Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 41 41. In the wind and rain, Class 4 is waiting for you

Chapter 41 41. In the Wind and Rain, Class Four is Waiting for You

Puppy love?

what the hell!

How can it be!

Tian Tian's face turned pale instantly, and after glancing at Chu Muran, she hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Teacher, you misunderstood, we are reviewing! Look!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian spread out the English book in her hand to the head teacher, which was the side she just read.

As if she was afraid that the class teacher would not believe it, Tian Tian even read it aloud beside her: "Really, if you don't believe me, I will read it to you, and you can see if I am not up to standard!

The homeroom teacher interrupted Tian Tian with a sneer: "Xu Anran, don't give me sloppy eyes here, the teacher will just ask you a simple question.

If two students who fell in love with each other were caught by me, what kind of stupid excuses would they come up with to cover it up? "

Tian Tian thought for a while and thought silently in her heart: They will definitely say that the two of them are just exchanging learning experience
But if she answered that way, she would undoubtedly be digging her own grave, which would become more and more black.

After all, one is the first from the bottom, and the other is the second from the bottom. Is there any learning experience that can be exchanged, and how to communicate with the answer?

Three long and one short choose the longest, and if the levels are uneven, choose C?

Tian Tian smiled stiffly: "Teacher, maybe they just met by accident."

"Accidentally met?"

The homeroom teacher looked at Tian Tian sideways and said, "You mean you two just met here by accident?"


Naturally, Tian Tian pointed to the book she was holding in her hand, then pointed to the milk Chu Muran was drinking, and said seriously: "Teacher, you see, I purposely came to recite the vocabulary early, Classmate Chu Muran happened to be eating breakfast quietly here, and when I saw that there was a classmate in the class, I felt very kind, so I sat next to him and read the words."

After finishing speaking, Tian Tian didn't forget to poke Chu Muran on the side, and her eyes signaled him to explain the pure friendship between the two of them.

Chu Muran understood.

He raised his head and said to the class teacher, "Teacher, we really just met here by chance, not what the teacher thought."

Just now Chu Muran kept his head half down, so the head teacher saw Chu Muran's entire face only now.


The head teacher's expression changed.
She looked at Chu Muran's red and swollen lips, she thought of some possibility, she took a deep look at the two, the pain in her eyes was hard to hide.

The head teacher took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to calm himself down and said: "Don't say anything more, after the exam today, it's not the afternoon, just before lunch, the two of you must come to my office One trip, got it?"

When Tian Tian heard that she was going to the office, she became a little anxious.

She is not afraid of the teacher scolding her or something, after all her face is thicker than a city wall.

But she was afraid of calling her parents.
Ouch, I went!
If she was misunderstood by her second aunt, she really wouldn't be able to clean up even if she jumped into the Yellow River!
Tian Tian looked at the head teacher's back that was drifting away, feeling extremely flustered, trying to make a final struggle: "Teacher, no. We are really not."

But the head teacher acted as if he hadn't heard it, and walked towards the teaching building with big strides.

That appearance, I am afraid that I have firmly believed it.

"Oh, it's over, it's really over, Barbie Q is over."

Tian Tian sat on the ground with a sad face, and her heart was anxious, as if the fire was imminent, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the ants on the hot pot were circling around.
She raised her head and glanced at Chu Muran at the side,
He seemed to be alright,

Calmly finished the breakfast in his hands, threw the garbage into the trash can not far away, and then said to the dejected Tian Tian on the ground:
"Let's go, let's go to the exam."

Tian Tian is in no mood to care about the exam at this moment. She is like a wilted eggplant, and she can't get interested no matter what.

All the way to the door of the classroom with complicated emotions, Chu Muran stood at the foot of the stairs and said to Tian Tian, ​​"Don't think too much about it, take the exam well, let's go to the teacher's office together at noon and make it clear. Going downstairs."

say clearly?
I'm afraid I can't explain clearly, what's the matter, my God.

But now there is nothing to worry about, the boat can only go straight when it reaches the bridge.

So Tian Tian let out a long sigh, and said quietly: "Okay, you should take the exam well."

After speaking, he walked into his own examination room.

The boy who copied her answer yesterday had already arrived. The moment he saw Tian Tian appearing, his eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't help but raised his hand and shouted: "Xueba, here!"

Tian Tian walked to her seat and said hello to him without much energy: "Hi, don't be a top student, I told you everything, I'm fifty, you're probably mocking me! "

When the boy heard it, he quickly explained: "How could I possibly mock you! You misunderstood, your grades are so good, and you are so humble, you really deserve to be a role model for me to learn from!"


Tian Tian is simply full of little question marks.


Tian Tian's classmate on the other side also heard this sentence, looked at Tian Tian, ​​then at the boy, and moved his stool to the side.

Why does she feel that the people around here are not very smart.

Stay away so you don't get infected.

Since there were still a few minutes before the exam, Tian Tian simply chatted with the boy.

"Are you from Class [-]? Yes, Xueba!"

Classes are divided according to grades, so those who can be in the first class must be extraordinary people.

When Tian Tian and Chu Muran first entered the first year of junior high school, they should have been in the first class. According to this, this person should not know Tian Tian.
"You transferred here?"

Tian Tian thought of this possibility.

When the boy heard it, the worship and admiration in his eyes deepened.

He said with emotion: "Xueba, you all know this! You are really amazing! But how do you know that I transferred here this semester?"

Tian Tian was ashamed, this is not difficult to guess.

There are very few people who don't know her in the whole grade, not to mention that as a member of the first class, they even have to copy her test papers.
Tian Tian can only say.

Brother, see you in Class [-] next semester,

In the wind and rain, the fourth class is waiting for you.

"I just said that casually, and I guessed it unexpectedly."

"Amazing, awesome, cow!"

The boy wrote a few words on his draft paper, then held it up to Tian Tian to see, "Xueba, what's your name, let's get to know each other! Let me introduce myself first, my name is Yang Zhengrong!"

Tian Tian glanced at it.

This man's handwriting is okay, but he doesn't seem to be very smart.

She smiled and said, "My name is Xu Anran."

Xu Anran?
Yang Zhengrong thought for a while, why did he feel like he had heard this name somewhere before? But now that he suddenly thinks about it, it seems that he can't remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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