Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 53 53. She must not become a stumbling block in Aunt 2's pursuit of happiness!

Chapter 53 53. She must not become a stumbling block in the second aunt's pursuit of happiness!
"dong dong dong"

Just as the two were in a stalemate, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Chu Xiuwen and Liu Shu turned their heads subconsciously, and saw Tian Tian holding a black gold-plated gift box, looking at them with a smile, and said: "Madam, Second Young Master, sir, asked Second Young Master to remove the tie and sleeves in the gift box. Put on the button and say it was sent by Sheng Lan."

Liu Shu didn't recognize Tian Tian for a while, she subconsciously pulled a strand of hair behind her ear with her hands, and said with airs: "Well, put it on the table."

Chu Xiuwen on the side panicked visibly when he saw Tian Tian.

He avoided looking at Tian Tian at the door, even when Tian Tian walked into the room and put the gift box on the table, he subconsciously took several steps back.

He has always been proud of his achievements and proud capital.

It turned out to be all obtained by stepping on other people's sweat and pain.

No wonder.
In the first semester of junior high school, she suddenly ignored him.

It must be because of this
Because of this incident, I don't want to say another word to him, and I don't want to have any contact with him anymore.

Then why confess to him again?

Chu Xiuwen was really in pain. He didn't know what he should do, what kind of state he should use to face Xu Anran and Chu Muran. The air seemed to be filled with a pungent smell, which impacted his thoughts one after another, making him almost collapse.

After Tian Tian left the room, she kindly helped the mother and son close the door of the room.

After doing all this, she felt as if a piece of her heart was empty.

Suddenly there is a feeling of helplessness.

Feeling complicated, she walked towards the stairs, but unexpectedly ran into Chu Muran who was going upstairs at the corner.

"Chu Muran"

Tian Tian shouted softly.

Chu Muran smiled, "Yes."

Chu Muran's smile was like a spring breeze, blowing away the sense of helplessness in her heart, her eyes were slightly red, fearing that tears would come out of them, she had to subconsciously turn her head away.

Xu Anran and Chu Muran must have known about this.

She really felt sorry for the two children, and was forced to hide her edge helplessly.

At this moment, she finally understood why the burning fire in Xu Anran's heart became more and more intense.

Because I am unwilling, because I am powerless, because I am too weak, so I can only submit to others!

Tian Tian pursed her lips, her expression full of disappointment, and she said to Chu Muran: "I'll go to the yard to help my second aunt first, and when the distinguished guests come, I have to help serve desserts. I'm busy today. I'm leaving…"

Chu Muran understood that Tian Tian already knew everything at this moment.

He didn't want to disturb her, he just wanted to see her.

At least, if she would be sad because of it, he was by her side.

"En." Chu Muran responded softly.

He walked upstairs slowly, and bid farewell to Tian Tian, ​​who had her head down.

For a moment, he wanted to grab her arm and say something to her.

"You still have me."

But he held back.

He knows that she doesn't need these words now, because she has always been calm and wise, just like before, he just needs to silently stay by her side and follow her forever.

Chu Muran kept his eyes on Tian Tian's figure until her figure completely disappeared from his sight, then he turned to look in the direction of Chu Xiuwen's room.

His eyes are still so calm, but they seem to reveal countless confessions and obsessions.

Chu Xiuwen,
some bitter...

You should try it too.


Walking out of the villa and coming to the courtyard of Nuoda, Tian Tian felt for the first time that the air was sweet, the beautiful atmosphere gifted by nature made the haze in her heart like the moonlight when the clouds opened, It was gradually broken by the light.

The yard is surrounded by a fountain, and there are several tables, chairs, and awnings, etc. It seems that it is used for VIPs to drink tea, chat and rest.

Tian Tian walked to a small corner of the yard, where there was a small place for them to rest. Before she got there, she heard the old lady chattering about what happened just now, and she could hear her It's full of grievances...

"Let me tell you, you don't know, the three of them are eating fruit there, sitting on the soft sofa, and I'm exhausted here sweeping and mopping the floor, washing the dishes and clearing the table... Ouch, hello, Xu Jie, Xu Jie, you really have a good niece who will enjoy life!"

Tian Tian can imagine without looking at it, her second aunt must be rolling her eyes all over the sky at this moment.

Taunting her in front of her second aunt.

This person really has never seen how powerful her second aunt's mouth is!

Sure enough, as soon as Tian Tian thought about it, the second aunt's voice that seemed to be a smile came over: "You don't even think about how old you are, our family An Ran is only how old, and you are really embarrassed to compare."

When the aunt heard what Aunt Xu said, she was unhappy.

Co-authored to say that she is older?

Say she is old?
So she rolled her eyes and said sarcastically: "Yes, I am not young, but I know how much I am, unlike some people, who are not much different from me, flirting with Steward Wei every day, Those who don’t know think they want to climb higher branches, anyway, Wei Guan’s family is also an old man of the Chu family, so they can be regarded as people with some dignity.”

As soon as the aunt said this, the people around unconsciously cast their eyes on the calm Xu Jie.

No one said it, but everyone knew who the aunt was talking about.

Those who work in wealthy families, the most taboo thing is to have anything to do with these powerful people. To put it bluntly, that is, toads want to eat swan meat, sparrows on the ground want to become phoenixes, and loaches in the soil want to become dragons.
"Auntie, isn't it a little too much for you to say?"

Tian Tian is too lazy to eavesdrop behind, anyone who wants to bully the people around her has to ask her if she agrees with it first!
Not to be outdone, the aunt said: "I didn't say who it is! You don't care about me!"

Tian Tian glanced at Second Aunt Xu, and her second aunt's eyes were also quite complicated.

In fact, from the moment when the medicine was just delivered, Tian Tian could feel that Wei Ding must be interested in her second aunt, but her second aunt seemed to resist Wei Ding's overtures, and she could even be said to be alienated and polite.

Could it be because of her?
After all, in order to raise her, the second aunt broke up with her boyfriend at the time, and the good marriage was disturbed by her variable. After so many years, the second aunt never had any contact with any men again, as if He decided that in this life, he would raise her well and grow up.

She can't let her second aunt down.

Don't delay the second aunt!

This time, she must not become a stumbling block in the second aunt's pursuit of happiness!

 Old acquaintances will meet again soon~
(End of this chapter)

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