Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 56 56. Really defeated by the little girl Xu Anran

Chapter 56 56. Really defeated by the little girl Xu Anran
This year's... birthday present?
"Eh..." Tian Tian blinked a little at a loss.

Could it be that Xu Anran would give Chu Xiuwen a birthday present every year?
Seeing Tian Tian's expression gradually become complicated, Chu Xiuwen's embarrassing expression immediately became a bit sullen, like a child losing his temper, he suddenly exploded, and directed at Tian Tian Said: "Xu Anran, don't tell me you didn't prepare a gift for me this year!"

"Hehehe..." Tian Tian laughed awkwardly a few times, and a little cold sweat broke out on her back. She dodged her expression, not daring to meet Chu Xiuwen's eyes.

She really didn't know if Xu Anran had prepared a gift for Chu Xiuwen.
Chu Xiuwen was like an irritated lion cub. After he snorted angrily, he turned his head to the side and said, "Forget it! My young master will give you a few more days! I will definitely give you a few days before the weekend next week!" Prepare this young master's birthday present! Hmph!"

Tian Tian looked at Chu Xiuwen regaining her funny nature, she was relieved at first, and then reluctantly replied: "Okay, I got it."

Would this year's gift be at home if prepared every year?
It's time for her to look for it first, and if she really doesn't have it, just buy some meanings from outside.

She didn't know how long she could stay here, maybe the real Xu Anran would come in a few days, so she didn't need to bother to deal with these things.

After talking with Chu Xiuwen, Tian Tian excused herself to leave to do some cleaning.

Because as far as she was talking with Chu Xiuwen, I always felt that Chu Muran's eyes not far away were strange and cold.
She shivered subconsciously, and quickly took her small rag and broom to sweep up the waste paper and scraps in the yard.

Chu Xiuwen's birthday party was finally over after dinner. After helping to wash the dishes, Tian Tian and his good second aunt got their wages for the day and went home. Because they were at Chu's house all day long, The Chu family is not a black-hearted rich businessman who is harsh on others, so Tian Tian and Second Aunt also took this opportunity to taste the delicacies prepared by the five-star chef.

Walking on the path back to the small bungalow, Tian Tian touched her round belly and said, "To be honest, Second Aunt, the food made by the little old man is not as good as yours. How can a piece of fried rice be sold for 900 yuan? It's too expensive!"

The second aunt glared at Tian Tian angrily, and said: "It's not delicious, you eat like this? I believe you, you ghost!"


After Tian Tian laughed a few times, she looked at her second aunt and said, "Don't you want to try every dish, we haven't eaten any chef's food, besides, I was almost exhausted today , don’t eat more, maybe the meal I ate today is worth thousands of dollars.”

Second Aunt Xu is too lazy to talk to Tian Tian, ​​this little girl's mouth is getting better and better every day.

I don't know who to learn from.

But when she thought that her niece was so tired today, it was all for herself, and the second aunt felt warm and guilty. She basically just sat on the chair and didn't move much, because her old legs and waist really couldn't move. it hurts, hey
Not useful.

After returning home, Tian Tian saw that it was still early, so she told her second aunt that she had gone out for a walk, and she accidentally ate too much that night.

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road, come back early, don't be like last time, second aunt is very worried about you, understand?"

Aunt Xu was lying on the bed, holding the wool she just bought a few days ago, and was going to knit a winter sweater for Tian Tian.

Tian Tiandian nodded and said: "Understood, don't move around at home, wait for me to come back and rub it for you."

Tian Tian ran back to her room, put her small mobile phone on, and sent a message to Chu Muran by the way.

[An Ran: Chu Muran!Out for a walk? ]
Chu Muran quickly replied:
[Chu Muran: Please wait for me for a while. ]
Because the temperature in City A dropped today, especially at night, it was extremely freezing, so Tian Tian rummaged through the closet, looking for a thicker coat to put on.

Suddenly, in the drawer under the closet, Tian Tian found a soft thing wrapped in cloth.

"What is this?"

Curiosity prompted Tian Tian to open the cloth bag, only to find that it was a boy's little doll inside.

The expression of the little doll is a bit stinky, and it feels a bit like someone.
He was wearing a white T-shirt with the number 14 sewn on it.


Isn't today Chu Xiuwen's 14th birthday?

No way, what the hell!

Holding this little doll, Tian Tian suddenly felt a little hot, and thought: This could not be a gift prepared by Xu Anran for Chu Xiuwen, could it?Dolls made by yourself?
Looking at the crappy needlework on the doll, Tian Tian was really defeated by the little girl Xu Anran. It seems that she should give it every year. Isn't this too thoughtful?
Tian Tian shook her head and sighed as she put away the little doll that resembled Chu Xiuwen. If she couldn't return to her body this weekend, she could only give it to Xu Anran.

Although it is already spring, the occasional cold wind that blows from the changing weather still has a tingling feeling that penetrates into the bone marrow. Even though she is wrapped in a coat, Tian Tian still can't stop sneezing, her subconscious sickness In a hurry to go to the doctor, he began to use his hair as a scarf around his neck.

She looks very much like the silly girl Wang Er from the village next door.

Just after walking the path, Tian Tian didn't see Chu Muran's figure, so she thought of sending another message to his QQ, saying that she has arrived and is waiting for him here.

Suddenly, a man dressed in black walked up not far away. Tian Tian couldn't see his face clearly because he was wearing a coat and hat, but judging from his figure, he always felt somewhat familiar.

She should have no acquaintances, right?
The man slowly approached Tian Tian, ​​as if he was also frozen by the ghostly weather, the man shrunk his neck, put both hands in his trouser pockets, and there seemed to be something in his trouser pockets, which was being held tightly by him, He seemed to be aware of Tian Tian's nervousness, and he was walking over stiffly.

With no one around, Tian Tian suddenly felt a sense of danger.

She squinted her eyes and took a few steps back.

As long as this man gets close to her again, she will immediately run to the villa. At least there is a light there, and if she really shouts, there will be no one.

two steps
The man hangs his head all the time, and the somewhat hunched figure is less than five meters away from Tian Tian at this moment.

Just when Tian Tian was about to run away, the man's sudden sound made Tian Tian stop subconsciously.

"The Chu family. Is it here?"

The man's voice was a little hoarse, like a machine that had been in disrepair for a long time, and there was a taste of vicissitudes everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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