Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 29 29. What did I do again!

Chapter 29 29. What did I do again!

Question 4: In the plane Cartesian coordinate system, the coordinates of point P are (-6, -[-]), so where is point P?

The ABCD options are the first quadrant, the second quadrant, the third quadrant, and the fourth quadrant.

Tian Tian took a deep breath, of course she knew that this question was not difficult, but she just seemed to forget how to look at it and forget it, choose randomly, choose B!

The second question. I seem to know, choose C!

third question.
Tian Tian didn't know how she did it until she finished writing the last question. Anyway, she just filled the white paper to the brim. Anyway, she majored in engineering, okay? Mathematics should be pretty good, right? ? ?

At this time, a boy sitting on the other side of her kicked her stool.

He raised his eyebrows and pointed to the test paper in his hand, probably asking Tian Tian to copy some multiple-choice questions for him to fill in the blanks.

Tian Tian is also quite generous, as soon as she raised her little arm, the answer was revealed.

After that person saw Tian Tian's test paper full of stuff, his eyes were as big as a copper bell!Is this terrific thing finished?full?
When she finally handed in the paper and left the examination room, Tian Tian only felt relaxed, and her intuition told her that her result this time should be quite good!

Alright, now it's time to get busy and find Chu Muran.

Because she was in the same class, Tian Tian went back to her class with the girl who spoke to her just now. She always wears her soul, so she has no memory of the original owner of this body at all. She sees Familiar with strange classes and strange people.

Really almost suffocated.

Just as she was looking up for Chu Muran, a petite girl suddenly patted her on the shoulder and said with a friendly smile:

"Xu Anran! How did you do in the exam?"


She feels good about herself, but the teacher can't know the specifics until she reads the test paper.
And this person is also inexplicable!She is always the bottom one in the class, asking her if she did well in the exam is simply the most speechless question in this century, is it necessary to ask?Is it close?
Sure enough, the moment Tian Tian had doubts, the girl pointed to the door, approached Tian Tian mysteriously and said, "Chu Xiuwen is looking for you, you go quickly."

Chu Xiuwen?
Very familiar name.
Who? ? ?

"Okay, wait a minute..."

Tian Tian nodded as if coping, but her eyes scanned the class very quickly.

With Chu Muran's appearance, he definitely has his own radiance and stands out from the crowd!It should be the kind that can be recognized instantly in a second or two, but after watching for a long time, Tian Tian didn't see Chu Muran's figure.

Could it be that you are not in the classroom?
Forget it, let's go and see what Chu Xiuwen is looking for her, anyway, she and Chu Muran are in the same class, so you don't have to worry about not seeing him.

Following the direction the girl pointed, Tian Tian came to the door of the class. Turning a corner was the corner of the stairs. There were three boys standing inside. One was squatting on the ground not knowing what to do, and the other two were standing against the wall. On the one hand, it seemed that he was specially waiting for her to come.

One of the good-looking boys saw her, raised his eyebrows and waved to her: "Xu Anran, what are you doing there? Hurry up!"


This tone should be quite familiar? ? ?
Tian Tian walked up quickly and said, "What are you calling me for?"

The boy sneered and said, "What do you think we are calling you for? Have you finished what we told you in the morning? Don't ruin our plan."


what's the plan? ? ?
Tian Tian was stunned, she had no idea what this man was talking about, but she couldn't say that she didn't know
I had no choice but to pretend to understand, winked at the boy in front of me and said, "Of course it's done! How could I ruin the plan!"

When the boy heard this, he smiled with satisfaction: "That's good, it's not in vain that I spent a little time getting the answer for you."


The smile on Tian Tian's face froze.

Before she could continue to wonder, the boy looked at each other with the two younger brothers beside him, and both showed evil smiles with malicious intentions, obviously as if he had done something bad.

Tian Tian panicked when she saw it.
She wouldn't have contributed to anything bad, could she?

At this time, a younger brother suddenly said: "Brother, I saw Chu Muran go to the bathroom just now, why don't we go and laugh at it first??? Hehehe."

The boy standing in the middle is Chu Xiuwen.

As soon as he heard it, a look of sternness appeared in his eyes. He pushed the little brother next to him, rubbed his hands together excitedly and said, "Then hurry up! Hehe, he is the No. 1 from the bottom this time." No way!"

Tian Tian listened to the sidelines and was terrified
No way. No way.
Could it be that Chu Xiuwen's plan is to find a way to copy the answers for her, so that she, a former 50-ranked student, can give up this honorable position? ? ?Give it to Chu Muran? ? ?

She really is.
The beauty was speechless.

When he came back to his senses, Chu Xiuwen had already walked in front of her, and lightly patted her on the shoulder: "Brother, I'll go first, thank you this time, I'll treat you to a big meal another day."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiuwen took the two younger brothers and strode towards the toilet.

But after walking a few steps, he saw Tian Tian following behind.

Chu Xiuwen stopped in his tracks, with a puzzled expression on his face: "What are you following us for?"

Tian Tian raised her eyes and glanced at the boy, and said quietly: "You go to the men's room, and I go to the women's room, can't you?"

Chu Xiuwen was even more puzzled: "It is possible, but the men's and women's toilets are not on the side."

Tian Tian had a meal.

Pretend to be calm and said: "I know, I just want to go for a walk before going to the toilet, so that it will be more relaxing."

Chu Xiuwen moved away from Tian Tian in an instant, and then waved his hands in disgust and said, "Then don't follow us. If you want to take a walk, go find another place."

And at this moment-

Tian Tian suddenly saw a figure walking towards her.

Her originally emotionless eyes suddenly burst into dazzling brilliance like ignited fireworks.

It's Chu Muran!

"Hey! Brother, Chu Muran is here!" Chu Xiuwen's two younger brothers also saw the boy walking in slowly, and hurriedly pulled Chu Xiuwen's sleeves, telling him not to talk to Tian Tian here .

It is different from Chu Muran who was cute and sensible when he was a child.

The current Chu Muran's eyes seem to be as silent as a pool of stagnant water, giving people a feeling that nothing will make him happy again.

Use another word Tian Tian is familiar with.

It's called rotten.

It's not Chu Muran, you still haven't enjoyed your good years, and you're just so bad in the second year of junior high school? ? ?

There was a spark in Tian Tian's heart.

Before she could think too much, Chu Xiuwen in front of her suddenly blocked Chu Muran's way, with a twitch of his mouth, he said with a smile, "Why, where are you going?"

Chu Muran frowned slightly, and said coldly, "It's none of your business, get out of the way."

(End of this chapter)

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