Chapter 63

Although she was still very uneasy, Tian Tian felt that since this matter had already been known, no matter what method Liu Shu used to raise money, she would be discovered.

Originally, she thought about handing over the recording directly to the police or Chu Muran herself, but now it seems that this method is too cold.

It's really a good abacus. It's not an accident, but it's not an accident.

Tian Tian opened QQ, just in time to see the message from Chu Muran popping up on the interface.

[Chu Muran: Are you out for a walk? ]
[An Ran: No, no, I'm afraid my second aunt will beat me.]
Recently, I went for a walk every day, and every time I talked about taking a walk, I couldn't help but feel guilty. If I slipped out for a walk again, Second Aunt would probably sneak behind her to see what she was doing.

[Chu Muran: Alright, then rest early. ]
[An Ran: Mmm, you too! ]
Tian Tian didn't think much, after hiding the phone, she went to the bathroom to wash up.

On the other side, Chu Muran, after chatting with Tian Tian, ​​was about to study homework when suddenly, the door of the room was knocked.

He paused with his hand holding the pen. In the past few days, Chu Feng would chat with him at night, saying that he wanted to make up for the past, and wanted to improve the relationship between father and son with him, so Chu Muran heard the knock on the door. At that time, subconsciously thought that Chu Feng came to him again for "heart-to-heart talk", so he frowned and shouted: "Come in."

With his back to the door, Chu Muran was arranging the books he hadn't opened for many years on the big wooden table in the room.

He turned around, just about to say a few perfunctory greetings, but unexpectedly, the person he saw when he raised his eyes was not Chu Feng.

It was Chu Xiuwen.

Chu Muran's brows seemed to wrinkle a little deeper, and he said coldly, "Chu Xiuwen, why are you here?"

Chu Xiuwen didn't speak, but closed the door of the room.

This was the first time he came to Chu Muran on his own initiative, and it was also the first time he realized that many of his previous cognitions were wrong.

No one can understand his current mood and feelings.

Mixed feelings?Exhausted?Disappointed?

It seems there are.

His face was full of solemnity and seriousness, and he was silent for several seconds before he said, "Chu Muran, I'm sorry."

It was really not easy to spit out these three words from Chu Xiuwen's mouth, especially when the target was Chu Muran.

He regarded Chu Muran as the greatest enemy in his life since he was a child. As for the reason, he doesn't remember, but he vaguely heard a voice saying in his ear: You must take Chu Muran You are so crushed that you can only get everything if you are better than him.

He obviously hated Chu Muran so much, but when Chu Muran disappeared, he was the one who cried the most in the whole family.

Mom slapped him for it.

He obviously hated Chu Muran so much, but when Chu Muran was found, he smiled the brightest.

"It's really rare to hear you say these three words to me in my lifetime."

Chu Muran was sitting on the sofa at one side, suddenly his tone became more tactful, and he asked with a bit of inquiry: "I just don't know, the three words I'm sorry, are you saying it for yourself or for someone else."

Chu Xiuwen lowered his eyes, his body became stiff uncontrollably, he turned his face away, and said lightly: "You already know
Did she tell you? "

"She" refers to Xu Anran, of course. In Chu Xiuwen's little head, Xu Anran and Chu Muran were secretly dating each other. If Xu Anran knew about it, he would definitely tell Chu Muran.


Under Chu Xiuwen's slightly shocked eyes, Chu Muran twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I already knew about this, I don't need her to tell me."


You already knew, why didn't you say it?
Why can you still pretend to know nothing and live with them for so many years?
Perhaps feeling Chu Xiuwen's incomprehension, Chu Muran did not explain too much, because there will be no second "she" in this world, and there will be no one who understands him and understands "her" like "her". Him, save him.

Chu Muran has always wanted to see Chu Xiuwen bowing his head in front of him, but when he actually saw it, he was not very happy. After all, it was not Chu Xiuwen who did all this. Just like a baby in the swaddle, sitting and enjoying the happiness deprived from the pain of others.

Who can blame him?

Blame him for being lucky?
Or is it his mother who is willing to risk everything for him?
Chu Muran chuckled and said, "Chu Xiuwen, I accept your apology, but I don't accept the three words you said for others."

Chu Xiuwen paused, he never thought that Chu Muran would forgive his mother, it was just because his conscience couldn't settle down.

After a while, he suddenly said again: "Chu Muran, treat her well, okay?"

Chu Muran smiled, "What right do you have to say such things to me, didn't you already make a choice in the morning? Why, now you're pretending to be good for her again?"

Chu Xiuwen didn't speak.

The moment he heard the recording, he admitted that he was flustered, and he couldn’t even believe that his mother would say and do such vicious things, but he finally deleted the recording. It was his mother, and he couldn’t help it. don't help her.

But precisely because of doing so, he may never be able to be in the same category as Xu Anran in the future.

Chu Xiuwen looked at the books on the desk behind Chu Muran, and said with a wry smile: "I know, you don't want to keep pretending to be stupid anymore, you deliberately let me hear the conversation between you and my mother that day, right? The next thing. Have you also figured out what to do?"

"En." Chu Muran didn't hide anything, and responded lightly.

Chu Xiuwen only felt that his whole body seemed to have lost strength, his throat seemed to be blocked, and the position of his chest seemed to have been punched hard, and the pain was severe.

He knows that good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil.

His mother has done so many wrong things, she should pay for her actions
But he really can't, just look at his mother, just like that.
Chu Xiuwen looked at Chu Muran almost beggingly, he lost control of his emotions and said: "Chu Muran, no matter what, I was wrong in the past, and I will not do anything excessive to you in the future , As for the others. I have no way to influence your thoughts, and I don’t want to defend anyone, but can you give my mother one more chance? Just the last time. I will go to my mother right now, and I will ask her to apologize to you Okay? Even no matter what you want or ask, I will unconditionally agree to you Chu Muran, I beg you."

(End of this chapter)

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