Every dream is to save the paranoid boss

Chapter 8 8. The girls are here again

Chapter 8 8. The girls are here again

There were no street lights in the countryside in [-], and a few sporadic people would light up lights at the door of their houses to illuminate the way passers-by. There are no street lights, but every household will have a small search light in hand.

Tian Tian walked aggressively into the yard, through the gap between the big iron gate and the ground, it was not difficult to see that the person who came was definitely not alone.

Tian Tian felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't pretend she wasn't there, so she had to cautiously say through the iron gate: "I'm not going to say anything! Don't even think about taking your child away if you don't pay! Pay with one hand and deliver with the other." ! Otherwise, no way!"

Even if this girl brings money, Tian Tian is not afraid.

Today happens to be July [-]st.

A new month has started again.

At worst, he continues to procrastinate!
Seeing that Tian Tian didn't open the door, the people outside seemed to be in a hurry.

At this time, Tian Tian also keenly noticed that there was a rustling sound coming from the woman's side, as if it happened under pushing and shoving.

Immediately, the woman tremblingly said: "Liu Neng, I really beg you, I beg you to give me the child, I brought the money, can you open the door, please, I beg you!"

After finishing speaking, the woman seemed to be pulled a bit, and let out an exclamation.

Tian Tian thought: Could it be that bastard Wang Dahai?He still dares to come?
Before Tian Tian could react, the people outside seemed to be impatient, and started to slap on the iron gate in the yard, and a strange male voice sounded outside the door: "Open the door! I don't care who you are, you put that Hand over the child, don't break the rules of the town for me! Otherwise, we will do it with you!"

This voice is not Wang Haihai's
Town rules?
What do you mean?

The woman outside the door suddenly let out a shrill scream, probably because she was afraid of making noise, her mouth was covered, and she could only whimper continuously, it sounded like a lonely ghost in the mountains, it was creepy of.

Although Tian Tian didn't like this woman very much, she didn't want to just watch her being bullied and tortured here.

After thinking about it, Tian Tian took a deep breath and opened the iron gate in the yard.

At the gate of the dim courtyard, I saw a tall and thin man clutching the woman's neck tightly. The woman's mouth was stuffed with a ball of cloth, she was crying sadly, and her hair was pulled like a chicken. It was a mess like a nest, the clothes were torn and a little tattered, and there were no shoes on the feet.

Tian Tian narrowed her eyes slightly

It is not difficult to find that, except for this tall and thin man, there are all people standing under the tree not far away and at the corner of the path.

Oh shit
This person is too much.
Tian Tian almost couldn't hold the hand holding the butcher's knife.

But in order to be worthy of her strong figure, Tian Tian patted her chest imposingly, stared and shouted: "Who are you! I don't care! I think you are tired of living! You want to die!"

The tall and thin man was taken aback.

Just outside the door, hearing the voice, I thought he was a talkative and honest person.

Who would have thought that a burly man would walk out the moment the door opened!With a hulking back, glaring eyes, and a fierce face, he held a sharp butcher's knife in his hand.

If you look closely, there seems to be dried blood on the butcher's knife.
The tall and thin man swallowed, and took two steps back in fright.

But he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the people next to him, so he bite the bullet and shouted: "I'm asking you this question! Hand over that child to me quickly! Otherwise, you'll have a good time!"

They were also clamoring and uttering harsh words, but the tall and thin man's voice couldn't stop trembling.

He watched Tian Tian's fierce eyes approaching step by step, his eyes turned black with fright, and he subconsciously pushed the woman he was holding out——

(End of this chapter)

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