Chapter 203.
The man's obsessive and aggressive aura almost paralyzed Tian Tian's brain nerves. The intimate posture was unprecedented for the two of them. This ambiguous atmosphere was enough to make Tian Tian blush and heartbeat, and couldn't help it.

She moaned a little uncomfortable,

It seemed as if he could hardly breathe.

Chu Muran slightly let go of the palms that held her captive, and kissed her sometimes gently, sometimes forcefully on her red lips that were dripping with blood.

The door was closed, and he could even lock it rationally...

Tian Tian was lifted up by him and carried into the room, her blurred eyes were not yet focused, her rosy cheeks and ears were exuding the heat in her body, Chu Muran's kiss gradually moved downward, as if she lost her way,
I do not know how long it has been,

He suddenly took Tian Tian into his arms,
Panting lightly, let out a few muffled smiles.

He tilted his head and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry."

Tian Tian didn't speak, her whole body was like a overcooked shrimp, burning from head to toe, the corners of her eyes and cheeks still had traces of crying before he came, obviously still angry with him , and vowed never to talk to him again...

However, the moment I saw him, it seemed that I didn't want to get angry with him.

"Why did you come here..."

Didn't you still work at the company when you called just now?

Did you come here specifically to find her?
Tian Tian suddenly felt elated...

Unexpectedly, Chu Muran suddenly said in a hoarse voice: "The banquet tonight just passed by here..."

The smile on Tian Tian's face froze,
In an instant, I lost interest in talking to him.

With a slight push, she pushed Chu Muran away from her side, got up and got out of bed, straightened her somewhat messy clothes and hair expressionlessly, and gave the order to evict the guest coldly: "That won't waste President Chu's time Already, let’s go slowly.”

He thought he came here specially to find her, but he just passed by on the way.

Tian Tian had mixed emotions in her heart, she couldn't tell what kind of emotion it was, but she was very uncomfortable, and even the uncomfortable tears began to roll in her eyes again.

She thought that they would be very happy after meeting in reality,

She also thought that she could be regarded as keeping the clouds open to see the moon,
But she didn't think that all of this was just her wishful thinking, she shouldn't have any expectations, and she shouldn't have any fantasies...

They should maintain the original subordinate-subordinate relationship.
She is just a little transparent new year, not worthy of his attention at all!
Tian Tian was about to leave the room angrily, but in an instant, Chu Muran appeared in front of her at some point, leaning over to her, with ripples in her deep eyes, and an uncontrollable madness surging deep inside. move.

When he saw Tian Tian's hazy teary eyes, he flashed a trace of astonishment and self-blame,

He suddenly lost his sense of proportion in a panic,
The not-so-smooth thumb carefully wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He said anxiously and annoyed: "Tian Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I just heard Lin Qingzhou's voice on the phone. I was too anxious, and I wanted to see you right away. I really can't wait for a moment... I'm afraid it will be later You will be snatched away, and you won't stay by my side later."

He didn't know why he had this thought,
But he couldn't help it,

Little by little, his crazy thoughts grew and spread in his heart, just like the speed of the spread of the virus, almost eating away all his sanity.

"Brother Qingzhou and I are just friends. He respects me very much and only treats me as a younger sister. Why do you think about it... Besides, you have nothing to do with me, so why bother with me."

Tian Tian looked straight at him, as if she wanted to see what she expected from his eyes, she would always lose her mind in front of him, as if she didn't remember anything, but she couldn't stop thinking What to get from his answer,
At least it can give her the so-called sense of security,
Rather than a short-lived beauty...

The journey between her and him has come to an end, and the memory that only belongs to them will be engraved in her bones forever. She has a lot of thoughts, and even pushed their relationship to a height that she can't even reach. What is life and death? At the turn of the century, what kind of soul salvation...

But she found that she was just a layman after all,

She just wants to be with him.

She was extremely wronged, but she didn't know where to start.

But just when she was feeling sour, that long-hidden heart seemed to finally get a response——

She saw a pair of determined and resolute eyes,

I also heard the most beautiful love story in the world,
"Stay with me, okay?"



Although Lin Ying is a [vulgar person], Lin Qingzhou has a modest and gentlemanly appearance, dignified and polite. Although he has been mischievous since childhood, Tian Tian has long seen the ability to change faces when he meets people.

If she hadn't seen Lin Qingzhou's all-powerful [Jianghu] appearance with her own eyes, Tian Tian would have found it hard to believe that the handsome guy standing in front of her could be Lin Qingzhou!
"Tian Tian, ​​you just follow behind brother later, don't run around anywhere, do you understand?" Lin Qingzhou put Tian Tian's little hand on her elbow, and gently approached her and told her.

Tian Tian smiled obediently: "Yeah."

"very good mood?"

From the time I received her until now, my mouth has never been closed. What is it that makes me laugh like an idiot?
Tian Tian coughed, rubbed her sore cheeks with a smile, and replied casually: "It's okay! I'm just as happy as you are!"

Lin Qingzhou graduated from university only a few years ago, established his own company, owns his own team, and is considered a well-known young entrepreneur in City A. In addition, his family background is clean, and his father is the second in command of the police station. The mother is a well-known Jiangnan talented woman...

Many people couldn't help but look at Lin Qingzhou.

Society nowadays,
To put it bluntly, it is the world of young people and the world of talents.

Of course, since Lin Qingzhou was mentioned, the famous and successful young man in the past few years is naturally indispensable,
Just mentioning the name may make people praise!

Or be frightened.

"Mr. Lin."

However, the two people who were whispering and discussing met unexpectedly when they met, and they seemed to have a very happy conversation.

Lin Qingzhou took the wine glass from Chu Muran, "President Chu."

Thanks to Lin Ying, the two have known each other in private, and they originally set up a bridge with good intentions to make their son's entrepreneurial journey smoother. After all, no one in the family is in business.

But I never expected that Lin Qingzhou came all the way, and he was all on his own.

I thought that when Chu Muran came over, he would talk about the cooperation some time ago,
But who would have thought that Chu Muran changed the subject,
Suddenly looked at Tian Tian who was standing quietly on the side...

The woman's well-behaved and sensible appearance is very much like a newborn kitten. She is small and charming, her cheeks are slightly flushed, and there is a seductive light in her eyes when she looks up at him...

Chu Muran's throat suddenly choked, and he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Then he pretended not to care and said with a light smile:

"It's rare to see Mr. Lin with a female companion."

(End of this chapter)

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