Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 32 32. You say you are handsome, but why are you a little stupid?

Chapter 32 32. You say you are handsome, but why are you a little stupid?
Tian Tian doesn't know who this person is, anyway, it's over after running away.

Behind him, the dean looked at Tian Tian who ran upstairs in a flash, and panted with his hips crossed:

"Hey, you little bastard! You run pretty fast!"

The last exam is geography.

Tian Tian looked at the multiple-choice questions and quizzes full of test papers, and fell into deep thought.

For example, there is a question that asks: "Why should the reservoir be built at point B?"

Tian Tian feels that if this question is reasonable, it is actually not difficult, it must be very simple!
But the problem was her small eyes, it took 5 minutes to find the test paper before she could see where point B was! ! !

She looked carefully at the topographical map full of circles, and after sighing, she finally began to dawdle with her pen.

After she basically finished writing, it was only four or ten minutes, and it was less than five or ten minutes before the end of the exam.

At this time, the person who poked her during the math test started poking her again.

The man suppressed his voice and said furtively, "Student, copy some for me."


Tian Tian subconsciously stuffed her hands into her trouser pockets. Without the cover of her arms, she could instantly see the test papers on the table, all filled with black characters.

"The big guy is awesome!"

Boys really admire Tian Tian.

Although I don't know who she is, but I can see that she is a top student!

It really didn't take much effort, I really earned it today!

After the exam, the boy saw that Tian Tian was about to leave the exam room with a calm face, so he rushed up and stopped her: "Student, wait!"

Tian Tian turned back chicly: "What's wrong?"

Boys are thick-headed and tiger-headed, but they are quite sunny and handsome.

He looked at Tian Tian gratefully, and said: "Student, what class are you in? How many were you last time? Thank you so much today. If it weren't for you, I really wouldn't be able to write a single word!"

Tian Tian looked at the boy with some sympathy, thought for a while, and then patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

He said with a somewhat sad tone: "Student, to tell you the truth, I'm in class 4, and I happened to be in 50th place last time. I'm really sorry, brother can only help you here."

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian walked to her class without looking back.

You said that you are quite handsome, so why can't you tell the difference between a top student and a bad student?
Does she look like she's doing well in school?

What she never expected was that after she left, instead of being shocked or regretful, the boy clenched his fists even more excitedly and shouted excitedly:

"Hold the grass! So awesome! It's the 50th place in the grade! Damn it! This time it's definitely safe! Oh shit!"

In fact, the junior high school of No. [-] Middle School in City A has only been established for a few years, and there was only a high school in the past.

It is said that there are only two ways to enter.

The first is to get in based on strength; the second is to buy in based on ability.

Needless to say, Chu Muran, who was admitted by skipping a grade, is a well-known academic god, but... after he was admitted, his grades plummeted, and no one knew why, even the teacher who recruited him at the beginning shook his head repeatedly It's a pity.

Tian Tian thinks she definitely bought it.

Her deskmate actually said that she was admitted? ? ?

What? ? ?

"Yeah, why are you so surprised! Could it be that you lost your memory? You were the No.1 in our class when you were in elementary school! I admire you. Although you have been handing in blank papers now, I believe that you actually secretly You must have worked hard, haven't you?"

The name of the deskmate is Shen Yu, a good girl with glasses and bangs.


You really think too much.

Listening to her tablemate reminiscing about the past, Tian Tian was a little confused about Xu Anran.

"Quiet me up! What kind of chatter are you talking about!"

At this time, the head teacher came, and the roar of the Hedong lion instantly quieted the noisy students.

The head teacher is the female teacher Tian Tian just crossed over and knocked on her head. Her name is Zhang Xue. She is not only the head teacher, but also the Chinese teacher of their class.

After Teacher Zhang Xue made a brief summary of today's exam, she directly announced that school is over.

The whole grade is divided into classes according to their academic performance. Their fourth class is the most trash-mouthed class in the whole year who doesn't like to study. As long as it is related to learning, it can't arouse any interest.

Tian Tian didn't pay much attention to what Teacher Zhang Xue said, she kept remembering what Chu Muran said about going home after school together in her little head.

Especially after the head teacher said, "That's it for today, I hope everyone will take the exam tomorrow and go back to rest early." After these words, Tian Tian's girlish heart couldn't help beating anymore.

She deliberately slowed down the speed of packing her schoolbag, and even pretended to look at the scenery, and then used her peripheral vision to see where Chu Muran was, what she was doing, and whether she was coming to find her soon...

"Anran, I'm leaving first!" Shen Yu packed her schoolbag and greeted Xu Anran.

"Alright, be careful on the road!"

Not long after, there were only a few students left in the class who were cleaning.

Chu Muran picked up his schoolbag from his seat, and walked slowly to Tian Tian's place.

He said very calmly: "Let's go."

".it is good."

Tian Tian thinks that going home together may be the old pink bubbles that boys and girls go shopping and eating together, and then the boys send the girls home
Chu Muran led her across the road from the school without saying a word, then pointed to a black car and said, "Go up, take the road."

"Oh, okay."

Although she had doubts in her heart, Tian Tian got into the car obediently.

In addition to Chu Muran and Tian Tian, ​​there was also a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and a suit who looked like a bodyguard but was actually the driver.

The moment the man saw Tian Tian, ​​he was surprised for a moment, but his extremely high professionalism made him return to normal immediately.

"Brother Li, send us back, thank you."

Chu Muran always speaks in a gentle manner, with no expression on his face, but there is a bit of alienation and coldness in his tone, which always makes people hesitate to speak, want to say something to him, but don't know what to say. Say something nice.


Brother Li made a gesture and started the car. Just as he was about to leave the parking space, the glass window of the co-pilot was knocked suddenly, and the frequency was very urgent... Brother Li looked back and saw that Chu Muran didn't speak, so he knew it was Chu Muran. By default.

Brother Li had no choice but to stop and open the car window.

At first glance, it turned out to be Chu Xiuwen.

"Unlock, let me get in the car!"

Brother Li didn't dare to disobey. After all, he was just a part-time worker, so he opened the lock without thinking.

As soon as Chu Xiuwen opened the car door, he got into the car like a flexible fish.

(End of this chapter)

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