Chapter 218
Tian Liguo's surgery came as scheduled.

For this operation, Tian Liguo also did three or four necessary examinations before that.

Originally, Tian Liguo disagreed with life and death.

Because he heard that an inspection costs 2400, and it needs to be done every day!And there's more than one!
Seeing a doctor is so expensive!How can he be willing at such an old age!

It's all granddaughter's hard-earned money.

Later, when he heard that Chu Muran paid the money first, Tian Liguo fell silent.

After the operation, Tian Liguo was in pain for several days, but he kept thinking about this matter, no matter how he thought about it, he felt uncomfortable, and always felt strange and uncomfortable.

So when Chu Muran was returning to the company for a meeting, he called Tian Tian to the bedside, sighed and asked softly:
"This fee is all paid by Xiao Chu?"

Tian Tian blinked and nodded.

When Tian Liguo heard this, he was heartbroken and said: "Granddaughter, you are not married yet, you are still in the stage of dating, and your boyfriend and girlfriend are not husband and wife! How can you ask Xiao Chu to pay grandpa this fee! how much!"

Although when he first found out about this, he secretly praised Chu Muran in his heart, he knew how to share the pressure with her precious granddaughter, and he did a series of checkups with peace of mind, using the best nutrient solution.

However, he has been proud all his life, and when he gets old, he still has the same stubborn temper...

He thought about it, and always felt that he was too stingy for such a fluke mentality, how could he receive other people's benefits for nothing!
How can he be worthy of the cultivation of the party and the country for so many years!

He is a person who eats public food to work and provide for the elderly!
Never owe favors to others!

Tian Tian knew what Tian Liguo was thinking, and comforted him: "Grandpa, don't think too much, I know what you want to say, and I will lend him the money first, and when I have money I will definitely pay him back."

Tian Liguo breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Although Tian Liguo's true thoughts are too outsider, maybe a little too pedantic.

But he has been so pedantic all his life, and he still can't get rid of this problem when he gets old.

Tian Tian also sighed silently in her heart.

There are many things that she can only carry silently by herself.

In fact, from the beginning of the inspection, her small coffers were stretched.

Not long after she graduated, she really didn't save much money. Just being hospitalized for a check-up would have emptied her small family, and she had no choice but to borrow money from Chu Muran.

After all, grandpa’s operation cost more than 6000 yuan. After the operation, he was admitted to the ICU for nearly [-] yuan a day. He had to stay for at least three or four days to observe the situation...

It was too much for her.

But she made it very clear to Chu Muran that she borrowed the money, and she will pay it back gradually in the future.


There is still a lifetime.

Although Tian Liguo is old, his physical fitness is really top-notch. Compared with the old people around him who moan and complain about pain and discomfort every day, Tian Liguo has been suffering for less than a week. He just eats well and sleeps well.

His mind is full of his piece of land.

After thinking about it, he wondered what kind of vegetables he would grow when he was discharged from the hospital.

"Why don't you plant some peppers and vegetables, and when you two get married, grandpa will send you vegetables every month, hahahaha!"


Tian Tian sat upright and straight in an instant.

Sensitive and embarrassing topics are always so unexpected.

The most important thing is that Chu Muran nodded very naturally, and while peeling an orange for Tian Liguo on the bed, he said:
"Thank you grandpa."

"Hey! Good good!"

When Chu Muran called Grandpa, Tian Liguo could laugh all day long.

I don't know what's going on, but the grandson-in-law is getting more and more liking the more he looks at it!The more you look, the more satisfied you are!The more I look at it, the more I feel that my granddaughter is simply a blessing in her previous life!

However, when it came to the topic of marriage, Tian Liguo thought about it and said:

"Then how are you two thinking about it? When are you going to get married? Old man, I am almost in good health. When I get out of the hospital, I will attend your wedding. Double happiness! Hahahaha!"

What Tian Liguo said was heartless, but he knew the importance of this matter better than anyone else.

Tian Tian's parents died early, and he was the only old man.

Chu Muran is also a child with a hard life, his mother left early, his father died of illness, and his best grandfather didn't stay with him for a long time...

Lonely and alone, wandering alone.

For two young children, he is the only old man who can make the decision.

Chu Muran handed the peeled orange to Tian Liguo, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his brows and eyes were sharp, but there was a touch of emotion:
"Grandpa, I think... on the sixth day of next month, Hetian Tian can get the certificate, do you think it's okay?"

Tian Tian suddenly raised her head.

Even the engagement ring hidden in her pocket... was subconsciously squeezed tightly by her.


This stinky man doesn't play his cards according to common sense...

Last night he agreed to the marriage proposal on the bed in a daze, but he didn't say when he would get a marriage certificate with her!Why don't you tell her in advance!I set the date myself without discussing it!Why don't you ask her if she agrees?
"Next month... the sixth day?"

Tian Liguo put on his presbyopic glasses for a rare occasion, and quickly turned on his phone to check the perpetual calendar.

The sixth day of next month is suitable for marriage. It is a day of great joy!
He laughed heartily, turned his head and said to Chu Muran amiably:
"It's a good day, old man, I agree!"

Tian Tian just wanted to say that her grandfather must be reluctant to let her marry off so soon, and she must have said that as a joke, but she didn't expect Tian Liguo to agree in the next second!

In Tian Liguo's heart, although he was reluctant to let his granddaughter decide on a lifelong event so early, but during the time he was hospitalized, he suddenly figured out a lot of things, and he became more enlightened about life.

It was also during this time that he really got to know Chu Muran.

Humble, understated, honest, genuine.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he should worry less at such an age. As long as the young couple can live happily, what does he, an old man, have to say?

The country has allowed him to retire and enjoy the blessings. If he can live comfortably one more day, let him live one more day.

Tian Liguo's postoperative recovery was very smooth. He stayed in the general ward for about half a month before he was discharged. He said that his granddaughter got married and hurried home to prepare.

At this moment, Tian Tian, ​​who had just received her marriage certificate, was staring at her marriage certificate with an aggrieved expression on a black car in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

He muttered in a low voice: "It's agreed to get the certificate on the sixth day of next month..."

Chu Muran calmly took out the marriage certificate from Tian Tian's hand, stuffed it into the crack next to his seat, and said with unclear meaning:
"I'll keep the marriage certificate. You've lost everything. What if you lose it?"

Tian Tian was in a fit of anger. She could have comforted herself by looking at the marriage certificate, but now she was accused of being neglectful. She felt very sorry, so she turned her head to the side and said angrily, "That's fine."

She was supposed to attend Faxiao's wedding this weekend, and she was still a bridesmaid.

I didn't even try the bridesmaid dress, so I was forced to fail.

It's no wonder she's angry!
I don't know why this stinky man Chu Muran is going crazy, he insists on getting the certificate before Miaomiao gets married, so that he, a beautiful single girl, can become a young woman of the Chu family within one day!
She didn't have many friends, and there were only a handful of friends she grew up with when she was a child. Miaomiao was very happy when she got married and asked her to be a bridesmaid. Now that she is well, she suddenly got married and got a certificate.

But the Buddha next to him didn't know how to coax her!
The two were silent for a long time. When they drove to the viaduct, there was some traffic jam, so the two had to stop and wait for the car in front to start first.

Chu Muran frowned, feeling hot and dry in his heart.

He never liked not being punctual, nor did he like disrupting established plans or agreements, such as being stuck in traffic.

He inadvertently looked at Tian Tian who was still angry beside him, and the boredom in his heart disappeared without a trace.

He also duplicity, saying that he doesn't like disrupting the plan.

But he still messed up on his own initiative.

He stretched out his hand and grasped Tian Tianzhuan's tight little hand.

Softly: "I will accompany you to the wedding on the weekend."


Mentioning this Tian Tian makes me angry.

The perfect bridesmaid is gone, the beautiful dress is gone.

But when it comes to this, Tian Tian feels a little strange, since she is allowed to attend the wedding, why is she so anxious to make her a married woman?

Simple, don't want her to be a bridesmaid?
She remembered that when she and Chu Muran first mentioned this matter, he didn't object, did he?
Could it be because, the last time Miaomiao called her and mentioned the fact that Lin Qingzhou was the best man this time, he took it to heart?That's why he tried every means to prevent her from being a bridesmaid?

Thinking of this reason, Tian Tian's anger also subsided a little.

She complained angrily in a low voice: "It's extremely childish."

Chu Muran's outstretched hand paused, his eyes drooped slightly, although he felt that his actions were undoubtedly stingy, but he had no choice but to overturn his jealousy, and he turned out to be more aggressive than usual when he was angry in the company.

He smiled helplessly: "Yes, I am naive."

Tian Tian didn't make a sound, just looked at the congested road ahead, and then said: "The traffic police are here, it seems that there will be more traffic jams, I will call grandpa first and say we will be home late."

"it is good."

Tian Tian remembered that after the date of obtaining the certificate was negotiated that day, Chu Muran returned to the company, and she chatted with her grandfather on the hospital bed alone.

Grandpa told her not to be angry with Chu Muran.

The choice of date is jointly decided and discussed by the two families.

However, Chu Muran no longer has a home.

He has only himself.

Now that he finally has his own home, he will definitely cherish and cherish it even more.

Grandpa can trust Chu Muran so much, let alone her?

"Okay, don't be in a daze, it's time to drive, the car in front has already left."

Chu Muran came back to his senses, looking at Tian Tian who was beside him with a smiling face.

"it is good."

[use up]

(End of this chapter)

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