Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 71 71. The matter is revealed

Chapter 71 71. The matter is revealed
Chu Feng couldn't recognize whose cell phone it was, but Liu Shu could.

She asked subconsciously: "Why is Wen Wen's mobile phone here with you??!"

As a mother, she couldn't understand how bad the relationship between Chu Xiuwen and Chu Muran was, so when she saw her son's cell phone in Chu Muran's hand, she was shocked, and the rest was It was a sudden rush of fear.

She clenched her cuffs subconsciously, with the mask-like fake smile on her face, she said, "Of course, if you have anything to say, just tell auntie... What are you doing..."

Chu Feng on the side also frowned in displeasure, "Of course, although Aunt Liu Shu is not your biological mother, she has done her best to you all these years and has never treated you badly. You shouldn't be so kind." She speaks!"

Seeing that Chu Feng was at least on her side, Liu Shu felt relieved. Although every word Chu Feng said was so strange to her ears, but she Still not forgetting to say with a smile: "Yes, but..."

Chu Muran didn't say much, just glanced at Chu Feng lightly, and then turned on Chu Xiuwen's cell phone.

The password is not difficult to guess, it is nothing more than Xu Anran's birthday.

He clicked on the tape recorder, and there was an 8-minute recording in it.

He paused and clicked on the recording.

Afterwards, the two incomparably clear voices in the recording came to everyone's ears, every single word was like falling bricks, hitting their hearts one by one, shattering their three hearts. view.

["But you are innocent, but you can cruelly sell that child to human traffickers like us. It seems that the saying is true, the most poisonous woman's heart..."

"what do you want!"

"500 million!"

Every time a conversation came out, the face of Liu Shu on the side turned pale, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she rushed up like crazy, trying to snatch the phone from Chu Muran's hand.

She even yelled like a shrew: "Give it to me! Close it soon! You close it for me!!!"

However, as if Chu Muran had expected what Liu Shu would do, he raised the phone high in his hand, not only did he not turn off the recording, but the harsh conversation seemed to become more clear, as if lingering in the Everyone's ears are playing the same.

Almost everyone, they couldn't believe that things would be reversed to such an extent!

The seemingly amiable stepmother secretly plotted how to get rid of her husband's and ex-wife's children!
Chu Feng was trembling with anger, a mouthful of old blood seemed to be stuck in his heart, and there was even a sweet smell in his throat...

He raised his finger, pointed tremblingly at Liu Shu who was not far away, and said fiercely: "Liu Shu! I have trusted you so much for so many years, you actually! You actually think about how to make me disappear in this world ! How do you have such a cruel heart!"

Chu Feng's health was not very good in the first place, so many years of constant labor for the Chu family had exhausted his body excessively, and now he suddenly heard such shocking news, he almost lost his footing and fell down!

If it wasn't for the people next to him supporting him, he might really be out of breath!

Liu Shulian's own affairs have been exposed, and the witnesses and physical evidence are all here. She knows that she is finished now, and all the painstaking efforts for so many years have been destroyed in one go.

just a little bit...

Just a little bit, she can get everything!

As long as her Wen Wen can always become the number one, as long as she can always guard the position of Mrs. Chu, as long as the threat of pure Chu Muran can disappear from this world forever...

"What qualifications do you have to say about me!??!"

Liu Shu suddenly burst into tears, as if desperately yelling: "It was me at the beginning! You obviously wanted to marry me! You invested in the Chu family in order to surpass your elder brother! You even abandoned me to marry that bitch Xie Min!" woman!

It's you!

It's you who keep whispering in my ear!Only by becoming the No.1 of the family can you have a bright future!I believe you!I have been waiting for you!still waiting for u!Until I got pregnant with Smell!I actually learned from others that that bitch Xie Min was pregnant long ago!Obviously you failed me!Why do you want me to endure all this!Chu Muran shouldn't have been born, he will only become a stumbling block for Wen Wen to win the first place!He should die! "


A sudden slap stopped Liu Shu's almost screaming accusations!
Everyone's heart was severely stagnant.

looking at that name,

Panting heavily, with tears in the corners of her eyes, she clenched her teeth, like a little girl who would never admit defeat...

Liu Shu's face was full of disbelief. She covered her sore cheek and turned her head to look at the ridiculous Tian Tian.

"You? Why do you hit me? What right do you have to hit me?!"

Tian Tian was trembling with anger, she knew that as an outsider, she was not qualified to get involved in other people's family affairs, and she had no reason to slap Liu Shu instead of anyone else.

But she just did it.

No one can say that about Chu Muran. Of course, it's not because it's Chu Muran that she would be so angry. Today, she would do the same to anyone she doesn't know!

"Liu Shu, everything you did was for yourself, stop making excuses about Chu Xiuwen, and stop using him as your fig leaf! Chu Muran's birth is not up to you to decide, he is God gave Chu Muran a gift to his parents, he is also a child who was held in the palm of his hand, why should you decide how to live this life?"

Tian Tian's voice trembled, but every word and every sentence was so sonorous and powerful.

Her eyes seemed to be filled with turbulent waves, and all the rolling waves were filled with monstrous anger.

Life is worthy of awe, and life is most worth protecting!

Trampling on other people's freedom and destiny, but keep saying all this is because others betrayed her!Why should she pass her miserable life on to others!And why should she enjoy the stable years that should not belong to her!
Liu Shu was speechless, but she still couldn't swallow the breath in her heart. She looked at Tian Tian, ​​and suddenly said with a strange smile on her face: "I know, you like to smell it, but how can you deserve it?" Come to our house to hear it? An orphan girl who came out of nowhere has the face to tell others that she and our family Wenwen are childhood sweethearts...

If your second aunt hadn't knelt down to beg me, do you think you could still study in No. [-] Middle School?I just need to make a phone call, and I can get you and your second aunt out forever! "

(End of this chapter)

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