Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 65 65. This is really abnormal!

Chapter 65 65. This is really abnormal!
As expected of an old fox, Liu Cheng felt that there might be something wrong when he heard the word bill.

Many transactions back then, especially some underground transactions and black transactions, were all violent industries. This kind of violent industry did not rely on reasoning with you with bills, but on doing it directly. It was a very common way of "collecting debts" back then, so their transactions were not formal at all.

The credibility of the bills under this informal transaction is almost 0.

At this moment, Liu Shu has completely lost the panic she just had just now. She suddenly said, "Brother, can we not have to take out the 500 million yuan? It's fine if we don't admit it!"

Liu Cheng thought for a while, then murmured: "No, if this person really finds Chu Feng and says something in front of Chu Feng, even if the evidence is insufficient, Chu Feng will definitely be suspicious of you."

"so what should I do now?"

For so many years, this cousin of mine has always advised me behind my back, and thanks to Liu Cheng, she was able to replace that woman so quickly and become Mrs. Chu.

Under the quiet moonlight, Liu Shu hung up the phone with a heavy heart, thinking about what her cousin just said, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, but if she didn't do what her cousin said, this matter might never come to fruition. won't end.

Whether it's for her son or herself, some people must sacrifice.
After Liu Shu left the balcony and returned to her room, Chu Xiuwen came out of a corner she passed without saying a word.

He looked at the closed door of his father and mother's bedroom, devastated.

He really wanted to rush up and question his mother, why did you do this, but he knew the answer almost without thinking: Mom is all for you.

He may not be able to prevent this from happening, but he hopes that he can pull his mother out of the abyss, even if it takes a lifetime of sacrifice.

After all, the brilliance in his eyes has changed, faded from childishness, and added a bit of stability. Now he seems to be more determined, his eyes are full of determination and fearlessness.

The next day, Tian Tian was woken up again by her own terrible biological clock, and looked at the clock on the wall.

Ah, very good.

06: 30.

She seems to have lived an old life in advance, going to bed early and getting up early every day.

Who wasn't a spirited little girl in junior high school, a spirited guy!
Why is she out of tune!
With indignation, Tian Tian walked out of the house with her own small steps. The second aunt was still anxious as always. Tian Tian made a special observation. Every day, her second aunt was the most active one who went to Chu's house to make breakfast. I'm afraid that if you do it late, your salary will be deducted.

Sitting in Chu Muran's car with ease, Tian Tian couldn't help but let out a huge yawn, and when she saw the empty co-pilot again, she asked subconsciously: "Chu Xiuwen, where is this brat? Did you hide with a guilty conscience after doing something bad? You're really not a man."

Tian Tian was very angry at first, but then she put herself in her shoes and thought about it. Chu Xiuwen did this, and he also had his own reasons. It was his mother. How could a child not want to protect his mother?

It's just that they don't agree with each other.

Now Tian Tian has to stand on the opposite side of Chu Xiuwen.

She sighed silently, and apologized to Xu Anran in her heart.

When Chu Muran heard the words Chu Xiuwen, he frowned slightly, and instead of responding to Tian Tian first, he said to the driver, Brother Zhang, "Brother Zhang, let's go to school."

"it is good."

Tian Tian looked at Chu Muran who was a little "silent" today, lightly poked his arm, and said in a low voice: "Chu Muran, are you unhappy today?"

Although Chu Muran usually doesn't speak, at least he will reply her with tone words such as "um", "okay", "oh" and "yes".

Totally like a statue!
And it's the kind whose mouth is sealed with wax!
Although the events of the past few days will indeed have a great impact on a person, Tian Tian doesn't want Chu Muran to fall into it because of this. There are still many possibilities for people, and they can't give up the bright future because of the troubles in front of them. what.

"Not unhappy."

Chu Muran said suddenly, he glanced at Tian Tian, ​​who was unhappy beside him, a smile flashed in his eyes, and continued: "Just now I just thought of something, so I was a little distracted."


Tian Tian is an aunt in her heart, so her mind and emotions will be more mature and delicate.

Although in the future, she really likes Chu Muran.

But facing Chu Muran who is still a child now, she is more of a kind of caring and concern. It is precisely because she wants to protect him in the future that she breaks through the constraints of time and space and comes to him without hesitation.

During the lunch break at noon, Tian Tian went back to the classroom after eating to sleep for a while, but saw Zhang Peng and Yang Hu, two big fools at the door of the classroom, looking at something furtively. When they saw Tian Tian, ​​​​the two brothers Obviously, his eyes lit up, he waved his hand at her quickly, and shouted in a low voice: "Xu Anran, come out for a while! I have something to ask you!"

Tian Tian was already very sleepy, but now she has to deal with these two brothers, she is really drunk.

She walked out of the classroom, gently closed the classroom door, and followed the two brothers to the corner of the stairs where they met for the first time. She looked at the two brothers and asked angrily: "What's the matter, what's the matter, God is mysterious secret"

Yang Hu and Zhang Peng looked at each other, and then Yang Hu asked: "Xu Anran, you have a good relationship with our boss, do you know what happened to him today? He didn't come to class, it's not normal"

Zhang Peng also said anxiously on the side: "Yes, yes, he said a few days ago that he took the two of us out for a good meal at noon today. He would never let us go. Something must have happened Now, are you sick?"

Didn't come to class?

Tian Tian frowned, and subconsciously shook her head: "I don't know what's going on, don't you guys have QQ? Why don't you contact him via QQ? Just ask him yourself."

Mentioning QQ made Yang Hu even more anxious.

Chu Xiuwen usually never leaves his mobile phone, and the message will be returned in seconds!

But this time.
"Xu Anran, our boss hasn't responded to messages all day today, this is really abnormal!"

Yang Hu and Zhang Peng were anxious like ants on a hot pot, and Tian Tian couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Because of yesterday's incident, her relationship with Chu Xiuwen had almost dropped to freezing point. Although she hasn't met her since then, Tian Tian knows that Chu Xiuwen will definitely avoid her.

(End of this chapter)

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