Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 36 36. Don't Know How Much You Can Eat?

Chapter 36 36. Don't Know How Much You Can Eat?

In the evening, as Second Aunt Xu said, because Xu Anran is not a big eater like Liu Neng, so he ate so much all of a sudden, his stomach couldn't stand it.

After taking some stomach medicine, I still feel very bloated.

"Second aunt, I have to go for a walk. My stomach is so full. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep then."

Second Aunt Xu is the aunt who cooks at the Chu family, but because the Chu family has a dinner today, the Chu family invited a Michelin chef to cook, which is equivalent to giving Second Aunt Xu a vacation, which is also very good.

Second Aunt Xu was playing cards on the bed wearing reading glasses.

When she heard Tian Tian's words, she glanced at her with worry in her eyes, but she snorted coldly: "Let me just say, you must have an upset stomach at night after eating so much, next time you have to remember better, Delicious food should be eaten in moderation, and it’s not like you won’t be able to eat it again in the future.”

Then, he instructed: "Just take a walk nearby, understand? Don't go too far. Second Aunt's legs are uncomfortable, so I won't accompany you."

Tian Tian nodded obediently and said: "No problem, I'll just walk around! Don't worry if I won't go far! I'm such an adult! Maybe I'll lose it!"

Second Aunt Xu couldn't hold back: "You are such an adult? How old are you? You! You are old-fashioned."

Tian Tian covered her mouth and smiled, and then she was going to walk along the path for a while to digest.

In fact, the second aunt's leg was also the pain of Xu Anran's life.

When Xu Anran went from primary school to junior high school that year, a very important book was missing. She searched her room but couldn't find where the book was. At that time, she remembered that she was about to cry. When he looked like this, he also searched in a hurry.

Later, when Xu Anran was taking a nap, Second Aunt Xu suddenly thought that there seemed to be a pile of books on the cabinet, and she hadn't found them yet, so she thought of climbing up to have a look.

Who would have thought that it was quite flexible when going up, but when it came down, it accidentally stepped on the air, and the whole person fell down.Although it was not high, when I fell, I hit the head of the bed and the chair next to the bed. I couldn't move right away.

At that time, it was time to pay tuition fees for junior high school. In order to save some money, Second Aunt Xu insisted that she was fine. Xu Anran didn’t notice anything wrong with Second Aunt. I couldn't get up on the bed, and in the end my leg always had problems, and it never got better.

Later, that book was actually in Xu Anran's schoolbag. She felt guilty for a long time, and every time she thought about it, she couldn't help crying.

Walking on the quiet and uninhabited path, Tian Tian found that it is quite beautiful here. During the day, the trees are shady and full of greenery. At night, you can look up at the starry sky, look at the colorful lanterns, entwined on the trees, and The stars in the sky complement each other and complement each other.

"Xu Anran?"

Suddenly, a familiar call came from the corner around him.

Tian Tian took advantage of the situation to look over, and when she saw the person coming, she said pleasantly, "Chu Muran! Why are you here!"

Chu Muran pointed to the bright lights in the villa area not far away, and said calmly: "I'm not used to it, I came out after eating, and I'm going to wait for them to calm down before going back."

Tian Tian thought of Second Aunt Xu saying that there will be a dinner party at the Chu family tonight.
Listen carefully now, and you can still hear the melodious music coming from the villa.

Rich people really enjoy it.

Different from the exam during the daytime, at this moment Chu Muran was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. Although his face was still a little immature, the edges and corners were almost sharp, and his indifferent eyes seemed to be full of disdain for everything around him. The whole person exuded the air of a noble and rich young master.

"Then when will we have to wait?"

"Ten o'clock."

"Ten o'clock?"

Tian Tian remembered that it was only 08:30 when she went out!
"Then there's still an hour left, and you're just standing on the side of the path in a daze???"

Facing Tian Tian's doubts, Chu Muran nodded, pointed to the small lawn behind a tree and said, "There is an open space, let's sit together? Or take a walk?"

"Let's go for a walk."

Tian Tian rubbed her swollen belly with some embarrassment, and said, "I couldn't control the last one tonight, I ate too much."

Chu Muran smiled and said, "Don't you know how much you can eat?"

Tian Tian resentfully said: "Didn't I think I had the potential to be a big stomach king? I didn't feel anything when I ate it, but after about half an hour, my stomach started to feel uncomfortable."

Hearing these words, Chu Muran obviously flashed a trace of worry. He looked sideways at Tian Tian, ​​and even wanted to reach out to touch her. At a loss, he had to ask quickly: "Uncomfortable? Don't go to the hospital? Is it painful or?"

When Tian Tian heard that she was going to the hospital, she quickly stepped back a few steps and waved her hands: "I just ate too much, it's nothing serious, and I've already taken the medicine, so it doesn't hurt anymore, now it's just bloating, so I figured out Take a walk to digest food."

"Then I'll walk with you."


To be able to take a walk with Chu Muran in such a beautiful environment, she couldn't wish for it!
The two walked slowly along the small lake in the community. Tian Tian was here for the first time, so she was full of curiosity about everything. The greenery around this high-end villa area is quite good. Excellent, Tian Tian still remembers a time when the news exposed the one-year greening construction and maintenance fees in the villa area, which was simply astonishing and outrageous!

After walking for a while, Tian Tian felt that her stomach was really much better.

Drug effects may also have played a role.

At this moment, the two of them came to a meadow, dotted with a few small orchids.

"Let's sit here for a while!"

Tian Tian is the kind of person who is extremely lazy, and now her stomach is almost healed, so she doesn't need to waste time walking, it's better to find a quiet grassland to chat and watch the stars.

What an artistic conception!
"it is good."

Chu Muran saw Tian Tian sitting down on the ground so generously, so he also found a place beside her.

The starry sky in the city is not as good as that in the countryside.

Tian Tian remembered that when she was in Xiakou Town, she and Chu Muran looked at the stars outside the window, they were big and twinkling, as if they could be touched by reaching out, the stars covered the entire night, extremely bright.

Although there are a few sporadic dots in the sky now, it is not as stunning and shocking as it was then.

"The sky is so beautiful."

Tian Tian put away her memories, and said something to Chu Muran with a lot of emotion.

She couldn't tell Chu Muran that she was such a weird thing as Liu Neng,
not to mention.
His future is still dark.

Chu Muran tilted his head slightly, looked at Tian Tian's side face, through her eyes, he seemed to be able to see the starry sky in the sky, he said in a low voice: "I have seen more beautiful ones."

(End of this chapter)

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