Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 4 4. This village is not simple

Chapter 4 4. This village is not simple

Chu Muran was stunned, even though the wound on his body was hurting unbearably, his mind still kept repeating what Tian Tian said to him.

"I'll get you out."

After all, he was still a child, Chu Muran burst into tears suddenly.

In the past few months, whether he was beaten or scolded, he has never cried, but after hearing Tian Tian's words, he can really feel that there are still people in this world who are willing to care about him.


Annoyed, Tian Tian let go of Chu Muran, looked at his gauze bandages, and patted her forehead with self-blame.

"It's okay." Chu Muran wiped away tears, and smiled at Tian Tian for the first time.

Although the immature facial features are tightly wrapped, Tian Tian can still feel Chu Muran's smile from the heart.

"You wait here for Uncle, Uncle is going to make a call."

When Tian Tian came to the yard, the howling cool wind blew away her thoughts, but condensed her courage.

When she was in the clinic today, she saw the address here, Xiakou Town, Jinshan Village.
What a familiar place...

Tian Tian took a deep breath, and with trembling hands, dialed a phone number she would always remember in her heart.

Even though it was night, the phone was connected quickly.

An old but energetic voice came from the earpiece of the old man's phone.

"Hi, hello, I'm Tian Liguo, what can I do?"

The moment Tian Tian heard the voice, she fell to the ground almost uncontrollably, her tears gushed out like a spring, she could only cover her mouth tightly, for fear that her choking sound would make the other party suspicious.


The other party might find it strange that someone would not speak on the phone in the middle of the night, but he was afraid that there was something important, so he had no choice but to ask again.

Tian Tian raised her head, but the tears still fell down like rain, and she couldn't wipe them away
She knew that the most urgent task now was to save Chu Muran, so she bit the back of her hand fiercely, and used the pain to stop her sorrowful eyes and intermittent sobs.

Trembling but firmly said: "Officer Tian, ​​I want to report the crime."

Tian Liguo, the deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of County C, to the masses, he is a hero who helps everyone with everything and does what is right.

As far as Tiantian is concerned, he is kind and kind, and he loves her and her grandfather.

When she was in elementary school, her parents died in a car accident, and she was brought up by her grandparents. But when she was in high school, her grandfather met a fleeing gangster on the way to deliver her meals.

Even though he retired, Grandpa still went after him without hesitation.

This time, I never came back.

Tian Tian returned to the house with a lonely expression, looked at the thin and thin Chu Muran, and said with a dull expression: "If you don't mind, you can sleep in the room, and I will sleep on the sofa."

At least the room wasn't so messy and smelly.

The ground was messy, and there were yellow oil marks everywhere. Tian Tian really didn't understand how Liu Neng grew up so big and was so strong.

Sure enough, it was a waste of his talent not to raise pigs.

"No need, I'll sleep on the sofa." Chu Muran leaned on the seat, glanced at Tian Tian's fat body, and reminded: "You probably won't be able to sleep on the sofa."


Why does this sound so uncomfortable!
She is just a bit aggressive on the outside, but she is still a naive and innocent girl in her heart! ! !
But looking at the crumbling sofa, especially, the place where he often sat in the middle seemed to have sunk, Tian Tian just swallowed the words that rolled to his mouth.

"You wait for me to lay something for you, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable. You are so thin, you must be in a panic."

This time Chu Muran didn't refuse again, he watched Tian Tian go back to the room and search for the quilt figure over and over again, a smile unconsciously pulled out from the corner of his mouth, I don't know if it was because of the wound, the smile disappeared quickly.

Although she was not used to her current body, Tian Tian still couldn't bear the drowsiness, and fell asleep while the night was getting dark.

The sound of snoring can be said to resound through the sky.

The whole village would probably know that he really slept soundly.

Chu Muran listened closely to the thunderous snoring.

I don't find it annoying.

On the contrary, I feel at ease.

When Tian Tian woke up naturally the next day, she glanced at the clock, it was 05:30.

"Liu Neng, are you going today?"

The voice urging to go to the market from yesterday sounded outside the door again. Tian Tian wanted to refuse, but now she really didn't have any money on her, and she didn't have any lunch at noon. Thinking of this, she could only respond: "I Come right away."

Tian Tian changed into a new undershirt, and was about to go out after a simple wash. Chu Muran got up at some point, her face was as white as paper, and she looked at her peacefully: "I'll go with you."

The tone was weak, but with a hint of firmness and coldness.

He is obviously a child who is not as tall as Tian Tian's waist, but he seems to be wearing the hardest armor.

"Okay, let's go." Tian Tian didn't think too much about it. It's not a bad thing to bring Chu Muran with him. What if the crazy couple came to Chu Muran again after he left? Locked the yard but couldn't lock it. living people.

The thin man waiting at the door is called Li Qiang, and Liu Neng sells pork in partnership. Usually Liu Neng is in charge of killing and raising pigs, and Li Qiang is in charge of selling and yelling. The relationship is good, but because of Liu Neng's size and temper, Li Qiang always It's unconsciously making a fuss in my heart.

"A few more pigs will be killed today. The town secretary's daughter-in-law has given birth, and several pigs have been ordered. This is a rare big deal."

Li Qiang took another look at Tian Tian.

I always feel that this guy is different...

Then I saw Chu Muran who was following Tian Tian, ​​his whole body was covered with gauze, so he couldn't see what his face looked like, but those eyes were somehow creepy.

"Okay, by the way, let me ask you something." Tian Tian pursed her lips in confusion, and grabbed Li Qiang's small body with her big and fierce arms, "Do you know the family from Shan'ao'ao? Wang's family, the family that drinks every day."

Li Qiang almost lost his soul when Tian Tian squeezed him out.

The powerful slap clasped his shoulders like this, making his voice tremble unconsciously: "I know, Wang Dahai and his crazy wife, what's wrong, he's crazy again, and he's going to shut the child up again after he's done." Circled?"

After finishing speaking, Li Qiang glanced at the silent Chu Muran again.

Suddenly exclaimed: "Liu Neng, is this the child of the Wang family?"


Tian Tian did not deny it.

Just wanted to continue to ask about how Wang Dahai had a child.

Tian Tian felt her sweatshirt being gently pulled.

Afterwards, a family came towards him on the narrow path. An old man carried a big bamboo frame on his back, an ax in one hand, and a large rusty chain in the other.

And the one who was chained was not cattle, sheep or other livestock, but a boy who was only a little older than Chu Muran.

"Fuck me, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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