doctor in this mountain said just now that Chu Muran was suffering from severe malnutrition, which had already affected his physical development, and if it dragged on, something serious might happen.

Thinking of this, Tian Tian became more worried, looking at Chu Muran with pity and worry in his eyes.

"Chu Muran, just tell uncle what you want to eat, and uncle will make it for you later!"

Hearing the words Chu Muran, the boy's body stiffened for a moment.

He looked up and saw that the strong man was staring at him with bull's eyes, his eyes were full of surprise and joy, but also worried and distressed.

He didn't understand what there was to be happy about, and he didn't understand what there was to be sad about.

He's nothing but unwanted trash.

"My name is not Chu Muran, but Wang Adou."


Wang Adou?
All right, then Wang Adou.

Tian Tian looked at Chu Muran taking the water glass in her hand with pity, maybe he was really thirsty, the boy picked up the water glass and poured it into his mouth, the water flowed down the edge of the glass and down his chin before he could swallow it , dripped onto the clothes like a stream.

Maybe it was because he drank too anxiously, Chu Muran seemed to be choked by the water, and coughed while clutching his chest in pain.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Tian Tian was startled by the boss, and hurried over to pat him on the back to give him comfort.

But Tian Tian seemed to have forgotten her identity at this time, just her "light" slap almost shattered Chu Muran's internal organs.

Not only did it fail to stop the cough, but the cough became more and more serious.

"Oh, I'll go. Chu, bah, A Dou, are you okay, Uncle didn't grasp the strength just now! Don't misunderstand Uncle!"

Tian Tian wanted to slap her on the forehead, just a light touch of her big black palm could kill Chu Muran half of his life, let alone give him comfort, it almost made him die on the spot !
After a while, Chu Muran fell weakly on the hospital bed.

The eyes looking at Tian Tian couldn't help revealing a bit of fear.

Tian Tian thanked the doctor, took out the little change she had left from her pocket, and then took Chu Muran home before it was dark, and hurried home.

"Does it hurt?"

She picked up Chu Muran who was on the hospital bed, and asked cautiously for fear of tearing his wound.

Chu Muran didn't want to answer at first, but after seeing those eyes full of genuine concern, he still shook his head sullenly and said:

"It doesn't hurt."

"Just bear the pain for a while. I have to go back and make you something to eat. You are too thin. Be careful of developmental problems in the future."

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian unconsciously looked at Chu Muran's lower body.

...? !

I bother!

You old pervert!
After slapping herself, Tian Tian quickly left the clinic with Chu Muran in her arms.

Originally, she planned to go to the market to buy something to eat while Chu Muran was still asleep, but it's a pity.

Just enough money for medical treatment.

She almost gave her sweatshirt to the clinic.

 I don't know if it will be updated in the early morning, or at eight or nine in the morning, or at eight or nine in the evening...

(End of this chapter)

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