Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 51 51. Why didn't you hand in a blank paper?Figured out?

Chapter 51 51. Why didn't you hand in a blank paper?Figured out?

The aunt gave Tian Tian an angry look, and stared fiercely, but because there were two young masters in the restaurant, the aunt had no choice but to run over to clean up the bowls and chopsticks of the people who had finished eating.

Seeing this, Tian Tian hurried up to help quickly.


Chu Muran was the first to recognize Tian Tian, ​​followed by Chu Xiuwen. It happened that the two of them had almost eaten, and subconsciously prepared to stand up and help Tian Tian tidy up a little, but before the two brothers got up to help, Tian Tian Tian was impatient, and quickly motioned them to sit down and not talk.


The pretendingly serious little expression was full of warnings.

She is a little "maid" now, and she is still at a classmate's house, so it's embarrassing to say
She can still clean up the dishes!

There is no need to use these two "Buddhas" for such a trivial matter.

Coincidentally, I just took a plate and wanted to put a bowl on the plate, but unexpectedly, my hand shook uncontrollably as if possessed, and then, a celadon pattern The bowl just fell straight to the ground, making a crisp sound of "呲啦".

In an instant, the bowl broke into countless pieces.

"My God!"

The aunt exclaimed, and hurried away from Tian Tian as if fleeing for her life, for fear of getting involved with this matter.

She looked at Tian Tian in horror, as if she was saying: You are finished, you are really finished, you are Barbie Q.

The sound of the bowl shattering immediately attracted the attention of Chu Muran and Chu Xiuwen, especially Chu Muran. Originally, he planned to help Tian Tian put away the dishes. Over the field sweet.

The same is true for Chu Xiuwen, who quickly grabbed the hand that Tian Tian was about to bend down to pick it up.

Today's scene is like that often shown in TV dramas.

One person was holding his left hand, the other was holding his right hand, and Tian Tian stood awkwardly in the middle, in a dilemma.

Just when the aunt thought that the young master and the second young master would definitely scold Tian Tian, ​​the young master suddenly said:
"Don't move, what if you hurt your hand?"

Chu Xiuwen on the other side was not to be outdone, and said: "That's right, isn't it just breaking a bowl, and it will be fine to sweep it later, you don't need to pick it up."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiuwen couldn't forget to take a look at Chu Muran.

There seemed to be some unknown meaning in the eyes.

Tian Tian, ​​who was firmly grasped with both hands, was caught in the middle, so she nodded obediently and whispered: "Oh."


The aunt who was holding a plate not far away was surprised.

The last time she just threw a plastic bottle on the carpet, the second young master just talked about her for 10 minutes!
right now..
Why are you all right now? ? ?

My aunt's heart was filled with pantothenic acid!

Just as she was about to turn around and put the bowls and chopsticks in her hands into the sink in the kitchen, she heard the second young master seem to be calling her.

"That one over there, yes, it's you, the one holding the bowl, don't look, I'm calling you!"

The aunt first looked left and right for a while, and realized that she was the only one around. Only then did she realize that the second young master was calling her, but she really couldn't remember her last name.

The aunt smiled and said respectfully: "I don't know what the second young master has ordered."

Chu Xiuwen frowned and pointed to the mess on the ground, "You clean up the dishes, and then deal with the ground."


My aunt's heart is pantothenic once again.
Co-authoring, she did nothing wrong, but she has to do the most work? ? ?

The aunt looked at Tian Tian angrily, and saw that the little girl also gave her a sympathetic look, somewhat embarrassed in her eyes, but there was nothing she could do!

"Understood, Second Young Master, I will clean up right away."

The aunt sighed as if appointed, turned around and began to quickly clean up the leftovers on the table.

After going back and forth about five times, the dishes and chopsticks on the table were finally cleaned up.

At this moment, she didn't feel too unbalanced anymore, after all, that little girl was still young and her hands were clumsy, maybe she could be faster by herself.


Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught sight of Xu Anran, a little girl, sitting on the sofa beside the two young masters and eating fruit, enjoying herself.


The aunt almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Tian Tian also didn't expect that when she came to clean up by herself, she sat on the sofa and started eating fruit for no reason, and all of them were imported high-end fruits, all of which were thin-skinned, juicy, and sweet. .

Chu Muran treats her well because she and Chu Muran are grasshoppers on the same rope!
They are all scumbags who are about to become masters!

But what is Chu Xiuwen doing?
Taking the wrong medicine?

Or are you in a good mood simply because it's your birthday?

"By the way, congratulations, this time is No.1 again."

Tian Tian gave her thumbs up and smiled at Chu Xiuwen.

If he had heard that he was No.1 before, Chu Xiuwen would definitely point his nostrils to the sky, wishing for the kind with his chin facing the sky.

But today's Chu Xiuwen is exceptionally abnormal.

Hearing that he won No.1, the expression on his face was neither excited nor complacent.

But fleeting shame.


Tian Tian, ​​who accurately captured this emotion, was a little confused, so she looked at Chu Xiuwen, and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Why are you unhappy? If I come first in the exam, I'll go to KFC McDonald's Dexter immediately today. "

Chu Xiu glanced at Chu Muran without smelling any traces, his voice suddenly revealed an inexplicable silence, and after a long while, he just uttered one word: "I"

Tian Tian saw his entanglement and embarrassment.

He didn't seem to want to answer this question, or he didn't know how to answer it.

Tian Tian was too lazy to talk to him, turned her head to Chu Muran and said to Chu Muran, "Chu Muran, we also want to congratulate ourselves, we are finally not the bottom two guys, hee hee."


Chu Muran smiled, and he didn't know if it was intentional, and suddenly said: "It's lucky to have you, let me study hard, otherwise this time I will be at the end of the crane again, but why didn't you hand in the blank paper? Figured it out?"

Speaking of handing in blank papers, the air pressure around Chu Xiuwen obviously dropped a little bit.

He lowered his head and listened to the conversation between the two in silence.

Tian Tian waved her hand, with an incomparably chic look, and said: "It's so boring to hand in blank papers, wouldn't youth be wasted? I think I was admitted at the beginning, and I was No. 1 in the class! No matter what, I have to do it before graduation." Take a look at the glory days of the past!"

Although Tian Tian didn't know why Xu Anran handed in a blank paper, maybe there was a difficulty, maybe there was some secret.

But from the fact that she keeps studying every day, there must be a fire hidden in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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